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Sorta like bootleg tape trading..

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Sorry I haven't responded. I meant to respond immediately, but s**t hit the fan.

Then the license wouldn't even apply. Public domain works literally mean free and unrestricted use. They are copyright free. Someone attaching a license to something when it's in the public domain (they don't have the rights to it) means you can ignore the license.

I was refering to uploading to the Internet Archive, a sort of "public domain" in itself that doesn't provide an environment to develop projects like SourceForge, but rather serve as a library for lack of a better description. It would also serve as a great place to host all that information and hints on HFSLIP that were on his site. Just to note that I am aware that releasing to the public domain essentially means "do whatever you want", akin to the WTFPL. I was vague on this point.

I literally meant suggestions that the developers had not tried. Not projects.

Though I have followed your site for quite awhile (I remember when NTTweak was on your recommended software list ;)), I am not familiar with the complete history of HFSLIP development. I guess the best I could offer here is a development site like SourceForge (though the dislike of this option has already been indicated). Perhaps Google Code would be more appropriate in this circumstance?

That's what THIS forum is for. You know, Tomcat76 wasn't on the project originally. He was just some random guy who contributed massive amounts of code, then took over development.

I find that forums are often hit or miss in this regard. And I still believe a development site like SourceForge is more effective.

Not in the least.

Glad to hear it. :)

As the only mod left in this subforum it leaves me explaining what the deal is. Which is hard to do because if it were me, I probably would have done things differently, but I do believe that people need some sort of answers. People keep asking and questioning and I do the best I can to explain but ultimately it's a decision resting with Tom who isn't even here now to read these scolding posts.

I am not trying to scold anyone here, least of all TommyP or you. Why should I scold him? Without him, HFSLIP wouldn't exist in the first place. Furthermore, he didn't go down the path of hunting down sites and users who were/are hosting HFSLIP after he took his site down. I will send him a PM though.


[...] Furthermore, he didn't go down the path of hunting down sites and users who were/are hosting HFSLIP after he took his site down. I will send him a PM though.

His license dosen't govern him that right...


[...] Furthermore, he didn't go down the path of hunting down sites and users who were/are hosting HFSLIP after he took his site down. I will send him a PM though.

His license dosen't govern him that right...

Fair enough, but I think TommyP wouldn't have done that even if had the right. Although I have seen some cases with Free software projects where the author in fact tries to do what I just suggested.


Really? -Then they wouldn't be understanding anything about FOSS licensing and make a complete joke out of themselves in the process!

Anyway, I would suggest that FDV made a stickied post with the link of latest hfslip and a post about seeking new maintainers/developers, or else I really don't see the point of this forum, truth be told! Ppl go here for help, instrutions and download links! Especially now when the main page is down.

TP did an amazing job and is a really nice guy, and I fully respect that he has decided to quit maintaning hfslip, but honestly, then i'm pretty disappointed about the way he left, i.e. the wording in the last hfslip-post edit, the removing of the download link for hfslip and finally for clossing the website! What is that about - trying to "punish ppl for not donating to his freeware project?"... Granted, he has every right to do so, but my point is just what kind of a message that states!

PS: Thanks for adding me to your friends list mate! :)


It probably states that he was tired or incapable (or both) of paying for hosting a fairly heavily-visited site along with the additional costs of serving binaries, and when he stopped supporting the project he also pulled the site to save cash (remember, no one was donating, so if it was running it was coming out of his pocket). I could be wrong, but I would wager I am not.

Posted (edited)

tain was hosting the site for him, and additionally I was also reffering to the removal of download links from the MSFN HFSLIP threads.

If not because of the above, then obviously I would fully understand it! :)

Edited by Martin H

It probably states that he was tired or incapable (or both) of paying for hosting a fairly heavily-visited site along with the additional costs of serving binaries, and when he stopped supporting the project he also pulled the site to save cash (remember, no one was donating, so if it was running it was coming out of his pocket). I could be wrong, but I would wager I am not.

I'm going to bookmark that post because it is one of the extreme few in which cluberti is wrong. That guy is super-sharp and nearly always right. But not this time; gotcha now, sucka!

I hosted the site for a long time and FDV helped with hosting, too. I think we'd both still be willing to host, so that wasn't the issue. tommyp has stated his reasoning and he was being truthful.

I'm also one of those precious few that donated. I'll take this chance to remind people that it is a good idea to donate to MSFN as I've done several times. You don't want MSFN to go away like HFSLIP did, do you? I guarantee you that xper could use the help and that this isn't a profit-generating venture for him.

So, cluberti...about that wager you mentioned :)


I'm going to bookmark that post because it is one of the extreme few in which cluberti is wrong. That guy is super-sharp and nearly always right.

LOL! Anyway, couldn't agree more! :)


With many open source projects, the software is free, and there is free support (within limits) on a support forum. But beyond that, one needs to pay for premium support. Just thought I'd point that out, for whatever it's worth...



Just to rap up what i've previously posted about my feelings towards this, then I just noticed this older post from the HFSLIP test-releases thread, which I haden't seen before:

Tom doesn't want it sent to Sourceforge (it has to be him, the copyright holder, to submit it anyway).

In fact, he doesn't want it distributed at all anymore. I'll make a more general announcement in a new topic.


(I'm reffering to the last line, and not the first.)

So, cluberti...about that wager you mentioned :)

I didn't realize you were still hosting - I was under the impression that was more temporary way back when. As far as a wager, I'll give you a raise to 2x what I'm paying you now :P.


What a ride.

And to think it all started with checking out BartPE more closely than previously.

So I finally tracked down the explanation that I'd been trying to infer for about the past couple of weeks. Time to take off the deerstalker.

fdv's site was an amazing piece of business that kept me rapt for quite a while and sent me off in quite a few directions. I'd've probably found this thread sooner if I wasn't being so thorough, but the body was missing it's heart, and that was the mystery that's been fully explained to me now.

So, the only remaining mystery is, where's the heart? I mean, of course, the original web site pages. I consider myself to be reasonalby clever, but a gander at the original instructions would sure help to clarify things.

One of the pages was http://www.hfslip.org/advanced.html and explained something about HFCLEANUP which I can't quite figure out. Is it a separate work or part of the main cmd file?

The other page that would appear to be of interest would be http://www.vorck.com/hfexpert.html.

Any chance of getting a copy of the original site?

If not, I guess it's to the mines, er, I mean threads, with me.


Any chance of getting a copy of the original site?

Possible, but up to tommyp.

You could try archive.org...

  • 3 months later...

I'm a bit late to the wake here, this is sad news.. Makes my face go :( And my heard go </3

There's still life in the old dog yet, needs a be hosted again and some word up devs and IT WILL rise from the ashes!

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