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How to speed up boot process under Windows Vista or Windows 7

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First of all, thanks for the tips MagicAndre1981, I followed your speed up guide and got something like 30% of boot time reduction.

I have a doubt, i found that the c:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot have only the TraceX.fx files before i run the xbootmgr command, after that i found a lot of files inside this dir, named as fxboot_xxxxx. Only after running the xbootmgr I found these optimization files. Would you know why Microsoft didnt programmed Windows to optimeze itself (i mean automatically)?

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It's working for me. Windows 7 loads faster. But I did a boot trace to see If there is something else I can do to improve the boot time

BTW, at first I was getting this message:


And the solution to that message was to disable Windows Search Service.

This is my boot trace: ...

MagicAndre1981, i hope you can help me to see if there is something slowing down my boot time :unsure:


Edited by rovama
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your Windows boot is extremely slow

timing bootDoneViaExplorer="91085" bootDoneViaPostBoot="213285" 

it needs 91s to boot to the desktop and 203s to boot completely!

interval name="PreSMSS" startTime="0" endTime="15588" duration="15588">

The "Controladora RAID VIA VT8237" takes 11s to initialize.

<interval name="WinlogonInit" startTime="31173" endTime="69873" duration="38700">

login to your user profile is slow (8s). and starting the services is slow:

services autoStartStartTime="38101" autoStartEndTime="135373" autoStartDuration="97272">

I can see that the Microsoft SQL Server Express service start slowly. Do you need the SQL server? Next the SBSDWSCService ("C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\) is slow. remove this crapware. You have NOD32, this is enough.

After removing those services, start the optimization again and remove the Warez (NODLogin) from your PC and buy NOD32 ;)

And also don't use Raxco PerfectDisk, only the integrated defrag tool. Also remove Comodo, it also slows down the PC. Use AutoRuns to disable all unneeded tools from automatic startup.

Edited by MagicAndre1981
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Hello MagicAndre1981,

Thanks for your reply. I've followed your recommendations and this is my new boot trace: ....

It's better now, but It comes to my attention those three files: csc.sys, mup.sys and fltmgr.sys

Why are they taking so long to startup :blink:

Do you think I can still do some changes to improve my boot time ?


Edited by rovama
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You won't believe this, I can't start Sperfetch Service, :wacko:

It gives me this error:

"Windows could not start the Superfetch service on Local Computer.

Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."


:blink::unsure: I'm trying to figure out what's causing that, but no luck yet :(

Edited by rovama
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