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Se7en_UA - RunOnceEx Tester still working with Win 11 2022

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if rename the file appswithch.new to appswithch.dat then run ok
As I already have written, it is impossible to rename the file as long as there is a folder with the same name within the same directory.

Edit: stuff removed because I see you already got the program running

Have you tried 6.0.9 ?

Edited by jbm
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You don't need a folder called Appswitch.dat. Delete it You also cannot rename the file to same name as a folder with same name but you seen that.

That occasionally happens for very few and don't know why but has been awhile.

When the app starts if Appswitch.dat don't exist it try to rename the Appswitch.new to Appswitch.dat. Its a file.

Thats where it first starts writing like an ini but at very bottom of it.

The ini can be recreated by shutting down the program and delete the ini then restart. I use that for troubleshooting instead of sending the larger .dat file. I also xxx out the sensitive info in the ini.

@jbm I'm looking at your xml thing.

Edited by maxXPsoft
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'Se7en_UA.exe 6.1.0: November 28, 2009, 8:30:09 AM
' Fixed xml removing <Extend>true</Extend>
' Corrections to xml not saving User in oobeSystem
' Now adds Modified Boot.wim 2 Image file - spwizimg.dll
' Now adds Modified Boot.wim 2 Image file - imageres.dll
' Now adds Modified background_cli.bmp

Been messing with modding dll for the images. Seven default kinda uhh how you say it.. SUCKS

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I notice that the autounattend.xml created by Se7en_UA (I'm using 6.1.0) is always missing the DiskID element, for example:

<Disk wcm:action="add">
<DiskID>0</DiskID> <!-- This element is always missing and causes a parse error during setup -->
<CreatePartition wcm:action="add">

If I add the DiskID manually, install works.

A question: After I do everything, including inserting hotfixes into the WIM and then packing the image, is there a way to roll back to change settings, add more hotfixes and apps etc? Or do I have to start from copying from my Win7 install DVD?

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I notice that the autounattend.xml created by Se7en_UA (I'm using 6.1.0) is always missing the DiskID element, for example:

<DiskID>0</DiskID> <!-- This element is always missing and causes a parse error during setup -->

If I add the DiskID manually, install works.

A question: After I do everything, including inserting hotfixes into the WIM and then packing the image, is there a way to roll back to change settings, add more hotfixes and apps etc? Or do I have to start from copying from my Win7 install DVD?

I'll take a look at the ID thing. I usually don't use that myself cause I don't want the wrong drive wiped out. :) has happened and 7 reports my drives wrong order :realmad:

Yes please Edit manually till I get it fixed. Anything I need to add for the xml people must tell me.

? Yes choose the option Disable Commit, it will go through everything for a test run but dismounts image without commiting changes :thumbup

After you Commit there is no going back and must be removed at Dvd copy again. Still looking for a way to get around that like I had in my XP App.

If you get errors when trying to mount again, just shutdown Se7en_UA. Run both the zMountDir Cleanups with right click on any .wim in sources. Delete the zMountDir. Start again. zMountDir if not exist is recreated each time the App starts.

That's pretty much what I have figured out to do and works like a charm here on X64 Se7en.

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may have to attach your whole xml or msg me with it so I can run it through here. Certain conditions won't allow DiskID like InstallToAvailablePartition must be blank.

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I am having the same problem as Ferdinand1, which of course led me to look here to see if I missed the guide on how to use this.

I don't see one and was wondering about the chance of at least getting a basic getting started guide?

something that list necessary software/files etc.

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Remove your serial and attach xml and I can find problem easier

Look at the files included Se7en_UA\Help on the xml unattend.chm it covers everything.

Some things changed between Vista and 7 so It better to run your file here.

You can use the help buttons and add them to your bar


Link available first post.

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.1.1: December 01, 2009, 10:37:02 AM
' Correction to right click zMountDir cleanup window was closing. Remove then reenable.
' Corrected right click wim for the N versions.
' Corrections to Boot.wim 2 procedures.
' No longer deletes Iso folder. Rename your files if you save more than 1 there

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Even in the newest version the bug of Fernando1 and me and some others isn't fixed yet. Please fix it, that we can use the proggi!

attach an xml so i can debug it here just remove serial, I don't use that Disk ID so I have no idea what your adding

EDIT: Mine is attached here http://www.msfn.org/board/sample-autounatt...ml-t139572.html

Theres nothing sensitive in any of them except maybe the key or phone numbers so someone should attach so I see where it's not working.

Attach your xml. Upload it


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Hi maxXPsoft,

here is my xml ! I have a 64-bit System. And I would like to install it in a 64-bit win7-surrounding. But you know from Fernando1 what would happen: there is a stripe with WAIT until the world goes down.

Thank you for your help. We are very interested. Your proggi seams to be great, when it runs.


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@maxXPsoft regarding the error fernando 1 and other have reported.

I uninstalled 6.1.0 and installed 6.1.1 with no problems.

Then I uninstalled 6.1.1 and went thru the registry and removed

any mention of se7en I also searched the c: drive and removed

files or directries that had se7en in the name.

Installed 6.1.1 and had the error.

The screen at to bottom says wait and in my se7en directory there is a directory call


All I have to do to get the error is uninstall se7en then delete c:\se7en

directory. Then reinstall

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