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if disabled it realy does cuts down installation to speed of ~20 min

but there it says it "turns off during and after installation"

so is this recommended to be turned off, and does it have negative impact on OS if its turned off ?

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It depends. Do you avoid running software of questionable origin from the internet or elsewhere? Do you completely trust others who will use the computer to know what they're installing or running? If you cannot answer "yes" to both questions unequivocally then you should not disable SFC.

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vinifera, it may make a running Windows system run a little faster. But, with SFC turned off, if some bad software wants to replace some important Windows files, nothing will stop it. If you are doing it just to reduce install time, I would suggest you not disable SFC. How many installs do you do? If you are doing it so you can install modified Windows files, then I recommend you enable it again after installation. Enjoy, John.

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ah that is what i was confused

i thought it was part only for installation but now i understand it is also in OS itself

can someone tell how to enable it later ?

i only like to disable it for fast install, no other reason

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heh, i was searcing more like automated way-switch

so users who would use my "fast install" would not need to hassle :P

or need knowledge of all that

And who are those "users"? Are you trying to say you were clicking "Next" too fast to see nLite was made for personal use ONLY?

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vinifera, I found a way to enable SFC after install. NLite modifies the sfc_os.dll to disable SFC, so I restore the original (copied from my source CD) and then set the appropriate Registry keys as follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Re-enable WFP
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

The reason this may look funny is because I am running XP x64. If you are running XP (32 bit), then you will need to find the correct key(s). I offer no guarantees, but this works for me and I have been using it for some time. Enjoy, John.

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johnhc, I already gave him a link in post #5 from MS's website containing the needed registry keys for this modification.

vinifera, all you need to do now is put them into a text editor (like Notepad) and save it with a .reg extension.

You could also export the needed key from the registry and then just double click it to restore the settings.

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yeah i also search a bit on net on this issue

im just curious when if i wish to restore original .dll files and .reg automatic way

(so just to speed up installation and then auto restore it)

do i put them in $OEM$ folder so they are copied on first Window GUI boot

and .reg to be executed THEN

or it must be later later


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vinifera, I hope you are using a virtual system, because it took me a number of trial runs to get this to work for me. I used the $OEM$ folder to place the original sfc_os.dll into the System32 folder under a new name. I then used WPI (Windows Post Install, see forum below) to rename the modified sfc_os.dll and copy the original into the System32 folder as sfc_os.dll. I then ran a .reg file to change the Registry. I assume you could do this out of the Unattended RunOnce exit, but I did not try it. I was using WPI for many installs and it is well suited for these types of things. Enjoy, John.

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