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RT Seven Lite - RC build 1.7.0 and Beta build 2.6.0

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WPI is crap anyway.First you spend bunch of time adding packages,then

adding silent switches and then integrating it.By the time you get to

install the apps are problably outdated anyway :P

And the install itself just adds another reboot and is slower than it

could.<br><br>I use a tool that updates all my setup packages and  then

installs them silently.It´s also faster than WPI and way more user

friendly and flexible.Check it out yourself and you won´t be

dissapointed: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/

With RT Se7en Lite 1.6.0. RC and WPI 8.1.0 I install 21 programs ( include Office 2007 Standard with SP2 and updates) and 100 updates for Windows 7 successfuly on my HP Pavilion t833.ch during 55 min!

And all is working fine!

Edited by myselfidem
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well, if you check the drivers....its ALLinOS driver. So the INF will be found in the parent folder not in sub-folders. If ther is no inf in that folder then you cannot see any drivers to select.

I have no idea what ALLinOS is, but in my case, in the parent folder there is NO .inf file, but in the win7 one there are tens of them.

can you zip that driver and send me?

Sure, here you go: http://rapidshare.com/files/434437874/ (the drivers I am integrating are in the win7 subfolder).

By the way it's the same for ANY driver I integrate, so it's not specific problem of this particular one. For example simple Realtek LAN driver - same deal, I have to select parent folder else nothing can be selected...

BUT integrating single driver works. It's just the multiple drivers option!

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The best way is to create your ISO file inside a partition on the HDD ( updates integrations, tweaks, customization, Unattended file, etc...) and AFTER to use your ISO file with WMware or Oracle VirtualBox to make an test!

There is a misunderstanding. Maybe I didn't express myself well enough. BUT, that's the way I'm usually creating my ISO's.
Yes I use RT Se7en Lite but only to integrate updates and make Windows 7 lite (only one image) and I use my own French tweaks.reg (because right click options and some tweaks are only in English) and my "Autounattend.xml" customized like I show you above to launch WPI with WPI.cmd!
May you be kind to let me knw how and when (Autounattend.xml, through WPI...) you launch the launching yr own French tweaks.reg?

I'll give a try of the new build RC 1.7.0


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May you be kind to let me knw how and when (Autounattend.xml, through WPI...) you launch the launching yr own French tweaks.reg?

I'll give a try of the new build RC 1.7.0


I know you have read my RT Se7en Lite French guide! All is explained!

You can also read how to, here:

Custom Registry


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I know you have read my RT Se7en Lite French guide! All is explained!

You can also read how to, here:

Custom Registry


I know how to add regsitries in yr RT Se7en Lite French guide and howRT7Lite page 26/57 same as yr above link.

As I understand from what you wrote

Yes I use RT Se7en Lite but only to integrate updates and make Windows 7 lite (only one image) and I use my own French tweaks.reg (because right click options and some tweaks are only in English) and my "Autounattend.xml" customized like I show you above to launch WPI with WPI.cmd!
that you 're NOT using RT Se7en Lite to add tweaks.reg, I asked you: How yourself add yr tweaks.reg (Autounattend.xml, through WPI...) .

Forget it, I think it start to be a real big misunderstanding


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I use a batch file clean.bat inside SCRIPTS!




REM Suppression du raccourci de l'application

DEL "%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Desktop\Adobe Reader 9.lnk"


REM Activation OGA de Microsoft Office 2007

MKDIR %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook

MKDIR %systemdrive%\ProgramData\"Office Genuine Advantage"\data

COPY /Y "%~dp0backup.pst" "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\"

COPY /Y "%~dp0odataext.dat" "%systemdrive%\ProgramData\Office Genuine Advantage\data\"

COPY /Y "%~dp081607.bpc" "%systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\"

COPY /Y "%~dp0opa12.dat" "%systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\"


REM Personnalisation des paramètres pour les Gadgets

attrib -R "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Settings.ini" /S /D

COPY /Y "%~dp0Settings.ini" "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\"

REM Redémarrage nécessaire du programme 'sidebar.exe'

SET KEY=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe" /f


REM Intégrationtion des fichiers de registre (.reg) et fichiers (.vbs)

REGEDIT /S "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\Tweaks.reg"

REGEDIT /S "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\Attributs.reg"

REGEDIT /S "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\folderopts.reg"

WScript.exe "%systemroot%\Setup\Scripts\notepad.vbs"


REM Suppression des dossiers inutiles

RMDIR /S /Q %systemdrive%\Realtek


REM Fermeture de l'ordinateur après 30 secondes, puis redémarrage

shutdown.exe /r /t 30




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To hide this command "clean.bat" I launch at last with WPI 8.1.0 this clean.vbs (also inside the folder SCRIPTS)


' Permet de cacher l'exécution de la commande désignée (clean.bat)

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )

WshShell.Run "%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\clean.bat" ,SH_WIDE ,true

And all is working fine! Enjoy!


I don't use inside "config.js" (and you don't see this command inside) but I use Execute After with WPI, like this


jeudi 2 décembre 2010 11:36:57

Programme: Execute After


Ordre: 0

Catégorie: WPI Built In

jeudi 2 décembre 2010 11:37:00 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\Windows\SETUP\SCRIPTS\clean.vbs"

jeudi 2 décembre 2010 11:37:00 - Installation terminée.


Nombre d'installations échouées: 0

Installation terminée à: jeudi 2 décembre 2010 11:37:00

But you will see this command inside "useroptions.js"


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To hide this command "clean.bat" I launch at last with WPI 8.1.0 this clean.vbs (also inside the folder SCRIPTS)


' Permet de cacher l'exécution de la commande désignée (clean.bat)

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )

WshShell.Run "%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\clean.bat" ,SH_WIDE ,true

And all is working fine! Enjoy!

TNX a lot :thumbup

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WPI is crap anyway.First you spend bunch of time adding packages,then

adding silent switches and then integrating it.By the time you get to

install the apps are problably outdated anyway :P

And the install itself just adds another reboot and is slower than it

could.<br><br>I use a tool that updates all my setup packages and  then

installs them silently.It´s also faster than WPI and way more user

friendly and flexible.Check it out yourself and you won´t be

dissapointed: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/

With RT Se7en Lite 1.6.0. RC and WPI 8.1.0 I install 21 programs ( include Office 2007 Standard with SP2 and updates) and 100 updates for Windows 7 successfuly on my HP Pavilion t833.ch during 55 min!

And all is working fine!

I install over 70 apps in less than 15 minutes.Before install all apps are updated to latest version if nessesary and install is silent of course.

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I install over 70 apps in less than 15 minutes.Before install all apps are updated to latest version if nessesary and install is silent of course.

It depends on the capabilities of the computer also!

My computer is Intel Pentium 4 Hyperthreading x86 (old computer) and all the process need 55 min (Office 2007 include)!

If I install inside my 64-bits computer it's more faster!

Of course if you install inside a computer 64-bits the process is faster also!

BTW, I'll try the software with which you share the link!



About runonce.bat you can find help here:

How To Create Runonce Batch Or Cmd File Using RT Seven Lite

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I install over 70 apps in less than 15 minutes.Before install all apps are updated to latest version if nessesary and install is silent of course.

It depends on the capabilities of the computer also!

My computer is Intel Pentium 4 Hyperthreading x86 (old computer) and all the process need 55 min (Office 2007 include)!

If I install inside my 64-bits computer it's more faster!

Of course if you install inside a computer 64-bits the process is faster also!

BTW, I'll try the software with which you share the link!

My pc is not that much faster.AMD Athlon X2 3800+(Socket 939 version),2GB ram.Win7 x64

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