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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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I used WinNTSetup 2.3 Alpha 4.

"winimage.exe - Application Error

The instruction at 0x7607B515 referenced memory at 0x73254228. The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0xc000007f"

Right after this error, I tested the previous W8 version (CP), it installs without problems. Very strange.

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Indeed strange.

"I/O error status of 0xc000007f" sounds more that something on your system is broken (RAM, DISK or even some system file)

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I guess I'll have to do some "manual" testing with imagex/dism? But I'm not very experienced with these tools (that's why I like WinNTSetup so much!!).

Maybe somebody can give me some hints how I can put the image on the C: drive directly from the install.wim?

JFX, you suspected RAM, Disk or system file:

- RAM: The testsystem has only 512mb. Never had any memory errors, but of course the low amount of RAM could be a probelem in itself. However, I've never had any RAM problems on this system with XP, W7 or W8CP!

- System: I'm using WinPE_SE for these tests. I *did* have some memory-related problems with that once, don't remember exactly what they were. So low amount of RAM could very well be the problem (still, why no probelems with W8CP then?)

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So low amount of RAM could very well be the problem (still, why no probelems with W8CP then?)

I could reproduce it in a VM with 256 MB RAM :yes:

Well Microsoft :ph34r: is to blame: wimgapi causes an appcrash instead of a nice and clear error message.

Interesting: To apply the new release preview wim's much more RAM is required (~80MB vs. 49MB Consumer Preview)

You maybe could solve your problem with a pagefile.


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JFX: Thanks for solving the problem!!

Just before reading your answer, I ran a test from "plain old" XP (no PE, but HD install), that went OK. For a moment, I thought the problem was the Wimindex (there's two images in the new Install.wim: "Windows 8" and "Windows 8 Release Preview"). But as we know now, that wasn't the problem. XP had no RAM problems because it can use a pagefile, as you also said.

Having a pagefile in WinPE_SE is not a very "clean" solution, now is it? Isn't the "purpose" (or at least: beauty) of a PE system that it runs independent of the harddisk?

So then the only solution would be adding more RAM, I guess. Or the conclusion that the combo WinPE_SE + WinNTSetup + Windows 8 Release Preview can't be done with 512mb. Do you think it would be practical to add a memory check in WinNTSetup? (If only to avoid this nasty appcrash? You don't want your app to look bad, when Microsoft is to blame?)

OK, one last thing: Is there no way to use the "Consumer Preview" apply method (~49mb) with the new "Release Preview"? (Guess not...)



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OK, a little addendum to my last post:

I said that the PE system shouldn't rely on the harddisk, but of course, that's not the right way of thinking: Because before starting WinNTSetup, I already have a formatted C:\ drive ready! So I can make a small pagefile on the C: drive!

Now I only need a way to create the pagefile in a script, I never did that before so that will need some more work, but I believe all this could work beautifully!


Aargh... so close... :

wmic computersystem where name="win7pese" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False

wmic pagefileset create name="C:\pagefile.sys" (NOTE single backslash)

wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=100,MaximumSize=100 (NOTE the double backslashes)

... this "almost" works, except it needs a reboot (of course, that's not possible in WinPE).

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So then the only solution would be adding more RAM, I guess. Or the conclusion that the combo WinPE_SE + WinNTSetup + Windows 8 Release Preview can't be done with 512mb. Do you think it would be practical to add a memory check in WinNTSetup? (If only to avoid this nasty appcrash? You don't want your app to look bad, when Microsoft is to blame?)

Well, not sure if installing windows 8 on an old system with only 512MB RAM, will be much fun.

But you right I should avoid this. Guess memory check and creating pagefile on installation drive will be the right solution.

Just need to figure out how to use the API

OK, one last thing: Is there no way to use the "Consumer Preview" apply method (~49mb) with the new "Release Preview"? (Guess not...)

No, that's not possible.


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Well, using Windows 8 on a 512 mb system might not be very common, but it can be done. If you're fed up with dealing with the "problems" I keep bringing up, PLEASE say so (I was kind of waiting for that already, but you just keep on being so polite and nice!).

It all depends on how you install your complete system, I guess. After installing XP/W7/W8, I turn off/delete most unnecessary stuff, and only keep the bare essentials needed for running a business oriented system. On my test system (HP nc6320, 1,66ghz Intel Core2 T5500, 512mb), Windows 7 runs beautifully, and Windows 8 even leaves more RAM free! So when you say "it's not much fun", you may be right, but it IS "much business"!

I use a "postinstall" system (fully unattended, of course) to install all my applications and settings, and as an example, you cannot even tell XP/W7/W8 apart from a distance, beacuse they all have just a blue, empty desktop greeting you after it's done. I hardly even use the startmenu, all apps and settings are available from a (boring) big window full of (categorized) buttons, like a poor man's metro interface! :no::lol:

It would be perfect if (in WinNTSetup) you could create a pagefile on the install drive prior to applying the image, but I really couldn't ask that from you! I even wonder myself if it's worth the trouble. With my limited skills, the best I came up so far is an Autohotkey script to call up the Virtual Memory dialog. That way, the only thing left to do manually is to click "OK", and then start WinNTSetup with Windows 8 (ctrl-sh-8 on my Win7PESE system).

But of course, if you DO decide to build it, I would be one happy customer! Would it be necessary to delete the temporary pagefile from the install drive? Would it be problematic for the new W8 installation if there's already an existing pagefile.sys on C:\?

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Well no problem, I want WinNTSetup as perfect as possible ;)

Just noticed that the normal setup.exe also creates a pagefile: winpepge.sys

I try to add similar next week.


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Would it be necessary to delete the temporary pagefile from the install drive? Would it be problematic for the new W8 installation if there's already an existing pagefile.sys on C:\?

Well a used pagefile can't be deleted without reboot and during setup the new system will overwrite it.

Existing pagefile should not be problem but it's preferable to format the partition before install.

Was just about 30 lines of code, Alpha 5 uploaded.


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That is pretty amazing. I don't know how to begin to thank you.

This kind of support is just baffling....

Did a quick test (512mb RAM, Win7PE_SE from USB, format C: with diskmgmt, WinNTSetup 2.3 Alpha 5, W8RP): WORKS!

[Edit: I can confirm that the pagefile, introduced in Alpha 5, was in fact created on C:).

Thank you, sir! :w00t:

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I want WinNTSetup as perfect as possible ;)
It's already pretty perfect. There's only cosmetic things left: I would really like the "Setup" button to have focus on startup (also, the "OK" button in the next "Ready?" dialog).

(Hey, I KNOW I'm nitpicking here, but as I said, the program itself already IS perfect, and seeing as there's no recent activity in this thread in the last week, I thought I'd squeeze in this last request before WinNTSetup 2.3 goes out of Alpha stage).

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If we already are in cosmetics shop.. then I found few more things that could be better,.. or logical:

Location of Bootdrive and Installationdrive edit boxes.. why are they so **** long if only 2 characters go into them? Could there just be a short, available letter selection box instead?

Location of install.wim, Right-click to select an ISO file... I right-clicked, selected my ISO, but nothing appeared in that box. So I still had to extract the ISO and navigate to install.wim. I think this problem may require more than just makeup, a plastic surgery perhaps.

Also, in your first post, with download links. Could you write the correct, full app version number above the dl links?

Thank you!

(P.S. Why is D A M N censored out in this forum? :huh: )

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Your right, is more stable then expected. I focused the buttons in Beta 1.


I think the size of edit boxes is more personal taste, i like it that way.

The ISO file handling have to be defined inside WinNTSetup2_iso.cmd.

WinNTSetup only passes the iso filename to the batch an wait for newly arrived CD/DVD drives.


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Thanks for the focused buttons (above and beyond...), now I think I can setup XP/W7/W8 from (WinPE_SE-) USB with just 3 keystrokes (not counting disk management): ctrl-sh-x or xtrl-sh-7 or strl-sh-8 mounts the correct install ISO and calls WinNTSetup with the correct command-line arguments, then (after a quick check of the parameters) the unattended setup is just 2 <Enter>s away...

It just keeps getting better and better... :thumbup

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