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Change Wallpaper


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I just installed XPize 5R6 and noticed one thing. I selected the "Embedded" wallpaper style during install. I now want to change wallpaper. I open "Properties", "Desk Top Properties", "Desktop", "Background", and selected a different wallpaper from the drop down list, and click "Apply", "Ok". No matter which wallpaper I select, it never saves the change. I "Logged Off", and "Logged On", but the wallpaper I selected from the previous session does not change. I also tried changing wallpaper, then rebooting but the wallpaper does not change.

Is this by design?



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This MIGHT be an issue of residual files left on your computer when older xpize installations didn't uninstall correctly. This is NOT by design.

(I've been told that xpize R6's uninstaller is more complete than the previous versions. Previous versions of xpize forgot to uninstall themes and stuff, and it might have left files that screwed with future installations.)

You can try some things (and remember to report back if it fixes the problems) -- I'd also assume that your visual style is the one that you selected from the xpize installation?

**Find the residual files (it's probably best if you post a screenshot so we can see if you do it right)::

--go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes and DELETE the FOLDERS WITH (1)'s. That should rid of the duplicate theme files (which may be a reason why Windows keeps resetting your post-xpize customizations)

--go to C:\web\wallpapers (or something like that) and go the same to the duplicate images.

Tell us if this works ;) !!

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Thanks for the reply. Let me take you through the install steps I followed.

1. Attempted to install Xpize 5.R6, received the error message that the installer detected a previous install, and to uninstall previous install of Xprize.

2. Started the Xpize 5.R5 installer and performed an “Undo Changes made by xpize 5 Release 5.

3. Rebooted

4. Started Xpize 5R6 installer, which not start because of pending action.

5. Started IE at updates.microsoft.com. Microsoft showed no pending updates.

6. Started Xpize 5R6 installer from command line with switch /ignoreCondition

7. Rebooted

8. Copied desired wallpaper Vista Blue to C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Vista Blue.jpg.

9. Opened Properties, and attempted to switch wallpaper to Vista Blue. This did not work. Attempted to change to any existing wallpaper, which does not work as well.

10. Checked C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes for duplicate folders. Attempted to remove duplicate directories, but denied because some of DLL’s in use.

11. Booted to Safe Mode and removed duplicate directories, and rebooted.

12. System now was in what appeared to be “XP Sliver Theme”. Could not change. Went to Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance->Settings->Visual Effects->Adjust for Best Appearance. This put me back to “Embedded Theme” and toggled Off the On. This put me back into embedded theme.

13. At this time, cannot change Theme or Wallpaper.

I cannot upload screen shots, but you can see them at Windows Live at http://cid-892f6f008e5062eb.skydrive.live....=WuRgm4N5s00%24 . I will wait for further suggestions.

Also, applied Xpize 5R6 to a VMWare image. This works fine, since I did not have a previous theme Xpize distribution installed.



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Open up regedit and go to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop and clear all values relating to your wallpaper. Then go to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager and clear DllName then try again.

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Do you guys think at this point I should a install or reload? I'm still mystified why I cannot change "styles" or "wallpaper"



What happens when you open up an image in MSPaint and choose File > Set as Background?

Can you post a screenshot of your Display control panel?

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Tried the MS Paint trick, but the version is the one distributed with XP. It will let me set the background after saving it as a a low density .jpeg. I attempted it with one of the wallpapers distributed with windows in /windows/web/wallpaper. The result is crappy wallpaper. I think I know where you are going with this, but I get the same result with the .jpg I want to use. Also, on a VM image, if I rename the jpeg that I want to use, and copy it to the VMWare VM /windows/web/wallpaper/test_image.jpg it allows me to use the image or any other image I desire.

The VM also has xpize 5R6 installed.

I have attached a screen shot of my DT.




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Ok, I fixed it. Following are the steps I followed -

1) I noticed TaskSwitchXP was not running. It was in the registry start, but was not installed in /Program Files/.

2) Started Xpize5R6 installer with /ignoreCondition

3. After reboot, went to /WINDOWS/Resources and removed duplicate directories.

4) Went to /WINDOWS/Web/Wallpaper and removed duplicate .jpg and .bmp files.

5) Went to Control Panel, System, Advanced, Settings, Performance Settings, and toggled 'Adjust for Best Appearance:.

6) Went to Desktop Properties, Desktop, Background (any except none), Apply.

7. Went to Desktop Properties, Settings, Advanced, "After I Change Display:" and toggled " Apply the new display settings without restarting" to "Ask me before applying the new display settings" and then back to " Apply the new display settings without restarting".

Note, I did not change any registry keys. I also attached the install log and a shot of my Desktop.





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