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winrar sfx comment.txt through batch file


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hello friends;

i am preparing winrar sfx file as portable application through batch file.

and i enter the options of the sfx file by comment.txt

but when i enter "TempMode" into the comment.txt by batch file,

somehow it doesn't extract the files into the temp file. Instead it extracts

the files into the current folder. I don't understand why.

below is my batch.cmd and comment.txt content;

how can i make the sfx file to extract the content into the temp folder ?

=========batch file=========

echo TempMode >> .\comment.txt



;Created By Alberto






As an alternative to this problem i decided to use "path=%temp%" instead of "TempMode".

but this time batch file converts "path=%temp%" to "path=C:\Users\alberto\AppData\Local\Temp"

in the comment.txt

=========batch file=========

echo path=%temp% >> .\comment.txt



;Created By Alberto






how can i make the batch file to write "path=%temp%" in to the comment.txt ?

That is to say, how can i solve TempMode issue at sfx file or path=%temp% issue at batch file ?

please help me about them.

best regards....

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dear Jaclaz; thank you very much for your help

dear Yzöwl; i did as you say and it worked out. :) thanks a lot.

and dear submix8c; i use both win xp and win 7. i also use the latest version of winrar. however there is no such a thing in the help file.

so i think best way is set the path=%temp%.

once again, thank you very much friends.

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