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Taking back the Registry from TrustedInstaller


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Of course it has! :yes:

But since you're at it, one of your wonderful batches to automate fully the operations descrbed in post #30 by fdv, incorporating your idea of using Tasklist, would be really handy, if you can find time for creating it... :angel

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Of course it has! :yes:

But since you're at it, one of your wonderful batches to automate fully the operations descrbed in post #30 by fdv, incorporating your idea of using Tasklist, would be really handy, if you can find time for creating it... :angel

But I have no handy 7 system, so I cannot check if it works, if the strings are correct, etc.

If someone verifies that

tasklist |FIND /i "trustedinstaller"

Finds the taks and roduces the right PID, and which actual name the "Windows Modules Installer" service has, and that the commands:

sc query <name_of_Windows_Modules_Installer>


sc start <name_of_Windows_Modules_Installer>


net start <name_of_Windows_Modules_Installer>



that the output for the running service is similar to this:

sc query wuauserv

SERVICE_NAME: wuauserv




WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)




I guess it can be done allright .


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  • 3 weeks later...

Great find, joakin! Thanks a lot! :thumbup

Yet I do ask myself whether your original solution, although much more complicated, does not, in fact, yield a more complete impersonation of TI... dubbio.gif

Of course, that can only be answered by time and good testing. :yes:

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I think the impersonation is complete, but because of the session separation it is not possible to interact with the process. That was the reason for using tcp/ip for the communication. what is that you can't do, except interacting with a GUI?

The process in my solution originates from a remote thread inside the TI process, and for that reason it should be identical in terms of privs and rights. The other solution is different in that the created and duplicated token has its session id modified, which means you can interact with it directly (including GUI's I presume).

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At first sight both solutions should be equivalent, in most relevant cases, that's true. In any case, the most obvious use is to modify the registry unhampered. And, what's more wonderful is that, when fdv started this thread, we had no solution to the problem, and now, thanks to you, we actually have *two*! :thumbup:

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  • 2 months later...

Based on the previous answers, I've created a batch script which opens a cmd screen under TrustedInstaller.exe. But since TrustedInstaller.exe is running under SYSTEM, I'm not sure how the method gives me the permissions of TrustedInstaller.

The script has been tested in Windows 7 and 8 x86. Instead of injecting "cmd", I inject a batch file which slightly modifies the output, because otherwise the command is returned twice. For example:

C:>@echo test
@echo test

The script uses ncat from nmap.org and Session0Injector. The script expects these dependencies to be located in a subfolder called "deps".

runasti.cmd - Has to be run as administrator

:: Inspired by http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/155910-taking-back-the-registry-from-trustedinstaller/page__st__20#entry993083
:: This is the 32bit version. For 64bits, change Session0Cmd to Session0Cmd_x64
:: Edit this script to execute a shell under any process, replace "trustedinstaller" in FIND with ...

:: Pick a random port between 10000 and 42767 and assume that it's free.
@SET /A PORT=%random% + 10000
@SET Session0Cmd=%~dp0deps\Session0Cmd.exe
@SET NETCAT=%~dp0deps\ncat.exe
@SET EXECUTE=%~dp0init.cmd
@echo off
IF NOT EXIST "%Session0Cmd%" (
echo Session0Injector is required.
echo Get it from http://reboot.pro/files/download/171-payload-execution-tools/
echo Ncat is required.
echo Get it from http://nmap.org/ncat/

echo Starting TrustedInstaller if not started...
SC query "trustedinstaller" | FIND /i "RUNNING" > NUL || NET start TrustedInstaller

SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
echo Getting PID for TrustedInstaller.exe...
FOR /F "tokens=2,3" %%P in ('tasklist ^|FIND /i "trustedinstaller"') DO SET PID=%%P

IF "%PID%"=="" (
echo Pid not found. Cannot continue.
) ELSE (
echo Starting server (logging messages at %%tmp%%\runasti.log
"%Session0Cmd%" %PID% "%NETCAT% -l -p %PORT% -e %EXECUTE%" >> "%tmp%\runasti.log"

echo Connecting server...
"%NETCAT%" localhost %PORT%

init.cmd - This script will be injected in the process, and spawn a new cmd.

:: Set token file. When this file is deleted, all childs should terminate
@set token=%tmp%\ti_shell_%random%
@type nul > "%token%"
@cmd /c ""%~dp0subshell.cmd" token "%token%"" 2>&1
:: The subshell will die for syntax errors. Keep reviving, unless the token file has been deleted.
@if exist "%token%" @goto:keepalive

subshell.cmd - This one processes commands. When a syntax error occurs (e.g. using a pipe as a command), the batch script terminates. That's why I choose to run a main batch process, which start child processes. This behaviour is controlled by a temporary file in %tmp%: When this file is deleted, the main process assumes that the user issued "exit".

@echo off
:: This script should never run without parent
@if not "%~1"=="token" goto:eof
@setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@for /f "tokens=*" %%u in ('whoami') do echo Running as %%u
@set Path=%path%;%~fd0

@if not exist "%~f2" goto:eof
:: Get user input
@set command=
@set /p command=*%cd%^>
:: When command is "exit", delete token file and exit
@if /i "!command:~0,4!"=="exit" del "%~f2" && goto:eof
:: Execute command, and repeat
@for /f "tokens=*" %%C in ('echo %command%') do @%%C




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  • 4 weeks later...

On my windows api journey, I discovered this neat little tool that achieves kind of the same thing, just very differently (and less complicated); http://developex.com/custom-software/devxexec.html

It is based on token duplication and not remote threads as I described.

Devxexec works very well. :thumbup It can launch cmd.exe or regedit.exe as Trusted Installer or as System. I don't really need anything more for my sabotages against the system. :ph34r:


Edited by GrofLuigi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wouldn't the simplest solution be to grant ourselves full privileges under the key:


or whatever the SID of our account is? But one has to figure out first what the format of the key is, or, if brave enough, to copy the registry value from another overprivileged account.

I imagine it as a quick guerilla operation: Change permissions, get in, change value, get out, restore permissions. :ph34r:

What do you guys think about that?


Edited by GrofLuigi
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  • 1 month later...
This is just to provide an update to those of you who don't usually follow things on reboot.pro... Heads up, friends, there's good news!!! :yes:

joakim has kept working on this matter, and has released two very interesting apps there, at the thread: "RunasSystem and RunFromToken".

Thanks joakim, you do rock! :thumbup

Thanks for the tip!

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(just theoretical, haven't tried it yet)

On one of my systems I have this simpel batch on my desktop to get quick access to my special power cmd:

net start trustedinstaller
C:\windows\system32\runassystem_x64 "C:\windows\system32\runfromtoken_x64 trustedinstaller.exe 1 cmd"

With that command shell you have rather extreme control. Now go crazy on your system.

Would this help some more (with any of the tools mentioned):

net start UI0Detect
net start trustedinstaller
C:\windows\system32\runassystem_x64 "C:\windows\system32\runfromtoken_x64 trustedinstaller.exe 1 cmd"


(Don't know about others, but I have set UI0Detect to manual).

And thanks joakim for the tools. :thumbup


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