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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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yes, there is one, provided ur disk or vhd has enough space for the initial installation proper, as it is impossible to compact while installing. if the space is insufficient, then winntsetup will warn you that the installation cannot proceed. if u do not get any warning when u click the setup button, then u can proceed to insert an lzx universal command (compact /c /s /a /i /exe:lzx "i:\*") in the last slot of the setup window to run on an ex-post-facto basis, as the compacting procedure can only take place after the system is installed. to be on the safe side I suggest u should have at least 10gb free to start it all, then u can install and compact and if u r good enough to reduce the system, u can reach as little as 1 to 1.5gb used disk space. with 400megs slack space, u must be good to go. 

Edited by Antonino
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the i:\ in the above example is of course the letter indicating the drive the system is being installed to. i do not know which 1 urs is in ur specific case.


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1 minute ago, Antonino said:

the i:\ in the above example is of course the letter indicating the drive the system is being installed to. i do not know what urs is in ur specific case.


yes, i see

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the feature u were asking about is not inside the tool, sorry for not being any clearer, my fault, it is a .bat that I have somewhere on my hd and I used this slot only to make the tool point to it on a post-install basis.

as for the reg file u r asking about now, there are plenty of them in the miniwin section of the tool, these are definitely integrated in the tool, along with a lot of .txt files which list all things to take out and can be found in the remove subfolder. u would be better off perusing each of them lest u should take out things that u would have needed. I also suggest that u should write a .txt of ur own listing all files that u want in. u can name the file whatever u like (mine is my software.txt). it contains all paths to files u want in. all paths are precedee by ! , which will have the highest processing priority (the file on the path will not be deleted if the path is preceded by !, which acts as a ; and has the highest priority. I keep this kind of file mainly to prevent the tool from deleting the files listed. as long as a txt file is in the remove directory and contains paths to files, it will be processed. 

so, u will find 3 types of beginning of lines in the txt scripts:

1. \blablabla\ ...

2. ;\blablabla\...

3. !\blablabla\...

if the same file is concerned it will be deleted as 1 dictates, and 2 can do nothing, unless the tool finds a 3, which will be looking for at the outset to be sure. without 3, the file would be lost and gone by operation 1, and 2 can do nothing to prevent the deletion. if operation 2 is ahead of operation 1, the files will not be deleted; to be on the safest side, u put type 3 instructions in ur txt and those files will be safe. 

if something is still unclear to u, do not hesitate to ask any further.

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17 hours ago, Antonino said:

yes, there is one, provided ur disk or vhd has enough space for the initial installation proper, as it is impossible to compact while installing.

:blink: Using mode Compact:XPRESS*K or LZX do compress while extracting the WIM file. Free space check is disabled for these modes.

However to survive setup, tweaks like pagefile and hibernate removal might be necessary. 
Using DISM option to remove APPX will also save a lot space.

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Tx 4 ur reply. Pls tell me how i can practically enable these features that seem very useful. As this is the 1st time i have learned of them, my post envisaged that one installs and then points to an lzx.bat. if u tell me how, from now on, i can use the tool to do these things, i would pretty much appreciate it. Tx in advance.

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Sorry JFX, I now know what u mean, I think I have found both options that u mentioned, and it is a pity I haven't implemented them so far. better late than never. Wonderful advice anyway, i figure, in a bit to confirm.

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well, attaboy jfx, I can only confirm ur advice has proven right!!! could u think of some appx that still want deleting or would that be preposterous? the only caveat I can think of, just if I wanna be a stickler, is that the space warning sign still appears (even with the compact config, unless u give it some 5gb, but that is just a detail compared to my most recent discovery. Keep it up and brief us all the more often!



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You can edit DISM\Sample.ini or better create your own lets say RemoveAppx.ini.

Remove the netfx3 under [EnableFeature], as it takes some space.
After using DISM option with WinNTSetup, a list of APPX packages the are not removed.

Dism /Image:X:\ /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages

Add what you want to be removed under [RemoveAPPX] of your ini.

As for space warning, only compact:none has one

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Dearest @JFX,

thanks to @Antonino I just discovered the DISM feature you announced in comment #1239750 which I missed at the time.

I use command line parameters extensively but, in the instructions in the first post, I couldn't find a parameter to specify a custom DISM config.ini file, like it's already possible for many others WinNTSetup settings.

Is it already available ? In case affirmative, what is the correct syntax ?

Thanks for this amazing tool,


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