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Posted (edited)

Just a reminder to all developers reading this thread. This time, WE actually have a choice. Unlike the 90s. It is us, the developers who will make or break Windows 8 locked-in prison Orwellian naming "Marketplace".

Please do not forget it! Each "App" you create in this Orwellian locked-in prison, not only will you give 30% of your profit to Microsoft. You also lose your freedom of controlling your own computers. With each "App" you make in there, you take one step closer to a total a locked-in prison called "Marketplace" where Microsoft dictates EVERYTHING.

Remember, corporations are not charities. They are not here to benefit humanity. They are here to make a profit. No matter what.

If you think they have behaved badly in the past, just wait until they have a total control over your applications. This also applies to Apple and Google, of course.

Don't get too distracted by the gUI changes. They know exactly what they are doing. They are making a distraction in a weaker front to make war on the real side, which is the locked walled prison.

Never ever forget, if you write a WinRT "App", you lose the freedom to copy it to your friend or another PC in your own home. You must ask permission from Microsoft FIRST, the forced to publish it on their Orwellian "store" and THEN if they are kind enough, they may let you use it on your PCs.

For the icing on the cake, they will have full power to remove it from your PCs and everyone elses' PCs if they feel like it.Never say it won't or can't happen, because it can... and it will... http://io9.com/53177...from-the-kindle "Thousands of people last week discovered that Amazon had quietly removed electronic copies of George Orwell's 1984 from their Kindle e-book readers. In the process, Amazon revealed how easy censorship will be in the Kindle age."

It the oldest trick in the book. Keep your eyes open and watch your steps, there be mines out there. :ph34r:

The future if you allow them... dark... and very claustrophobic:


Edited by ciHnoN
Posted (edited)

If you think they have behaved badly in the past, just wait until they have a total control over your applications. This also applies to Apple and Google, of course.

And Sony:


Sony's new console will be "seamlessly interconnected" with your social life, said Mark Cerny, PS4's lead system architect, with such features as the ability to stream video of your gameplay for others to watch. Interaction will generally involve players' real names and profile pictures, except "when anonymity is important". Who decides that is unclear.


But Sony's approach started to sound creepy when Cerny said that PS4 can "can get to know you, and bring you closer to the game and other experiences". What other experiences are these, exactly? And apparently, "if we know enough about you", then Sony can figure out what games you want and they "can be loaded and ready to go before you even click the button".


Sony has decided that on PlayStation Network, we'll reveal our identities

At another level, Sony has decided that PlayStation will become part of what I've called "the great Facebook experiment". And that's the elephant in the room.

Hurra! Soon we will excel all those techno-dystopia movies.

Angry Birds 3 will be only playable after you let Windows 10 analyze your DNA code, which will promptly be send to Bodybook, saved and processed there. If it will find that you're prone to illnesses, that info will be broadcasted to all your friends, to warn them not to spend much time with you and develop stronger bonds.. Your health-care insurance will of course automatically go up. And your spouse will get bombarded with ads for divorce lawyers.

Angry Birds fans and Celltards (the Windows 10 UI) will cheer them up for this, and if you protest any step in the cycle, you will get labeled of being afraid of change! banana.gif

Edited by Formfiller


Preparing for trip, I asked my kids, aged 14 and 11, what electronics they intended to bring with them. My son, the older child, said he would take his laptop—a hand-me-down ThinkPad—as well as his 4th generation iPod touch. “Why not the iPad?” I asked. (He has a hand-me-down iPad as well.) He prefers the iPod touch. There you go.

My daughter would also bring her laptop—and hand-me-down Macbook Air running Windows 7—and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus tablet. “Why not the iPad?” I asked her too. (She also has a hand-me-down iPad, in this case an even older iPad 2.) “Eh. I like the little tablet better.”

So here are my kids, eschewing full-sized iPads for smaller devices, but still bringing along traditional laptops, the latter of which are used for a combination of (school) work and play. Both watched movies on the trip using the laptops, not the devices. Their choice.


SCOOP! :w00t:

Paul Thurrot's kids, 14 and 11, show how they have much more common sense AND understand computers and their use MUCH better than their father!



Posted (edited)
For the icing on the cake, they will have full power to remove it from your PCs and everyone elses' PCs if they feel like it.Never say it won't or can't happen, because it can... and it will... http://io9.com/53177...from-the-kindle "Thousands of people last week discovered that Amazon had quietly removed electronic copies of George Orwell's 1984 from their Kindle e-book readers. In the process, Amazon revealed how easy censorship will be in the Kindle age."

Quite the story! :thumbup Could it possibly get more ironic than that? If you don't mind I'll excerpt it ...

Amazon Secretly Removes “1984” From the Kindle

An uproar followed, with outraged customers pointing out the irony that Amazon was deleting copies of a novel about a fascist media state that constantly alters history by changing digital records of what has happened. Amazon's action flies in the face of what people expect when they purchase a book. Under the "right of first sale" in the U.S., people can do whatever they like with a book after purchasing it, including giving it to a friend or reselling it. There is no option for a bookseller to take that book back once it's sold.

Somehow I missed that one at the time ( 2009 ). Simply amazing!

EDIT: typos, clarity

Edited by CharlotteTheHarlot

More from Scroogled:


Their petition reached over 51 thousand signers. That's really odd, since just a few days ago it was lingering on around 7.000. The sudden surge appears to have happened today (21st February) and yesterday. Just look at the dates of the petitions. The 21ers go on for over 70 pages!

Looks fishy, smells fishy.

Posted (edited)

More from Scroogled:


Their petition reached over 51 thousand signers. That's really odd, since just a few days ago it was lingering on around 7.000. The sudden surge appears to have happened today (21st February) and yesterday. Just look at the dates of the petitions. The 21ers go on for over 70 pages!

Looks fishy, smells fishy.

It looks the petition has been hit by spammers (or a flow of unrelated posts/contacts was added to it by mistake).

Some of the people that signed also left a comment.

Besides the normal "STOP DOING THAT" or "I want my priacy" ones.

Comments like:


besides being apparrently senseless can be however "connected" to the topic of the petition but those like:

stop polavarm save adivasis
Please think of the wider picture, you need her genetic material to strengthen the breed
yes please. they drive me mad!!!!
I think that if in Europe we not save our own wildlife, what hope do we have of persuading the rest of the world to preserve wildlife for future generations.
I'm ready to see all circuses banished...but this is even more appalling then usual. Why hasn't this elephant been apprehended from her cruel owner and given the peaceful life she deserves?? Anyone who goes to see her perform and supports this circus is really condoning her owners cruel treatment of animals
To be using a cull as the solution on a population of less than 300 is disgusting.
We are killing whole nature... what about our sons? Will they ever see wolves, bears, whales and all the other wild animals? Or we have been killed them all?
Because I would love for children and their to see all the animals that roam their country.
Please save Suzi, she can help stop inbreeding problems in Sweden!
I have a whippet cross and been told by my council he has to be muzzled its a disgrace as he is a soft natured as you can get these bureaucrats need to get off there perches and stop thus bsl nonsense it's the deed not the breed

Sound pretty much UNrelated to a privacy issue.

ADDITIONALLY this comment here:

# 53,980


Je ne parle QUE LE FRANCAIS . Pouvez vous m'envoyer les message en francais ? SVP .Merci !

Seem to imply that the signing of the petition has been solicited through (mass) e-mail :w00t::ph34r:

Apparently that user received a message in English and BY REPLYING TO IT signed the petition and her reply was recorded as a comment.

(this is also supported by quite a few comments like "I didn't know that .... ", "I am surprised that ...." and similar, this is what you write immediately after having knowledge of something, like after receiving an e-mail pointing you to the petition site)


Edited by jaclaz
SCOOP! :w00t:

Paul Thurrot's kids, 14 and 11, show how they have much more common sense AND understand computers and their use MUCH better than their father!



Yep! Check out this later exchange of 3 comments, including Thurrott himself ...

Commenter ... As you indicate in your article, the Surface Pro is too much of a compromise. Too weak to be a 'real' PC, to heavy to be a 'real' tablet, too small to be a 'real' laptop.

Tablets are consumption devices. For that purpose, a $200 Galaxy Tab is as good as the iPad, more portable than the Surface Pro

PCs are for real work at the place where you normally work. I just ordered parts for a new PC. 2TB hard drive, 32GB RAM, some multi-threaded uber processor that is very fast, 23" monitor, etc, all for less than the price of a Surface Pro.

That leaves one category for the Surface Pro, that occupied by the traditional laptop. And I am not sure that for the price I would choose a Pro over any other smaller traditional laptop at half the price.

Commenter ... Maybe your kids have it right: A thin and light laptop along with a smallish tablet. Then you truly have the best of both worlds: a laptop for keyboarding and the smallish tablet for everything else. Something to think about anyway.

Do you suppose Microsoft is working on a smaller tablet device?

Thurrott ... Yes, Microsoft CFO Peter Klein recently hinted as much.

And yes, I think the kids are on to something. Speaking for myself, I sort of like the separation of church and state (work and play), where my laptop is "clean" (i.e. for work purposes only) and my entertainment is elsewhere.

I think they call that "a moment of clarity". He has described the antithesis of the cynical Microsoft Plan A Windows 8 OS unification.

Does he even understand that he just admitted we have all been right from the git go and he has been wrong? :whistle:


And yes, I think the kids are on to something. Speaking for myself, I sort of like the separation of church and state (work and play), where my laptop is "clean" (i.e. for work purposes only) and my entertainment is elsewhere.

I think they call that "a moment of clarity". He has described the antithesis of the cynical Microsoft Plan A Windows 8 OS unification.

Does he even understand that he just admitted we have all been right from the git go and he has been wrong? :whistle:

Yes and no.

Meaning he is doing hardware device "separation", in his (perverted) mind he wishes to have (and senselessly suggest people to have) :

  1. a home PC (running Windows 8) <- only for work at home
  2. a notebook (running Windows 8)<- only for work on the move
  3. a surface RT (running Windows 8 RT) <- because of the superior battery life, for play on the move
  4. a surface Pro (running Windows 8) <- because it has battery life that sucks but has both touch and keyboard so you can use mixed/mode input and use it both for work and play
  5. a (nonexisting yet) smallish tablet (running Windows 8 RT) <- because of the superior battery life and being more practical (as an example to senselssly chat while boarding the plane) only for play
  6. a smaller smartphone (running Window 8 Phone) <-because none of the above have decent use as a telephone, and only for work
  7. another smartphone (running Window 8 Phone) <-as the above but only for play

Then (i.e. if people will be SO gullible and rich enough to afford all these) he will be able to say "See, you can see the advantage of a single interface common to all of these...." :whistle:

I can see Paul in the morning, right after shaving himself, choose both the tie suited to the shirt he puts on and right after choosing the device(s) he will carry with him during the day.

Same goes when preparing his suitcase (where I am gonna go? To a business meeting in another town):


I 'll take my notebook because it is business and I will surely found a place in the meeting to plug it in the mains, or no, maybe it's better the Surface Pro, the flight is only 1 1/2 hours, and it is more practical on the plane, hmmm, I'll take both with me.

Wait, what if I want to play a bit? Better take also the Surface RT also.

Then I will get my "business" Nokia Lumia.

Wait, what if the thing is boring and I want to play a Ruzzle or two? Better bring also the "smaller tablet", it is unconspicuous enough but has a larger screen than the Lumia....


Posted (edited)

ADDITIONALLY this comment here:

# 53,980


Je ne parle QUE LE FRANCAIS . Pouvez vous m'envoyer les message en francais ? SVP .Merci !

Seem to imply that the signing of the petition has been solicited through (mass) e-mail :w00t::ph34r:

Apparently that user received a message in English and BY REPLYING TO IT signed the petition and her reply was recorded as a comment.

(this is also supported by quite a few comments like "I didn't know that .... ", "I am surprised that ...." and similar, this is what you write immediately after having knowledge of something, like after receiving an e-mail pointing you to the petition site)


So, there is the possibility that Microsoft, or some agency working for them, has spammed people to fill-up this petiton? If yes, then they are insane. Certifiably.

Google could turn this campaign completely on its head and it would be a total massacre for MS.


Edited by Formfiller

So, there is the possibility that Microsoft, or some agency working for them, has spammed people to fill-up this petiton? If yes, then they are insane. Certifiably.

Google could turn this campaign completely on its head and it would be a total massacre for MS.

Indeed, considering Google is not a tech company but an advertising corporation. They could butcher Microsoft in days.

Posted (edited)

LOL! Another 10.000 have been added to this petition (within the last few hours)

It's at over 62.000 now.

Come on! They have lost all marbles.

Edited by Formfiller
Posted (edited)

And it must be some kind of "animalists" mailing list:

# 62,511

arrêté le massacre des animaux

# 62,280

Help the animals!!!! Now..

# 62,122

Abuse is ABUSE no matter animals or children , nor adults .YOU JUST DON'T DO IT

# 61,954

Soyons humain !! On ressent la douleur tout comme les animaux. Ne reproduisons pas les erreurs, d'autre alternative existe !! La science avance alors pourquoi pas sur ce point ?! Ne soyons pas les nazies de la science !

# 61,848

Temos o dever de ajuda-la, mesmo que indiretamente, é uma vida, e esta precisa ser respeitada, libertem Tania, para que a mesma possa ter dignidade

# 61,710

wild animals in their native habitats if you want to help please do the same as me

# 61,600

Molte persone sensibili soffrono difronte alla sofferenza degli animali e la crudeltà' operata verso essi

# 61,578

elephants are pack animals and should not be used for entertainment. Please find a good santuary for this elephant who has been in captiity far to long

The possible reference must be:


BUT not only.

It is possible that some joking guy made a game or a flash thingy linking to it:

# 61,727

This game is absolute genius!


And ANOTHER SCOOP! :thumbup

# 60,859

07:50, Feb 21, Ms. Laurette Lynch, NY

I had no idea of such invasive activities by Google! It better stop fast or perhaps the U.S. attorney general might have to get involved. It is disgusting to know how low these 'providers' have fallen.

# 60,759

07:48, Feb 21, Mr. Michael Gannon, NY

I had no idea of such invasive activities by Google! It better stop fast or perhaps the U.S. attorney general might have to get involved. It is disgusting to know how low these 'providers' have fallen.

Anyone going to calculate probabilities that two different people in NY will think, write and post in 2 minutes timeframe this same EXACT sentence? :angel


Edited by jaclaz
Posted (edited)

These are automated bots guys. Probably spam bots. I got a private, pretty big website (top visitor count, 19.000 unique in one day) and from time to time I get a ton of these. I do ban the IP numbers, however. Otherwise they will continue to post almost non stop.

Does not mean what Microsoft is using (and that petition website) is not a joke though. *lol*

EDIT: These are new kinds of bots. They reply to the article with somewhat related material. Sometimes they copy from other sources. A bit creepy and odd.

Edited by ciHnoN
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