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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Antonino said:


I hope ur findings are correttamente, 20x is like greased lightning!

Thats because my CPU has 20 cores :)

But interesting is that over 8 simultaneous treads speed remain the same. 8GB wim image file i have installed in a minute. :cheerleader:

Edited by dimo70

Posted (edited)

Antonino, not more than 4-5 pc or noutbooks, but can do it very fast now. That is the important thing.

I was used a tools with wimlib, but the speed is much slower, about 5-6 times slower.

Edited by dimo70

JFX, do you have more options, that can be used in main .ini file?

I searched help file but there is no such options there.

1 hour ago, dimo70 said:

JFX, do you have more options, that can be used in main .ini file?

There are all the GUI options you can save with CTRL+S and the 26 hidden option mentioned in the WinNTSetup.ini.txt.
Do you need anything in particular?


1 hour ago, 547207991 said:

怎么下载?:p H34R:

Links are on the first page, do you need another mirror?

On 1/31/2011 at 1:49 PM, JFX said:

Hi, there is a need to set letter S for boot and W for Windows partitions in WinNTSetup via command line. How can i do this?

I prepair disk with diskpart script and assign letter S and W. Need to put them automatically in WinNTSetup.

Posted (edited)

Yes, you can specific the drives with letter:

WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -syspart:S: -tempdrive:W:

or with drive and partition number

WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -syspart:HDD1:1 -tempdrive:HDD1:4

Eventually you will need a timeout after diskpart to have drive letter available on system.

ping -n 2 > nul


Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)

interesting point, jfx, may I take it as a hint? well I will try to explain to u what I would like to do. I would like to tell winntsetup to write C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET to d:\Microsoft.NET, c:\windows\assembly to d:\assembly, c:\windows\system32\driverstore to d:\driverstore. can it be done? if yes, how to?

Edited by Antonino

No, WinNTSetup only applies to one partition. What you are looking for is mklink.
Move C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET to d:\Microsoft.NET than create symlink or junction.

Posted (edited)

thanks jfx, I already knew the junction trick and I extensively use it. I was wondering if the above folders could be made special folders as anywhere-locatable as, say, documents, pictures, sendto, startmenu, so as to move them wherever one pleased. between u and me and anyone concerned, it would be wonderful to treat any folder like that if the stuff in it is not involved in the booting to the extent that the system demands that it be in c:\ . don't forget that my participation in the reduction of windows by wimboot and winntsetup started from my provocative assumption whereby windows is whatever must reside on c:\ in order for the os to boot and reach the interface + whatever else, which should preferably reside anywhere other than c:\ ; the more portables we have instead of installable software, the neater and simpler the system. my vhd's are the same over months or years, they dont get clogged with installed stuff - whatever was once the prerogative of the mac and linux is now possible with windows as well thanks to a few of u. that is why i insist that miniwin is not a curiosity, but some more efficient form of os to be seriously taken into consideration even if ur hardware can fit more stuff for an os - that saved space could be used for more substantial stuff than a bloated os.

Edited by Antonino

JFX, thanks. My russion friend and I made a PECMD script with 3 steps. First step chose and apply diskpart script from list. Shots below.

Second step pick up wim file. And third step transfer wim file, boot and windows partion automaticaly in the WinNTSetup.

At now it is in russion language only, but i will make in english too. Can I public it here than?




On 7/20/2023 at 10:48 AM, dimo70 said:

At now it is in russion language only, but i will make in english too. Can I public it here than?

Sure, please share, when ready.

On 7/23/2023 at 1:57 PM, Google2023 said:

Refs 3.10?

Is there any problem? You need at least build 25324 as host and source to install.

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