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How to speed up boot process under Windows Vista or Windows 7

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The files in the 2 folder \windows\prefetcher\ and \windows\prefetcher\readyboot are part of the prefetcher (ReadyBoot). You have to run the xbootmgr on every PC again. The files are only valid for your PC.

Ok, but if I got 3 PCs that are exactly the same (installation, specs, even components), is there a way to just replicate the prefetcher (readyboot) on the other PCs?

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no, you can't transfer them.

Ok, thanks Andre!

Now, I was looking at the xbootmgr log on the users file. Just for me to understand it better, what exactly does it do? It defragments disk before prefetcher? How does readyboot knows the drivers and applications files that are "prefetched" and is there any way to edit them? I noticed that are .cab, .db files...besides a "layout.ini" file. Can you please explain more details about the process?

Thanks again

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ok, your Windows takes 21s to boot to the desktop and 49s to boot completely.

PreSMSS" startTime="0" endTime="4731" duration="4731">

this is fast. detecting each IDEChannel takes 1 second.

SMSSInit" startTime="4731" endTime="12571" duration="7839">

Why don't you use real drivers for your card?

ATI RADEON III (Standard VGA Graphics Adapter)

WinlogonInit" startTime="12571" endTime="19320" duration="6748">

this takes a bit too long. As you can read here, this can be caused by AntiVirus tools. I can see that you use MSE and it causes IO activity. Try version 2.0 of MSE which was released today. It has performance improvements for low spec systems like yours.

interval name="ExplorerInit" startTime="19320" endTime="21305" duration="1984">

this is also ok.

="PostExplorerPeriod" startTime="21305" endTime="59705" duration="38400">

Starting all programs at startup (Acronis, MSE) takes too long (28 seconds)

But the boot is very good for such an old system (INTEL®_PENTIUM®_4_CPU_2.80GHZ, 2GB RAM).

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it doesn't make a difference. Boottime is the same.I can see in both that the service NlaSvc (Network Location Awareness service - http://blogs.technet.com/b/networking/archive/2010/09/08/network-location-awareness-nla-and-how-it-relates-to-windows-firewall-profiles.aspx) takes long to start.

Can you run Process Monitor, enable boot logging and run the xbootmgr command? after booting, start Process Monitor again and save the data into a PML file. Zip the etl und the PML file and upload both.

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Thank you, Andrei, for all your help.

May you and all your loved ones have a happy Holiday

and a blessed New Year.


He's baaack . . .


When I try to use the 2 commands you show on Page 1 for calculating my improvement time, I get the following error

with the 1st one (so I didn't even try the 2nd):

error: 01_summary_start.xml: failed to open output file (0x800700005)

I ran "take ownership" against the etl files, but that didn't help.

What do I have to do to be able to run those 2 commands?

Thanks again,


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When I run the 6-boot speedup procedure it stores them in system32, within Windows 7.

If I moved them elsewhere, would the 2 commands you show to calculate the improvement

find the necessary files;, what else would I have to do?


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