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RT Seven Lite - RC build 1.7.0 and Beta build 2.6.0

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Ok, I tried 1.6.0 today after a long time since 1.3 or something. I am quite disappointed because several things are still not fixed, and I tried to report them more than once, for example:

1) Saving presets still does not work. Even if I click on settings and specify a path where I want them saved and tick the save settings box, nothing happens

2) When integrating drivers using the multiple drivers button, you must choose one folder above where the files really are else the window is empty. Selecting the specific folder with drivers you want to intergrate doesn't work.

And few other mostly minor things not worth mentioning at all.

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Ok, I tried 1.6.0 today after a long time since 1.3 or something. I am quite disappointed because several things are still not fixed, and I tried to report them more than once, for example:

Wow, good thing you didn't actually pay MONEY for it, or you would have really been disappointed, huh? Maybe, just maybe, there are more pressing bugs to sort out than your own minor quibbles.

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Ok, I tried 1.6.0 today after a long time since 1.3 or something. I am quite disappointed because several things are still not fixed, and I tried to report them more than once, for example:

Wow, good thing you didn't actually pay MONEY for it, or you would have really been disappointed, huh? Maybe, just maybe, there are more pressing bugs to sort out than your own minor quibbles.

I don't like your attitude. I have the same right to express my opinion about the software just like anybody else. Just because I don't pay for it (do you?) doesn't mean I have to go around in the "it's fre so shut up and be happy" state.

Besides, the specific bugs I pointed out are not that insignificant (but that might just be me). And I reported those several (like four at least) months ago, and Ben even replied to my post.

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It seems there is a trouble with RT Installer with Office 2010 made with Winrar.

When I make an SFX file there is no problem, the silent installation is fine.

But if I make an silent install with Winrar Rt Installer can't wait an a window appears asking if I want continue during the silent Office 2010 instalation!

If I wait the installation is made and after I must click OK on the window to continue the installation for the next program with RT Installer!

But the installation is successful. However for other members there is no success!

With Winrar I use this command after the files are uncompressed inside the partition: C:\Office14

@echo off

start /Wait %systemdrive%\Office14\SETUP.EXE /config %systemdrive%\Office14\ProPlus.WW\CONFIG.XML



*Edit: maybe it's needed to make some changes to improve the archive made with Winrar?

Edited by myselfidem
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I must also point out that the components removal screen is somewhat bugged. After some clicking in both left and right panel some of the features on the right panel stayed grayed out as if they were selected for removal, although they weren't (I assume the left panel is what to be removed and right one is turning stuff on and off, ticked ones being on). I am not really sure how to reproduce it, but I believe loading previous session was involved (that saving works by the way, but only to the point of auto save in RT7's program folder with no control over it).

Edited by TheWalrus
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I must also point out that the components removal screen is somewhat bugged. After some clicking in both left and right panel some of the features on the right panel stayed grayed out as if they were selected for removal, although they weren't (I assume the left panel is what to be removed and right one is turning stuff on and off, ticked ones being on). I am not really sure how to reproduce it, but I believe loading previous session was involved (that saving works by the way, but only to the point of auto save in RT7's program folder with no control over it).

That was an issue in prior builds, but loading last session files is now working perfectly in that regard. At least for me. That is, what was selected or deselected for installation in the right hand panel should be exactly the same as the last time you used the program. Likewise, anything you chose to remove in the left hand column is still selected for removal. I'm beta testing, and I'm sure the old issue has been resolved for at least the last few builds. If you are so inclined you might see if Ben needs an additional beta tester...IMHO, a wider cross section of potential users would certainly help root out issues.

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Let me make double sure I understand: what is the left and right panel? Which one is feature dis/enabling and what is removing the stuff from the image?


On the right-hand side of the picture are programs that are installed by default. When you initially start the program, what is check marked on the right-hand side is what Windows will install by default. Un-checking any of those items will cause them to not be installed. Likewise, check marking features beyond what it already checked will install them. Now, when you load a lastsession.ini file, whatever you chose to install or uninstall on the right hand side should echo what you removed during your last session.

The left-hand side, meanwhile, gives you finer control over what is removed. However, if you have Internet Explorer unchecked on the right-hand side, for example, (not to be installed) the option to remove it will be grayed out on the left hand side. You can't remove something from the left hand side without first having it marked for installation on the right-hand side. Does that make sense?

Edited by Bilar Crais
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You can't remove something from the left hand side without first having it marked for installation on the right-hand side. Does that make sense?

Actually it doesn't :D

I can check everything on the left side with nothing marked on the right.

I thought it works in completely different way - check something on the right side and it's unremovable on the left, because logically it would be used.

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You can't remove something from the left hand side without first having it marked for installation on the right-hand side. Does that make sense?

Actually it doesn't :D

I can check everything on the left side with nothing marked on the right.

I thought it works in completely different way - check something on the right side and it's unremovable on the left, because logically it would be used.

Yep, I got that part bassackwards. The whole right side thing is counter intuitive, for sure. I had a hell of a time the first time I used the program.

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But still if I have to mark stuff on right first in order to be able to remove it, why can I tick anything on left anyway? I still do not understand at all.

No, you were right to begin with...I was wrong. I knew better, but I just said the opposite of what I meant. I should probably just keep my mouth shut. At any rate, my original point was that if you load a lastsession.ini, your last session options should load exactly as it did the last time you used the program.

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