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Post uSP3 Updates Depository (Win98SE)

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I listed (most of) the updates for Windows 98SE (english) released or not included in the Gape's uSP3 - beta 4:

Post Unofficial Service Pack 3-b4 Updates

This page provides direct download links and info files.

If there is some file to add or to remove, please write it here.

All suggestions are welcome.

Edited by Fredledingue
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Thanks for doing this.

Just a couple of things on first glance:

1. Flash is now at version

2. Some existing unofficial 9x updates, which update files found in Gape's USP3, themselves now contain out-of-date files. If I knew how, I'd package these updates myself. Unfortunately, I don't, but I also can't guarantee that these updated files will work in 98 SE. For example:

- 961371's T2EMBED.DLL has been superseded by T2EMBED.DLL 5.0.2195.7348 (from the Windows 2000 972270 update)

- SCR579X.EXE's VBSCRIPT.DLL and JSCRIPT.DLL have been superseded by VBSCRIPT.DLL (from the Windows 2000 981350 update) and JSCRIPT.DLL 5.7.6002.22145 (from the Windows 2000 975542 update)

- USP3's JSCRIPT.DLL and MDGx's SCR569X.EXE's JSCRIPT.DLL have been superseded by JSCRIPT.DLL (from the Windows 2000 971961 update)

Please note: Gape's USP3 has VBScript and JScript version 5.6 updates (which are still being produced for Windows 2000/XP).

Many of you will know, but I should also just mention that in the past Gape has sought to keep the service pack faithful to the task of providing Windows system updates. He deliberately did not included updates that are strictly not Windows system updates, such as Flash, Java, etc.

Edited by bristols
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Great work, Fredledingue! :thumbup

About SCR579X.EXE... I feel the safest MSE for general use is 5.6, and that 5.7 should be indicated solely for advanced users. A quick search of the forums for "SCR579X.EXE" illustrates well my point. The same reasoning applies to the still experimental USB20DRV package. Moreover the BHDD31 is a safe package, while SCANFRAG overlaps it partially and installs many additional things that perhaps not everybody may want or need. I think these packages above deserve at least some comments beside their links, so that people may decide by themselves whether they're what they're looking for or not. This is just my 2 cents, of course.

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Hey, Thanks...I have been thinking for months

some kind of key topic index was needed and here you

come! :yes:

The problem with me finding things, is I start

looking for something here or over at MDGX website and

in the process happen upon something else I never knew

existed. Such is the case with Tihiy's SafeMode fix. That

thing is a real gift for people like me who constantly

struggle against a cluttered desktop and frequent ventures

into safe mode.



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Problemchyld, I'll look closely at this list once I have time.

Dencorso, SCR579X.EXE (last version) is safe for what we know, but indeed not an important update.

Wether it can be removed or left is still debatable.

About any update, I'm sure that few of them could cause any problem.

But what I can do is to add clearly that poeple should read the infos files before installing.

Using a php script and txt files make the list and info updates very easy and fast. I don't need to edit any htm page to do so. If some well known member is interrested, I could even give an acces to let him upload files directly.

Triger49, the list of relevant discussion came naturaly as I built the page.

Do you have a link to Tihiy's SafeMode fix? It's something that evaded me too.

Everybody can suggest links or files to add.

Moreover such page could be done for parallel projects such as Autopatcher for W98SE and

Maximus Decim Cumulative Update.

Then finaly see which update pack is best or fit better personal needs.

For the moment it's intended for thos who use uSP.

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CABINET.DLL 5.1.2600.5512


ESDI_506.PDR 4.10.2230 *see discussion: it was the same file as that from uSP3



CRYPTDLG.DLL 5.0.1558.6608 *is in crypt9x

HTML32.CNV 2003.1100.8165

KERNEL32.DLL 4.10.2226 *is in copy2G


CONTROL.EXE 4.10.1999 *is in control98

RICHED.DLL 4.0.834.839 *is in riched9x

RICHED20.DLL *is in riched9x

SYSDM.CPL 4.10.2223 *is in Q2106204

DST_9XME.EXE *exists in the list

GRPHFLTS.EXE *exists in the list

ROOTSUPD May 2009 *931125 - Windows Roots Update dans MDIE6CU


SCR579X.EXE *exists in the list

FDISK.EXE 1.3.1 *already in uSP3

MSPAINT.EXE 5.00.1523.1

HELPHLP.EXE *exists in the list

VCACHE.VXD 4.10.2223 *is in Q253912

T2EMBED.DLL 5.00.2195.7348 *is in Q961371 and MDIE6CU

MSVBVM60.DLL 6.0.9815 *is in VBVM60



Edited by Fredledingue
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