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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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i gather we are talking of an ini file other than sample.ini, or else, some other "strings" to integrate sample.ini with.

I also had jfx tell me to write some RemoveAppx.ini to contain all this, but I do not know if I should use it instead of sample.ini, together with sample.ini in the same subfolder, or someplace else.


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42 minutes ago, Virgus said:

Is it already available ? In case affirmative, what is the correct syntax ?

Seems, I missed adding this to the F1 Help, there is a -dism: switch taking a file name relative to the DISM folder

WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -dism:Sample.ini


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37 minutes ago, Antonino said:

I also had jfx tell me to write some RemoveAppx.ini to contain all this, but I do not know if I should use it instead of sample.ini, together with sample.ini in the same subfolder, or someplace else.

Yes, create your own RemoveAppx.ini inside DISM folder. Sample.ini is just an example how the .ini it should be formatted.

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so when I creeate removeappx.ini, I might as well get rid of sample.ini. I just copy the content from sample to removeappx, right? but to get an overall grasp of the thing, whatever I call an ini file here in the dism subfolder and point to it from the dism slot in the tool mask, it would be processed anyway. I probably have to select one ini, so the inis are mutually exclusive, is this correct? and all in all, do u have any more "harmless", "safe", strings to suggest so we get rid of more things that we do not need, or do we have to go by trial and error on our own? it would be more constructive if each of us told the world here what not to delete lest software x, y and/or z should not work, so we can have a meaningful databank. what do u think of it?



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Yes, sample.ini is just there to give you an idea of the feature, you supposed to create your own *.ini file based on it.

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for instance, has anyone tried deleting any systemapps to see what happens? I don't know, let's say, another useful thing that I can think of is the different files that guarantee the functioning of ethernet as opposed to the different files that gurarantee the functioning and config of wifi. me I have produced a generous accounting of the nvidia kinda thing. another initiative, probably from someone having ati instead, would be to give all the info possible concerning the minimal dll contribution to have graphic acceleration with ati, as i did with nvidia. I venture to think that miniwin is not to be considered a mere curiosity, but a working os in its own right (at least from a functional point of view), provided one knows what one wants from an os. me, I think i do.

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Another thing I often do when dealing with system32 and syswow64 dlls, is to keep a software-differenced dll bank that I have "set up" thanks to process explorer. when some software so dear to me happens to fail to work on account of a too radical deletion, I run it on a deletion-free system it still works on and while still open, I run process explorer to see what dlls have potentially guaranteed its working. process explorer lets me draw a list of them which i turn int a batch or cmd file that copies all dlls concerned to a folder that I distinctly name and keep, integrate the "chopped" system by copying the dlls to the system32 and/or syswow64 folders without overwriting, and the software concerned resumes working 99% of the times. I think this info would help some other one of us who will have been through "the same movie" another day.   

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On 7/5/2023 at 7:50 PM, JFX said:

Seems, I missed adding this to the F1 Help, there is a -dism: switch taking a file name relative to the DISM folder

WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -dism:Sample.ini


That's great, I'll extend my scripts with the "new" dism options.

Thanks for your prompt reply and talk to you  soon.


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JFX, thanx for great tool! I have seen the speed of expanding wim and esd is much more hier than if use wimlib for applying images. Is there any trick to reach hiest speed?

i saw x4 and x6 after the process of applying. What this digits mean?

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38 minutes ago, dimo70 said:

i saw x4 and x6 after the process of applying. What this digits mean?

That's the thread count used by wimgapi.
See WinNTSetup.ini.txt, by default if uses half of CPU physical cores.

You can uses this with imagex.exe or DISM.exe, too.

set WIM_FileData_Number_Workers=8
Imagex /apply ...


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19 minutes ago, Antonino said:

U moght as well leave sample.ini and modify it instead of creating another 1.

Antonino, you mean i need to write down this one as is:

set WIM_FileData_Number_Workers=8

Imagex /apply ...

in sample.ini file?


or i dont understand ...

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No, I mean you can use multi threaded WIM apply also with image.exe or DISM.exe on command prompt
by just setting WIM_FileData_Number_Workers environment variable.

WinNTSetup will load an existing WinNTSetup.ini on start.
This .ini can be loaded or saved with Ctrl + L and CTRL + S hotkey and holds most GUI settings.

WinNTSetup.ini.txt describes hidden feature than can be added to WinNTSetup.ini.




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JFX, this means WinNTSetup by default uses multithread fitures?


I insert  "UseMultiCore=1" in the [options] of file WinNTSetup.ini and when start setting up Windows 10 it shows 20x :cool:

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