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[Guide] Win7/Server SP1 - Removal With Vlite and RT Lite


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if u dont gonna use rtlite u will have to remove pending.xml from winsxs dir after removing winsxs

[aka Method #1]

RTlite give u more comps to remove and the no need to remove pendingxml after removing winsxs

Hey aviv00, unfortunately for the leaked official build of Win7 incl SP1, method 5 is not working anymore. Using the last session files for RT7Lite and vLite, I am getting an error when vlite is rebuilding the image, same error you see here:

Press ok --> finalizes. But I cannot install windows with this image.. :( too bad seemed to be the best method!

EDIT: sorry just saw the new config files for SP1 in your first post!! :D going to try those right now :)

Just to confirm it doesn't work with SP1 configs either. Gonna keep trying.

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i updated the method #5 u need to apply the image with gimagex or imagex and then capture

i duno what is the problem im guessing RT lite using same dif wim driver and the old wim driver cant understand it

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i updated the method #5 u need to apply the image with gimagex or imagex and then capture

i duno what is the problem im guessing RT lite using same dif wim driver and the old wim driver cant understand it

Thanks aviv00.

Can you please detail a little what do you mean by "apply the image and then capture"? or just point me to the right tutorial to do that.

Thank you again.

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download it from there

choose the apply tab choose the install.wim that already lited with rt lite

and choose empty dir for destination

after it done choose capture tab

use maximum compressing and ultimate edition and fill up it with name


mount the RTlited install.wim and capture it original install.wim

much faster however didnt test it yet but it should work

Edited by aviv00
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Thanks, applying right now, will come back to update if it works!

*UPDATE: this works. Install finished with no errors. Tried first method: apply and capture from gimagex

Thanks again aviv00!

Edited by rechinica
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download it from there

choose the apply tab choose the install.wim that already lited with rt lite

and choose empty dir for destination

after it done choose capture tab

use maximum compressing and ultimate edition and fill up it with name

OK so just to be absolutely sure:

- First run RT7Lite with the config files SP1_v2

- Then use ImageX tab Apply, source is [rt7lited win7 folder]\sources\install.wim, destination is an empty folder (lets call it after_apply).

- Then use ImageX tab Capture, source is the previous empty folder (after_apply), destination is the [rt7lited win7 folder]\sources\install.wim (overwrite?)

- Then run vLite

Is this correct?

Edited by ZileXa
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Wow weird, it seems to work succesfully for me with SP1 using method 5. But I am missing Internet Explorer! the iexplore.exe file is missing. I did not select it to be removed. Maybe other programs wont work either.

Just to be sure I will start over again with an untouched ISO..

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Sorry my mistake. I thought, if you want to keep features (the right pane in RTLite) you should not select them. Just like the left pane. So I deselected everything :whistle:

Still have an issue shortcuts in the Start Menu are missing but that must also be RTLite related.

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  • 3 weeks later...

if I understand

should be used rt7lite, customize 7 as we want, once the process is complete,

use Gimagex with the new install.wim done by rt7lite, right?

thanks you very much ;)

EDIT: in the Capture tab, I put in destination [7lited win7]\sources\install2.wim and deleted install.wim (original) and replaced by install2.wim is good?

but once the process install.wim mounted in the empty folder, is not unmounted after... :huh:

Edited by bapt
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