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windows file protection


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yes i have read the link you posted, but unfortunately i still see that question stayed opened

regarding dialog problem

as for cd, i have SP2 cd that i slipstream SP3 over it in nlite, and then hotfixes


now i made it clean, SP2 -> SP3 -> hotfixes, compared the hash of dll

no hotfix updated it, it is same as in my host pc (using SP3) system32

@Spoiledbrat, thats weird also..., by the build its from SP1 or close to it

Edited by vinifera
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vinifera, I don't understand what you mean by "regarding dialog problem" with my 2008 thread. I had no problem and have no problem now. What I was referring to was testing SFC after I have restored the function. Then, I get the dialog saving that a system file has been altered and it is replaced. I tested this by messing with shell32.dll. You should test it also. I have not shown my exact method and it is a little different. I suspect the difference does not matter, but since you are getting the dialog when you restore sfc_os.dll, I will explain in detail how I do it. I do run my .reg file and .bat under WPI, but I am not suggesting you use WPI. I was already using it and it was convenient to use for this function. It does run after Windows is on the Desktop after the last boot during Setup. This is a little later than when you are running. What I do:

  • Place the original sfc_os.dll (with changed name) in a System32 folder inside the $$ folder inside the $OEM$ folder. This get copied into the System32 folder on my system disk during Setup.
  • Run the .reg file I show above.
  • run the .bat file I show below - renaming the modified sfc_os.dll and copying the original back into the System32 folder.

Rename "%WinDir%\system32\sfc_os.dll" "Disable_SFC_sfc_os.dll"
Copy "%WinDir%\system32\Enable_SFC_sfc_os.dll" "%WinDir%\system32\sfc_os.dll"

I would not think it would matter, but you might give my method a try. Please let us know what happens. You did not say what the nature of the modified sfc_os.dll after running nLite. Is it indeed the same version, size but different hash as the original? Enjoy, John.

Sp0iLedBrAt, I am not sure what you are showing us here. Are you showing that mousing over the sfc_os.dll file show one version and Properties shows another? Enjoy, John.

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the disabled nlited dll is different in hash but has same size as (SP3 original one)

they even share same build number (5512)

as for the new way, i indeed created system32 folder in $$ one, put the original dll init with another name,

and from runonce runned the batch script that renamed disabled one (from nlite) and copied SP3 original one

then applied reg enable, then rebooted OS


dialog again pops up upon next boot

Edited by vinifera
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vinifera, unless you are tired of this, there are some more things to try. I had to spend some time to get mine to work.

Please post a screen shot of the dialog pop-up you are getting. What file is it complaining about? If it is complaining about sfc_os.dll, what file ends up in the System32 folder - nLite modified or original? Do a search on your Windows folder for sfc_os and post where any are found and what they are - modified or original.

Want to continue? Enjoy, John.

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yes i surely want to continue :)

and thanks for having the will for help

file that ends up at the end is the one i copy from $$\system32 (original unpatched SP3 dll)

unfortunately dialog does not say what it searches for




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vinifera, since you are running on VM, you can do some normally dangerous things. So, do a cancel on the message you get and respond yes to ignore the error message. Then look in your System log and you should see an information message from Windows File Protection saying which file was not restored. Please post the file name here. Perhaps it is uxtheme.dll. Whatever it is, do a search on your System32 folder for it and let us know where you find it. If it is uxtheme, please check the hash and let us know if it is the nLite modified one or the original. Enjoy, John.

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holy heavens...

this is more stupid than i thought haha

in event viewer this is the only thing i found regarding win file protection


and what i do with my customised XP, is to leave everything intact except removing few languages/keyboards

AND tablet pc components :crazy::whistle:

if this is because of that....

Edited by vinifera
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vinifera, bizarre! In the Last Session.ini you posted I do not see the removal of the Tablet PC components. Have you run nLite more than once against the same source? If so, this may well be the problem. Here is my standard inculcation: Please make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Please report when you have a solution, so others can benefit.

If you have followed these, then start over and leave the tablet PC components there and see what happens. If you have not, start over and do everything in one nLite session. Enjoy, John.

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i always start with fresh copy but i load always same session.ini

maybe thats why some funky things happen...

i guess i will have to try always fron zero not using any saved settings :P

will report back with fresh info :P

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vinifera, the Last Session is there for just the purpose of repeating an nLite run, so don't stop using it. Still, I would like to know why the one you posted did not have the Tablet PC removal? Please check your nLited folder and see if the tabletpc (no extension) file is there. I don't have one, even on my original CD, but that may be because I am running XP x64. Enjoy, John.

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i dont have it in custom XP folder (normally coz i removed the thing lol)

but i do have it on my system

it is located in



guess ill have to leave it in altho i see no purpose of it :P

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johnhc, exactly that; the file sfc_os.dll shows the version of Service Pack 1 when looked at (corresponds to the original source CD), but when you right-click it and click properties, that same file shows the version number of Service Pack 3 (later integrated with nLite). This is the file from the nLited CD, which I have copied to the hard drive and expanded using Command Prompt. I'm not sure how it happens, but there it is :yes: seeing is believing.

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