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How to speed up boot process under Windows Vista or Windows 7

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Thank you, Andrei. That did the trick . . . from 149807 to 68766.

Do you recommend running the 6-boot procedure periodically; or is a one time running

enough as far as speeding up boot time?


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I am trying to speed the Windows 7 Boot process.

I installed the Windows 7 SDK and the appropriate msi for my os.

I opened up a command prompt as Administrator and ran

xbootmgr -trace boot -prepSystem -verboseReadyBoot

My system reboots once after it creates the etl file. Then I get waiting to Windows prefetch and it eventually times out. Saying it could not start Windows prefetch

Can someone help me debug this issue?.

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very strange ........

01_summary_start.xml - bootDoneViaPostBoot="44155"

02_summary_end.xml - bootDoneViaPostBoot="-1"

so what is the result of optimizing.

xbootmgr waits 120s to let your Windows become idle. This didn't happen on your Windows. So you still have a lot of application in your startup folder/Run keys. Add the parameter

-postBootDelay 300

to set the post boot capture time to 5minutes.


I was wondering if you could look into my boot log

I am worried about the nisrv and lanman server services which are taking quite some time. Is it normal??

nisrv = Microsoft Security Essentials. Do you use version 1 or 2?

To see more details, run Process Monitor, enable boot logging and now run the xbootmgr command from here:


After booting to the desktop, run ProcesMonitor again and stop the logging and write it into a PML file. Now stop the xbootmgr trace, zip both files and upload them. So I can look into the PML to see what the service is doing while it hangs.

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I have uploaded the files. See if these are the ones you require.



As you can see, they are pretty large. If these are not the ones you wanted, please do let me know.

Another thing, at the time of logging, somehow my system was experiencing throttling so the boot time increased by 20s. But, the main issue of lanman server service remains.

I am using mse 2.0

By the way, Happy new Year

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very strange ........

01_summary_start.xml - bootDoneViaPostBoot="44155"

02_summary_end.xml - bootDoneViaPostBoot="-1"

so what is the result of optimizing.

now result is (it was my mistake to cancel all process before):

01_summary_start.xml - bootDoneViaPostBoot="41987"

02_summary_end.xml - bootDoneViaPostBoot="25510"

nice improvement ..............

Edited by some_spirit
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Another thing, at the time of logging, somehow my system was experiencing throttling so the boot time increased by 20s. But, the main issue of lanman server service remains.

I am using mse 2.0

can you remove MSE 2.0 and try it again? My guess is the MSE service"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\Antimalware\NisSrv.exe" cause it.

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I uninstalled mse but there was no effect on the server service. Disabling the server service did not have any major implication on boot time. So, I guess I would leave it as such.

By the way, what do the logs suggest??

Do you see any scope of improvement??

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