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[Guide] Win7/Server SP1 - Removal With Vlite and RT Lite


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What is that famous KB you mentioned? Is it KB947821?


You mentioned in your first post that use RT 7 Lite first and then use VLite to remove winsxs [use rebulid all image with RT 7 Lite to save time 30 mins and u NEED to recapture the image!].

1. By the word of recapture, do you mean by just capturing via GImageX? Or, do I still have to apply (not mount) the image and capture the image?

2. Since you rebulid all image with RT 7 Lite, the slimmed down Windows image still contains all editions of Windows 7 SP1, right? Thus, in order to remove other undesired edition of Windows (like Home Premium and so on), vLite must be used. Is this statement correct?

Edited by alvinkhorfire
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1. yes apply (not mount) and then capture and then u can use vlite

2. rebulid all dont make wim smaller

but u dont need use vlite to make it just one 1 edition or lite it u can use gimagex \ export tab its much faster then RT lite

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OK so now there is a new method to remove WinSxS.

method 5: run rt7lite to slim down your image (do not select winsxs removal in rt7lite). Then Capture & Apply with GimageX. Then run VLite (select winsxs for removal). No need to delete file pending.xml. After you install Windows you must install KB947821. It is recommended to load the lastsession files from the first post in RT7Lite and VLite and modify the options you want/don't want.

method 6: run rt7lite to slim down your image, select winsxs removal. No need to delete pending.xml. No need to install KB947821 after installing Windows.

But this method has not been tested by many people.

Question: using method 5, can I also just integrate KB947821 with VLite? Or should the update be integrated after VLite finishes removing WinSXS (simply run vlite or rt7lite again to integrate it)? Or should it really be installed after Windows has been installed?

Edited by ZileXa
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method 6: run rt7lite to slim down your image, select winsxs removal. No need to delete pending.xml. No need to install KB947821 after installing Windows.

But this method has not been tested by many people.

that's what I'm doing on a 7 x64 sp1, but winsxs is 1.37Go after install (and 90 Updates integrated)

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Question: using method 5, can I also just integrate KB947821 with VLite? Or should the update be integrated after VLite finishes removing WinSXS (simply run vlite or rt7lite again to integrate it)? Or should it really be installed after Windows has been installed?

i tried it once didnt got lucky

i think its can be done on running os and then sysperp

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method 6: run rt7lite to slim down your image, select winsxs removal. No need to delete pending.xml. No need to install KB947821 after installing Windows.

But this method has not been tested by many people.

i use this method with vlite....

its good but the updates wont completely work

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm completely lost... i read many topics and is a bit confuse for me.. feeling like an id*** LOL

could someone give me a kick where to start i'm new to this and i want to make a lite version of windows

specialy now that i have a new HDD so 'm planing to make a good and clean install

let me tell what i have for now

rt7lite installed and vlite

also i check dead0 post[Windows 7 Ultimate/Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 Batch Removal ] and have the tools he provided

what is confuse to me is... i have a ISO file

so i need to START with rt7lite or use GImageX?

can i use rt7lite option to extract io content?

i'm ALL lost...

you guys rock but i'm afraid is a lot information for newbies to catch

thanks in advance ^^

Edited by nandonan
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no u are not

i just need to make simple but im lazy

i suggest u use rtlite with winsxs removal as ZileXa advise and get good lite and stable win7

with few updates problem for now

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thanks for answer

i will try my best... is just that we can get a bit scared since is an OS which is the most important thing on PC

i love win 7 and more yet now by the fact i can get a lite version ^^

is possible to post some images from RAM usage with this lite version?

if not, could u tell me approximately how much RAM WIN 7 64b lite could take

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I never got this (method 5) to work for Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate English. Just tried it again, I get a message during Windows Setup "windows could not be configured for your hardware" or something like that.

Not going to try method 6 (rtlite only) since updates are not going to work completely according to earlier posts.

--> It works when I test my RT7Lite image (call it iso 1).

--> It also works when I test my RT7Lite image after doing Apply & Capture with ImageX (call it iso 2).

It does not work when I test my image after doing vlite on the iso 2 (call it iso 3).

see screenshot attached.


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I did not integrate anything. I use your ini and inf (sp1_v2) but I keep some stuff you selected. For example Japanese language in vLite is selected (needed for Office 2010) and Windows Mail is selected (needed for Office 2010) and a couple of drivers and other stuff. I do select other things like Wordpad, Write and Paint.

But I really dont understand whats happening, Just tried the entire process again. When I want to apply the changes in vLite, it asks if you want to "apply for current image (HOMEBASIC) or all images."

I have Ultimate! Why does it say Homebasic suddenly? In RT7Lite I applied changes for ALL images (normally I only do Ultimate). So i dont understand.

Perhaps it has something to do with the names I set in ImageX (when capturing you have to fill in name/description twice).

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Here are my ini/inf files. I used your sp1_v2 and modified it to my needs. It shouldn't make such a big difference right?

I get the error message I posted above.

setuperr.log says something about cmiadapter\installers.cpp not found and a file that is suppose to be in windows\winsxs\.

Perhaps I should just do method 6 (just select winsxs for removal in RT7Lite, don't use GimageX and VLite but not sure wich updates will work and wich won't work..

Customized SP1_v2.7z

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