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Posted (edited)

I'm thinking Autoit.

You can see the description about FLAG4 at the first page of this topic:


FLAG1: REG copy

copies registry entries from your current registry. The program needs to be Installed when this is done. BUT If you copy once then it saves it to the [APPS] folder and any future Installs will use that. If you have it installed then it overwrites the current file = SWEET HUH?

FLAG2: FILE copy

Copy any File from anywhere to be placed in same directory on Target computer.


Copy entire Folder's to be placed on Target computer's. Handy for Fox/Tbird/Trillian if you don't want to lose anything

FLAG4: Special

is special and copies settings from the Registry from the HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-1000 reg keys and on setup if reg part S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-1000 has changed it will automatically enter your new SID

Edited by myselfidem


I'm thinking Autoit.

You can see the description about FLAG4 at the first page of this topic:


FLAG1: REG copy

copies registry entries from your current registry. The program needs to be Installed when this is done. BUT If you copy once then it saves it to the [APPS] folder and any future Installs will use that. If you have it installed then it overwrites the current file = SWEET HUH?

FLAG2: FILE copy

Copy any File from anywhere to be placed in same directory on Target computer.


Copy entire Folder's to be placed on Target computer's. Handy for Fox/Tbird/Trillian if you don't want to lose anything

FLAG4: Special

is special and copies settings from the Registry from the HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-1000 reg keys and on setup if reg part S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-1000 has changed it will automatically enter your new SID

when I use FLAG4 I get a popup says FLAG4nr1.txt is missing and FLAG4 cannot be processed for powerdvd9

Posted (edited)

I'm thinking Autoit.

You can see the description about FLAG4 at the first page of this topic:


FLAG1: REG copy

copies registry entries from your current registry. The program needs to be Installed when this is done. BUT If you copy once then it saves it to the [APPS] folder and any future Installs will use that. If you have it installed then it overwrites the current file = SWEET HUH?

FLAG2: FILE copy

Copy any File from anywhere to be placed in same directory on Target computer.


Copy entire Folder's to be placed on Target computer's. Handy for Fox/Tbird/Trillian if you don't want to lose anything

FLAG4: Special

is special and copies settings from the Registry from the HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-1000 reg keys and on setup if reg part S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-1000 has changed it will automatically enter your new SID

when I use FLAG4 I get a popup says FLAG4nr1.txt is missing and FLAG4 cannot be processed for powerdvd9

I've tried FLAG4 with TuneUp and I've the same problem like you: FLAG4nr1.txt is missing...

If you have made the stage: 'Pack Image' you can the file inside:


that the script is writing and the location for you should be:



FLAG4="REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\FLAG4nr1.txt"

But in fact the file FLAG4nr1.txt is not created, isn't inside the folder "APPS\TuneUp"! Don't work.

Edited by myselfidem

FLAGS - you can use as many as you want of all types. We have found that sometimes you need them in certain order like on one app I installed the serial before install the program. Axialis

FLAG4 - some applications started doing this some time ago where they installed the serial in odd locations in HKEY_USERS that contain the SID.

It worked last time I tried but just now it did not so I'll look into that.

Autoit is always an option there or perhaps a batch file with reg add if serial is only thing missing.

Programs have to be installed to grab the settings from them

Also programs change and certain things I have included in the sample Appswitch may have changed. Last version Powerdvd I done was 6.

Use regsnap or I prefer Installwatchpro to track changes


I'm working on an install of Powerdvd 9.

The main program and two updatres were extracted with uniextract

and I placed the folders in my APPS folder in powerdvd9 folder.

Here's what I have so in my Appswitch.dat

Without the FLAGs I can't install the updates until I start powerdvd

and enter the serial number.

REM http://www.gocyberlink.com/english/index.jsp
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /VE /D "PowerDVD 9" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\POWERdvd9Ultra/setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REM the line below copies registration data
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Users\All Users\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Users\jim\AppData\Local\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\CyberLink
REM FLAG4=Software\Cyberlink
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\Cyberlink01/setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\Cyberlink02/setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\activatepowerdvd.exe" /f

Everything gets installed unattended and I'm not prompted to register.

The problem is I still have to enter the serial number and activate when I first start powerdvd.

I think the problem is with the FLAG3 entry I'm using, it's only possible to have one right?

During runonceextester it says it can't process the FLAG4 entery because FLAG4nr1.txt is missing

what is FLAG4nr1.txt and where does it go?

I got it to work by using this autoit script.

It has to be edited with your serial number.

Also I'm running on Win7 ultimate X64


ClipPut("KEY goes here with no dashes")
Run('C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD9\Activate.exe')
WinWait("Activation","Your trial version e")
If Not WinActive("Activation","Your trial version e") Then WinActivate("Activation","Your trial version e")
WinWaitActive("Activation","Your trial version e")
WinWait("Activation","Activating now")
If Not WinActive("Activation","Activating now") Then WinActivate("Activation","Activating now")
WinWaitActive("Activation","Activating now")

Wrong method with PowerDVD you actually make the silent installer i,e, an SFX

Check out the powerdvd silent install

also Here


I'm working on an install of Powerdvd 9.

The main program and two updatres were extracted with uniextract

and I placed the folders in my APPS folder in powerdvd9 folder.

Here's what I have so in my Appswitch.dat

Without the FLAGs I can't install the updates until I start powerdvd

and enter the serial number.

REM http://www.gocyberlink.com/english/index.jsp
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /VE /D "PowerDVD 9" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\POWERdvd9Ultra/setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REM the line below copies registration data
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Users\All Users\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\Users\jim\AppData\Local\CyberLink
REM FLAG3=%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\CyberLink
REM FLAG4=Software\Cyberlink
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\Cyberlink01/setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\Cyberlink02/setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\powerdvd9\activatepowerdvd.exe" /f

Everything gets installed unattended and I'm not prompted to register.

The problem is I still have to enter the serial number and activate when I first start powerdvd.

I think the problem is with the FLAG3 entry I'm using, it's only possible to have one right?

During runonceextester it says it can't process the FLAG4 entery because FLAG4nr1.txt is missing

what is FLAG4nr1.txt and where does it go?

I got it to work by using this autoit script.

It has to be edited with your serial number.

Also I'm running on Win7 ultimate X64


ClipPut("KEY goes here with no dashes")
Run('C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD9\Activate.exe')
WinWait("Activation","Your trial version e")
If Not WinActive("Activation","Your trial version e") Then WinActivate("Activation","Your trial version e")
WinWaitActive("Activation","Your trial version e")
WinWait("Activation","Activating now")
If Not WinActive("Activation","Activating now") Then WinActivate("Activation","Activating now")
WinWaitActive("Activation","Activating now")

Wrong method with PowerDVD you actually make the silent installer i,e, an SFX

Check out the powerdvd silent install

also Here

I've already made silent installs using winrar

Those methods edit the ini files so no switched required on setup.exe so I use setup.exe /S /v/qn

not that big a deal. I did try them and I stall had to enter my cd key when I first started powerdvd the first

time I ran it to activate it.

The reg key that se7en copys already has the cdkey in it.

So no need for me to edit it.

either way the request to register is removed but not to Activate.

Unless I'm missing something from the links you gave.

The Autoit file is still needed to avtivate powerdvd 9

so I don't have to hunt for my cd key when I run it for the first time

after its been installed.

Posted (edited)

@ jbm did you read this part

Your method does not work, because activation status is stored not only in registry but in files "PowerDVD8.sim" and "CLAud.sim".

You should replace original files with the activated ones.

Otherwise, you will be asked to activate the program at the first start.

obviously yours will be PowerDVD9.sim Edited by urie
Posted (edited)

@ jbm did you read this part

Your method does not work, because activation status is stored not only in registry but in files "PowerDVD8.sim" and "CLAud.sim".

You should replace original files with the activated ones.

Otherwise, you will be asked to activate the program at the first start.

obviously yours will be PowerDVD9.sim

Ah no missed that part, have to go back and redo it.

Thanks maybe now I can get rid of the autoit script

That worked! Thanks again Urie

Edited by jbm

obviously yours will be PowerDVD9.sim

find that with IWP urie? I would have tried but didn't have a serial, tis ok I use Ultraiso :)


obviously yours will be PowerDVD9.sim

find that with IWP urie? I would have tried but didn't have a serial, tis ok I use Ultraiso :)

No mate still got powerdvd6 silent sfx i made years ago :lol: Iv,e got version 9 here also but i downloaded that installed it once but never again since i went to VLC :thumbup

Sorry didn't notice you were online earlier on.

Posted (edited)

Hello Max :rolleyes:

Inside the window "Features and Packages" with Se7en_UA6.2.6 I don't see any lines!

I see only the lines for Tweaks.


Edited by myselfidem


Internet Backgammon is not being disabled.

I've tried unchecking just internet games, then nun of the internet

games get disabled. When I uncheck the three internet games Bacgammon

doest get disabled. This is whats in the zFEATURES.TXT file after

running se7en_ua. If you need to see the entire file let me know.

Feature Name : Internet Games

State : Enable Pending

Feature Name : Internet Checkers

State : Disable Pending

Feature Name : Internet Backgammon

State : Enable Pending

Feature Name : Internet Spades

State : Disable Pending

Posted (edited)

Inside the window "Features and Packages" with Se7en_UA6.2.6 I don't see any lines!

is zFEATURES.TXT present? zip and attach that and zPackagelist its really small

Internet Backgammon is not being disabled.

I've run across that and have been searching for better answer. Been wanting to redo all the features things, seem's some get done and some don't. You are doing 64 bit?

Edited by maxXPsoft
Posted (edited)

Inside the window "Features and Packages" with Se7en_UA6.2.6 I don't see any lines!

is zFEATURES.TXT present? zip and attach that and zPackagelist its really small

Hello Max

Yes the two files are created: zFEATURES.TXT and zPackagelist.txt!


Edited by myselfidem

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