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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Mimo, regarding KB967715:

If it is not replaced by KB2286198, it should NOT be flagged as "obsolete" if honorautorunsetting.reg is not present. You can't have it both ways.



Mimo, regarding KB967715:

If it is not replaced by KB2286198, it should NOT be flagged as "obsolete" if honorautorunsetting.reg is not present. You can't have it both ways.


The reg-file I've added for KB2286198 is doing the HonorAutorunSetting.

KB2286198+HonorAutorunSetting replaces KB967715

So, there's no need for KB967715 anymore.

Posted (edited)

Oh, and BTW, be careful with the msxml 3 & 6 updates. There's a new update for msxml3 that replaces kb955069, but we were using 973687 for both msxml3 and msxml6 (replacing 955069 & 954459). So, if you remove 973687, then 954459 comes back in (unless, of course, there is a newer update for both, something like 973687, but newer)


Edited by jvidal

So, if you remove 973687, then 954459 comes back in (unless, of course, there is a newer update for both, something like 973687, but newer)

973686 can replace 973687. It's basically the same hotfix as 973687, but doesn't include MSXML3.


that's a nice tip.

I rebuilt my cd with 954459, but without 973687 and with all the new updates and wu was 100% happy.

using 973686 should do the trick and keep msxml6 updated to the latest version.



Hi at all,

these days I've got much to do but I will update the list and file-checker asap (hopefully today).

Greets, Mimo


new file-checker-extension for XP:

- Removed WindowsXP-KB2286198-x86.reg
- Added: KB981852
- Added: KB2160329
- Added: KB980436
- Added: KB981997
- Added: KB2079403
- Added: KB2115168
- Added: KB982214
- Added: KB982665
- Added: KB982316
- Added: Adobe Flash Player
- Added: KB2183461
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.10
- Added: KB967715 (Please read the change-log of the XP-update-list)
- Added: The optional KB973686 replaces the high-priority KB973687
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player (replaced by
- Removed: shdocvw.dl_ (please use the complete update)
- Removed: KB979683 (replaced by KB981852)
- Removed: KB979559 (replaced by KB2160329)
- Removed: KB960225 (replaced by KB980436)
- Removed: KB977377 (replaced by KB980436)
- Removed: KB975561 (replaced by KB981997)
- Removed: KB955069 (replaced by KB2079403)
- Removed: KB982381 (KB2183461)
- Removed: shdocvw.dl_ (No version-check possible so far,
please use the current cumulative update vor IE6)
- Removed: KB971468 (replaced by KB982214)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.9 (replaced by 3.10)
- Removed: WindowsXP-KB2286198-x86.reg (replaced by KB967715)


Mimo, there's an error in the file checker: it wants IE7-windowsxp-kb2183461, instead of IE8-windowsxp-kb2183461...



Mimo, there's an error in the file checker: it wants IE7-windowsxp-kb2183461, instead of IE8-windowsxp-kb2183461...


Hi jvidal, thx for reporting this!

new file-checker extension for XP:

- Fixed: When using IE8, KB2183461 was requested for IE7 instead for IE8

Posted (edited)

thx! (although I already had fixed it myself)

EDIT: The download link in mimo.zxq.net is not working!


Edited by jvidal

EDIT: The download link in mimo.zxq.net is not working!

should work now :)

new file-checker extension for XP:

- Fixed: Added HFSVCPACK to the folder-set (check for obsolete/wrong updates)



Found some kind of mistake


Running HFSLIPFC v.2010/07/21 at 2010-08-16 22:48:16,50


not found (A): HFSVCPACK\WindowsXP-KB968389-x86.reg (Security Advisory 973811: Enable Extended Protection for Authentication)

not found (H): HFSVCPACK_SW1\windowsxp-kb976002-v5-x86-enu.exe (Browser-choice for EU-countries)

not found (H): HF\windows-kb890830-v3.10.exe (Malicious Software Removal Tool v3.10)

missing HFSVCPACK\WindowsXP-KB968389-x86.reg

Found unexpected version of Adobe Flash Player (HFCABS\SWFLASH.cab)

Found unexpected version of Roots Certificates (HF\rootsupd.exe)

Found MS09-053: FTP Service for Internet Information Services (HF\WindowsXP-KB975254-x86-PLK.EXE): For KB975254 you need HFSLIP 1.7.10 beta D or newer

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