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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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Too desperate today I didn't try but will try more tomorrow after 1 day rest :-)


Thanks again for all.





Then when I plug the external HDD on the other computer it loads windows and automatically restarts in a loop showing me the page where you can select SAFE MODE. It doesn't continue the windows install.

Actually there is not really-really a "Windows install".

The whole point about the method by fujianabc that this tool automates/betters/etc. is that the Windows is not "installed" (i.e. "setup.exe" is not used) but rather a "generic/generalized" image is deployed.

What happens if you actually choose "Safe Mode"? :unsure:

Does it continu to boot, does it freese, do you have (say ) a STOP ERROR, etc.?


At first sight it seems like a driver or configuration issue of some kind.


Describe your setup/environment  and the actual hardware involved. (EXACTLY) including how you partitioned/formatted the hard disk.

Check that the port to which you connect the USB hard disk are USB 2.0 (and not USB 3.0).

Re-run the tool and just before clicking the "Setup" button press CTRL+s, which saves the settings to a WinntSetup.ini file and attach the file so that we can check which settings you chose.




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I selected the same as the external had disk on which I want to install windows 7, is it ok ?


Then when I plug the external HDD on the other computer it loads windows and automatically restarts

Did you set at WinNTSetup:

Enable native USB Boot of Windows 7 ?

Which hardware do you use? Do you use a USB2.0 port?

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Anyone use this to run Windows 8.1 To Go / WTG 8.1 off a Native boot VHD? 


I seem to be reading about WTG Creator which on a genuine W8 Enterprise creates a separate W8 Disk (typically USB device/drive) (or if it can be mapped to a VHD). 
Is it possible to take an existing W8 Enterprise Installation and convert it to a WTG on a VHD? 
I am wondering what steps would apply?
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Once again Thanks to you for your GREAT tool. Every new version has new features.

I just downloaded your last version 3.85b1, and let it download needed files running it from Win7X64 SP-1, I have some questions:

It looks there is no need anymore to start these way "WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -compact" as without it now I see all options just selecting Mode.

1.- Is that right?

If I select Win10 install.esd and select Mode some option are available: Wimboot Marked RED, Compact: XPRESS 4K marked GREEN, all other XPRESS options marked YELLOW

2.- I assume RED is DON'T DO IT, GREEN is OK TO DO IT, and Whats the meaning of YELLOW?,  Is it you can do it, but it is not recommended?

If I select Win8.1u1 install.esd or install.wim (I have one ISO who has .esd and another who has .wim) and selecting Mode all options are RED

3.- Why? I know this version is at least wimboot capable.

If I select Win7 install.wim and selecting Mode all option are RED.

4.- Do I need to do something else to have this options available?


5.- Does color code has another meaning and not the one I think?

Best Regards

Edited by alacran
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Anyone use this to run Windows 8.1 To Go / WTG 8.1 off a Native boot VHD? 

Yes, I used WinNTSetup to install 8.1 to a VHD (don't remember all the details (relearn when I do 10)). I keep a VHDa to use / update, and a VHDb to boot to for when I want to back up VHDa (both on my HDD).

One issue is that VHDa keeps growing in size -- by GBs. I don't know the cause of these huge increases as recovery images have been disabled. And hard to imagine that normal MS updates are adding this data. Will hopefully figure this out when I do 10.

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1) Yes, Wimboot doesn't work with esd files


2) Green is fully supported, Red means it will not work

    Yellow means it's not supported by Microsoft, but should work with WofADK and exclusion list

    of WimBootCompress.ini inside the Tools folder


3) If your Win8.1u1.wim is not located on NTFS drive wimboot is not possible.

    Compact is currently still red, cause I still want to check Win8.1 more,

    maybe there are conflicts with the older wof driver of it's own.


4) Win7 option will be yellow in next beta, forgot one check that exclude it.

Edited by JFX
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I'm away from home at the moment - I've got internet access, but no systems to test anything on.

I like to try and understand what tools do before using them and have a few questions - more about the wofadk.sys driver at this stage than WinNTSetup. Apologies if this is offtopic.

Post #1192 mentions -

reattach Wof(ADK) after bootsect volume dismount

And a post of yours on the wimlib sourceforge site (here) -

There is a new driver in the Windows 10 ADK called "WofADK".

After starting and attaching it to the destination volume,

wimlib can apply in wimboot and compact mode on Windows 7 and 8.x, too.

Any advice on using the wofadk.sys driver in WinPE 3.* to apply in wimboot/compact mode? I've tried adding the registy settings in post #1235 to my offline WinPE (with start=0 and AutoAttach=1) - when I booted WinPE and attempted to use wimlib-imagex to apply my .wim image I received the following error(s) -

Applying image 1 ("32-bit Windows 8.1 Enterprise (wimboot)") from "I:\wimboot_x8

6.wim" to directory "I:\"

[WARNING] FSCTL_SET_EXTERNAL_BACKING failed (err=1314); data was 48 bytes:



[WARNING] Retrying after 100ms...

[WARNING] FSCTL_SET_EXTERNAL_BACKING failed (err=1314); data was 48 bytes:



[WARNING] Retrying after 100ms...

[WARNING] FSCTL_SET_EXTERNAL_BACKING failed (err=1314); data was 48 bytes:



[WARNING] Retrying after 100ms...

[WARNING] FSCTL_SET_EXTERNAL_BACKING failed (err=1314); data was 48 bytes:



[WARNING] Too many retries; returning failure

[ERROR] "I:\\BOOTNXT": Couldn't set WIMBoot pointer data (err=1314): A required

privilege is not held by the client

ERROR: Exiting with error code 75:

Failed to set WIMBoot pointer data.

You appear to have used the wofadk driver in conjunction with wimlib - any advice?



P.s. looking at the list of supported features WinNTSetup looks like a great tool. Porting wimboot to Windows 7 is impressive work - well done.

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Hi misty,


that error comes from the missing "SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_PRIVILEGE" privilege.


Wonder why I have that privilege enabled by default on my main PC. :ph34r:

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...that error comes from the missing "SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_PRIVILEGE" privilege...

Thanks for the response JFX. I was running wimlib-imagex on a custom WinPE 3.1 build - more specifically a customised boot.wim from a Windows 7 SP1 iso.

Will try again when I get the chance with a basic WinPE 3.1 WAIK build with just wofadk.sys and the following registry settings added -

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\WofAdk]"DebugFlags"=dword:00000000"DependOnService"=hex(7):46,00,6c,00,74,00,4d,00,67,00,72,00,00,00,00,00"Discription"="WofAdk Mini-Filter Driver""DisplayName"="WofAdk""ErrorControl"=dword:00000001"Group"="FSFilter Compression""ImagePath"=hex(2):5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00,\ 74,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,64,00,72,\ 00,69,00,76,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,5c,00,57,00,6f,00,66,00,41,00,64,00,6b,00,\ 2e,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,00,00"AutoAttach"=dword:00000001"Start"=dword:00000000"SupportedFeatures"=dword:00000003"Tag"=dword:00000002"Type"=dword:00000002[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\WofAdk\Instances]"DefaultInstance"="WofAdk Instance"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\WofAdk\Instances\WofAdk Instance]"Altitude"="40730""Flags"=dword:00000000


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Anyone use this to run Windows 8.1 To Go / WTG 8.1 off a Native boot VHD? 

Yes, I used WinNTSetup to install 8.1 to a VHD (don't remember all the details (relearn when I do 10)). I keep a VHDa to use / update, and a VHDb to boot to for when I want to back up VHDa (both on my HDD).

One issue is that VHDa keeps growing in size -- by GBs. I don't know the cause of these huge increases as recovery images have been disabled. And hard to imagine that normal MS updates are adding this data. Will hopefully figure this out when I do 10.


That is my goal as well -  To use VHDa - primary use and find some way to backup VHDa - maybe by booting into utility VHD - VHDb like yours) - Are you using VHDX or .VHD? 

So did you install to VHD using 8.1 Enterprise or Pro? What kind of license? Inbox PM Me if you want. 


Please do share your steps / experience. 



Anyone use this to run Windows 8.1 To Go / WTG 8.1 off a Native boot VHD? 


I seem to be reading about WTG Creator which on a genuine W8 Enterprise creates a separate W8 Disk (typically USB device/drive) (or if it can be mapped to a VHD). 
Is it possible to take an existing W8 Enterprise Installation and convert it to a WTG on a VHD? 
I am wondering what steps would apply?


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Okay, beta 2 is out, with a lot of bugfixes.


I also updated the SFXCreator for the ones who prefer to package the program to a single 7z exe.


Once again thanks JFK, it is working great, I tested it in my 7SP1x86 PC and made 2 Compact 8K installs to VHD's one is 7SP1x64 and the other is 10x64, both working fine.


Only thing I notice is my source has to be .wim, If an .esd is the source, I can make a normal install, but selecting Compact install (any K option) your tool seems to start deploying and aborts.


Best Regards

Edited by alacran
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This is the best tool I know. I use it when I install 8.1 or 10 to my hard drive. except....

I found that 10 isn`t working. it spits error that the device is not ready. But the important thing is I made my driver ready.

I want to install windows 10 using winntsetup.

Please someone help me!!

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