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TUTORIAL: Windows 7 and Windows 10 together with Linux - Quick restore and optimize


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1 hour ago, cannie said:

The only adress I know is http://bit.ly/25Y2kII (the one I used), I´m afraid.  I´ve searched another download adress but could not find anyone else. 

Try to download from that adress using a different computer.


It is actually in the readme files (leeme.txt):



but yes, the site has some "queer" behaviour, so I am attaching it.



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1 hour ago, cannie said:

Thanks jaclaz!

I may add that the download link  http://bit.ly/25Y2kII works perfect if you open MSFN at any Android device (mobile phone or tablet). 


Well, the bit.ly also works fine on my old Iron (please read as obsolete Chrome), but the "explicit" site has some issues (maybe actually connected to my old Iron), but also with some ads/redirection, and the wanted file seemingly is not listed.

The bit.ly download link also works on my (as well old/obsolete) Opera, where it resolves to:



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8 minutes ago, alacran said:

Thanks Jaclaz for attaching the file, by the way using the resolved link in your last post (http://ericksystem.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/3/11039286/repair_this_1.0.zip ) also can't find the server.

You may open MSFN at any Android device (mobile phone or tablet) and click on that link to download the file into the device downloads folder. After that you may connect the device to your computer and extract the downloaded file to be used under Windows.

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11 hours ago, jaclaz said:

This link worked fine for me.



You may open MSFN at any Android device (mobile phone or tablet) and click on that link to download the file into the device downloads folder. After that you may connect the device to your computer and extract the downloaded file to be used under Windows.

I already downloaded it from Jaclaz link, no need to use an Android device, anyway thanks for your suggestion.

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12 hours ago, alacran said:

This link worked fine for me.


I already downloaded it from Jaclaz link, no need to use an Android device, anyway thanks for your suggestion.

Sure, but - loosely  (not that it has any real relevance/impact) - it is to say the least "perplexing" or maybe even "preoccupying" that specifically you (not exactly a newbie ;)) cannot download the file or resolve the address with Firefox 61.01 and on Internet Explorer 11, on Win7 x64, as this shows some "serious" issue with accessing an otherways apparently perfectly "normal" site (not https or strange javascript, etc.).

I guess it is a little revenge :w00t: for all the sites that don't work (or suddenly stopped working) on my aging browsers. :lol:





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Let me suggest you to include on your collection of tools BootIce (available on x86 & x64) Link http://www.ipauly.com/


BOOTICE is a startup-related maintenance gadget for installing, repairing, backing up and restoring disk (mirror) MBR or partition PBR; editing Windows boot configuration file BCD; managing UEFI boot entry; VHD/VHDX file management. In addition, it also has the functions of disk sector editing, disk filling, partition management, disk partitioning and formatting, and GRUB4DOS menu editing.

On MBR partitioned disks, Grub4dos and BootIcel is what I have always used for creating my multiboot environments.  About grub4dos I prefer 046a (this do not require contiguos file to direct boot [not from RAM] an ISO from internal or USB drives) last version: http://dl.grub4dos.chenall.net/grub4dos-0.4.6a-2018-07-01.7z (516 Kb). In fact I have booted from my WinPE ISO files even having 4 fragments.

Congratulations you have a very nice thread here and very well explained for beginners, keep the good work.


Your friend



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Hi alacran,

As you may see I use Partition Wizard and Easy BCD por those purposes.

I didn't know Bootice. I'll download, try it and compare results.

Thank you very much for your assessment of my work.

Best wishes


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Latest improvement:

Paragraph 8.9 has been modified again to change the delete "Windows System Information" at removable drives procedure (the previous one did not work any more at Windows 10 most recent versions).



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