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Some pie-charts for you

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Posted (edited)

There's been just under 8,000 installations of xpize 5R6 so far (that sent in installation feedback, there's probably a few thousand more that didn't, it wouldn't surprise me if I was over 10,000 by now). Note this isn't including xpize 5R3, 4, and 5 which have had at least 15,000 installs between them.

Anyway, I've processed the feedback sent and made some ugly pie-charts in Excel 2003.



  1. The first chart shows the "System language" of a user's system, which is the native language of their Windows installation. Unlike your regional settings, this cannot be changed without installing Windows of another language.
  2. The second chart shows usage of each translation made for xpize. xpize 5R5 was popular in Brazil, but 5R6 doesn't seem to have taken off, which explains why users of the Brazilian translation account for only 4%. The Farsi language isn't shown because no feedback was sent indicating anyone used it. The Welsh ("cy") translation had 1 user.
  3. This shows the proportion of people who used the "Simple Selector" feature rather than using the "Advanced" tree-view to customize their installation. The "null" entry shows the number of people who didn't install xpize via normal means or installs the tools.
  4. This chart shows that 7% of users either have System Restore disabled or deselected the option
  5. Lite Mode is selected by default on all OSes besides English 1033 Windows. The 29% of users who didn't have lite mode enabled matches the 29% of users running 1033 Windows. Clearly not many people are into experimentation.
  6. 23% of users chose not to make a backup. Note this also includes users who installed to a CD image.
  7. About 18% of users chose to uninstall xpize after installing it. This is disappointing, but ah well. The % used to be higher: about 25%, but it's going down a bit now so more people are satisfied with xpize.
  8. Finally, most users have a dual-core system setup, although single-core users are just behind. I'm a quad-core user and in the minority: only 4%. There's also a handful of people with AMD's tri-core Phenom and even fewer people with 8-core machines (though that could be people with quad-core HT processors, or dual-quad core chips)


Edited by W3bbo

Posted (edited)

I've also compiled the "Why did you uninstall" messages. Surprisingly few people who uninstalled wrote anything down. Here's the feedback:

  • Conflicts
  • I had installed over the top of XPize 4.7 beta 2 !
  • IE7 greyed Back and Forward buttons are a bit too dark
  • It was only test installation, to check features - now I need to install it on clean system :-)
  • Ficou lento e só ví pequenas mudanças no visual.
  • este programa es muy pesado y teniendo un pentium 3 se alenta mucho el pc
  • Momentarily (so I thought) changed the xpize theme back to XP then couldn't figure how to get back to xpize. There is nothing obvious in my start menu nor in the themes to allow me to change back -- seems once you leave zpize it's a one-way trip. Very strange.
    You'd think you'd make it easy to swap back and forth, but I then I suppose--like most free software--there's always a gotcha or it's years behind the commercial stuff (a la OpenOffice and the Gimp--classic examples of half-done jobs).
    Shame really, I don't know why you guys make free Open Source software so inaccessible to the average user (well I do really, you geeks just can't put or imagine yourself in the position of the average user).
  • d
  • I was just testing it. I am impressed though.
  • I really LOVED XPize, but it doens't work with my keyboard shortcuts and for me thery're more important than my xp appearance. Hope you solve this problem and I'll certainly install it again! :)
  • Verlangsamt das System
  • i really do love this programe, but the reason i am uninstalling this is i wanted to try out Aero Ultimate FINAL and i dint want both programs to clash or something
  • Het vertraagt het systeem te veel. It slows down the system.
  • Er is niets veranderd
  • mi sistema no tiene sufiente memoria
  • hace ke mi pc encienda mas lento....
  • Donot like it very much.
  • de letters zijn slecht te lezen
  • porque no me acaba de convencer del todo
  • lots of programs stopped running like msn 9.1, icon tweaker
  • ng
  • loopt vast
  • Veel te langzaam met op starten en met opstarten van een program
  • Aplic. lijkt cursor tijdens FSX negatief te beinvloeden.
  • Great Stable Program, Boot Screen was a bit strange (no animation). Gave it a shot, saw what I liked, will recommend! :)
  • freezes after screensaver kicks in. will not come out of standby.
  • I've been using the "Royale Theme" for several months and I truly love its look. I've tried xpize to see if it's going to offer a better a look. However, I still prefer the Royale Theme look.
  • It Sucks!
  • Info in advanced mode installer is wrong, missing, and not complete.
  • C'était juste pour tester, honnêtement, c'est travail très réussi. Je compte le remettre tôt ou tard.
  • porque lo tengo dos veces
  • zit virus in
  • Per cambiare tema
  • ???
  • non piace il tema
  • Just trying another pack a little cleaner and slimmer more 7ish
  • I don't like the boot screen.
  • traag
  • It seems my system slow's down a bit?!
  • lento
  • To reinstall without the welcome screen (the loading screen has no movement, so if the computer freezes on startup, I can't know as quickly)
  • pesou o pc
  • zz
  • Porque el paquete no contiene las opciones para escoger manualmente los recursos que desee modificar el usuario como lo ha sido con las versiones anteriores de XPize
  • บ่องาม
  • ie 8.0's icons be changed,it's too ugly!
  • 开机太慢~
  • "Styler" is just f***ed up in this version of xpize... Need to downgrade.

Clearly a lot of people think that xpize is just a visual style and don't understand exactly what the program does. I'll need to beef up my "user education" in future.

The guy who left the long feedback also left me his email address. I'll get in contact with him.

A lot of people also don't like the static bootscreen, a lot also ignore the message in the "first-run" document which explicitly details why their systems will run slow for a few minutes after installation. I guess there's no patch for human stupidity.

I think in the "xpize Settings" app I'll remake for 5R7 I'll add an option to enable/disable the bootscreen as that can be changed by altering boot.ini and not changing any resources.

BTW, can those who can read the non-English feedback post translations? Thanks!

Edited by W3bbo
Surprisingly few people who uninstalled wrote anything down.

It's laziness, or the shame to give bad feedback I guess...

The guy who left the long feedback also left me his email address. I'll get in contact with him.

Thats good. You can try to explain him, what xpize is doing - and he can translate this into a short non-geek description... ;)

A lot of people also don't like the static bootscreen

I don't like it either... :blushing:

a lot also ignore the message in the "first-run" document which explicitly details why their systems will run slow for a few minutes after installation.

I guess there's no patch for human stupidity.

I wouldn't call it stupidity - its just laziness.

But there is unfortunately also no patch for that... :|

BTW, can those who can read the non-English feedback post translations? Thanks!

The only German post "Verlangsamt das System" says, that xpize did slow down the system. - The laziness issue again!

Because of our translations, the xpize user might think, that writing in their native tongue will be ok.

Maybe you could add the hint, that people should write their feedback in English. - Otherwise the feedback will not be heard in most cases.

Maybe its also possible to give several language options: English and Spanish, for a Spanish package developer for instance.

I did attach the latest German language file. It should be almost perfect now. :)

Please let us know, if you will change/add some strings for R7.


[*]The first chart shows the "System language" of a user's system, which is the native language of their Windows installation. Unlike your regional settings, this cannot be changed without installing Windows of another language.

Why don't you add an auto language select in anolis??

I think it'll be great, becuse lots of people just click in NEXT, NEXT, accept, etc.

and about Brazil's polarity, is because this web site: http://www.baixaki.com.br/made a special article for XPize 5.3 and 5.4, but in 5.6 they just update with any special.

Email them and ask for a special for the ne xpize. I'm sure they will do it for you!

Posted (edited)

[*]Ficou lento e só ví pequenas mudanças no visual.

It's too slow and i just see little changes in visual

[*]este programa es muy pesado y teniendo un pentium 3 se alenta mucho el pc

this program is too heavy and i have a pentium 3 pc greatly encourages

[*]mi sistema no tiene sufiente memoria

My computer doesn't have sufiente memory

[*]hace ke mi pc encienda mas lento....

It makes my computer slow....


Too slow

[*]pesou o pc

Too heavy

[*]Porque el paquete no contiene las opciones para escoger manualmente los recursos que desee modificar el usuario como lo ha sido con las versiones anteriores de XPize

Because the package does not contain options to manually select the resources you want to change the user as it has been with previous versions of XPize

PS: I hate the boot screem to, and i wold like an new XPize settings

Edited by Marru_xD

* Per cambiare tema

To change the theme

* non piace il tema

I don't like the theme

I understand what you mean... There are a lot of people who think xpize is just a theme, and there're also a lot of people who think the applied theme can't be changed after installing xpize.

A lot of people also don't like the static bootscreen

I don't like it either... :blushing:

Thats also one of few thinsg that gets unticked on installation!

I would like a Windows 7 Style boot screen :P simple and smart, but thats me!

  • 2 weeks later...
I did attach the latest German language file. It should be almost perfect now. :)

Please let us know, if you will change/add some strings for R7.

Hi Webbo, I like to bring this up again, because the file was not downloaded a single time...

You can find the latest German local in my previous post:


k, I've downloaded it. I'll include it in the next release, if there ever is one.

k, I've downloaded it. I'll include it in the next release, if there ever is one.

Oh, ok. I thought I did read something about a planned R7...

Thanks anyway!

k, I've downloaded it. I'll include it in the next release, if there ever is one.

Oh, ok. I thought I did read something about a planned R7...

Thanks anyway!

If I do an R7, it'll be around Christmas time, assuming I don't win any internships at the places I've applied for.

If I do an R7, it'll be around Christmas time, assuming I don't win any internships at the places I've applied for.

Would be a nice present for Christmas than. :)

But I hope, that you will get your intern! :thumbup

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