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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Thanks for the new file-checker extension. Unfortunately there's a typo.

Thx! I fixed it already yesterday but I haven't updated the download-page. (auto-update not working? :) )

- Fixed: typo in filename of KB2675157 for IE8

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2011/11/16 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/04/12

mimo, the dl link is wrong, still points to the 11/4 version (not the 12/4)

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Mim0 you may be interested in this: http://www.msfn.org/...2641653-xp-x86/

Maybe the same thing happens with HFSLIP?

Yes, the registry entry wasn't set by HFSLIP!

Thx for the hint and also to Explorer09 for identifying that

I think that 952013 (SmartCard_XP_x86.exe) is not slipstreamed correctly from HF. The file "wudfusbcciddriver.dll" should be copied to "%windir%\system32\Drivers\umdf" but if you slipstream it from HF it gets copied to "%windir%\system32".

Yes, probably SmartCard_XP_x86.exe should also go to HFSVCPACK_SW1!

I've also mentioned it before but 982316 also doesn't seem to be slipstreamed properly from HF, i.e. the registry entries are not added.

As far as I read not entry was added btu the permissions are modified. After a quick view HFSLIP changed that permission corresponding to 982316. I think about an additional CMD-file which has to be added to modify the permissions.

Thxt for these infos!!!

New Flash

Ooooohhh... Yes! :D

The file-checker for Office 2003 needs to be updated.

These 2 updates are released on the Patch Tuesday this month:

KB2597112 (MS12-027 - Windows Common Controls vulnerability)

KB2598292 (Outlook Junk Email Filter), replacing KB2598246

Yes, I know. I will add this asap!

In addition, Mim0, would you please also add these notes to your list?

  • The optional KB2449798 replaces the security update KB980373.
  • The optional KB2464603 is required before installing Office File Validation add-in, and KB2464603 replaces security update KB2344911. (see this page)

Yes, sounds good. I check it and make update the list.

EDIT: Here's another update that you might need to add to your list:

KB2493523 (MS11-055 - Microsoft Visio)

This is an older security update. Although it talks about the Microsoft Visio vulnerability, it patches OMFC.DLL and it's offered to people who do not have Visio. (see FAQ #2 of this page)

The update contains a Omfc.dll which I have in my PC w/o an installed Visio. Only an fully installed Office (1. CD). The update contains also a file Omfcu.dll_0001 which I cannot find on my PC. Generally your hint sounds good. Have you tested it?
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Additionally, when running the version from 11/4, the xp extension is deleted and then NOT updated, since the server is not working, making the checker useless...

I hope you fixed it.


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mimo, the dl link is wrong, still points to the 11/4 version (not the 12/4)

Thx !!! I updated my previous posting

Thx, mimo. You should update your site as well,. still the wrong version there.

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The update contains a Omfc.dll which I have in my PC w/o an installed Visio. Only an fully installed Office (1. CD). The update contains also a file Omfcu.dll_0001 which I cannot find on my PC. Generally your hint sounds good. Have you tested it?

First, it was Microsoft Update that offered me this update, even though I don't have Visio.

Second, I did observe that my Omfc.dll gets patched after the update.

About Omfcu.dll ...... I don't know, but I Google'd it and it seems that the file is from Visio, not from standard Office.


Directory: %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Visio11\omfcU.DLL

Edited by Explorer09
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Thx, mimo. You should update your site as well,. still the wrong version there.

Yes, I know... :D

Ok, 12/4 version working fine, except for adobe flash player...

What's not working?

First, it was Microsoft Update that offered me this update, even though I don't have Visio.

OK, I will add this... Thx! :)
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What's "not working" is that the FC doesn't know about the newer version...still "thinks" that is the latest...

It seems you completely forgot about flash v

Edited by jvidal
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It seems you completely forgot about flash v

OK, that's what you mean... No, I didn't forgot it as you can see it here. I will update the update-list and the file-checker asap.
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