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Nuhi Working for Microsoft?

Guest bb2009

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I would think that if a known Microsoft employee were posting here it would give the appearance of an affiliation. I am sure they asked him kindly to discontinue an active membership.

Why dont you submit a ticket to the helpdesk for win7 component removal issues and keep telling them to escalate it? That would certainly seem to give you a better shot at getting your slimmed O/s autographed :)

I doubt mircosoft would ask him to do something like that, if anything i believe they encourge their employees to help and evangilise their products and projects (private or public). the easy anwser woud be he is just busy with a new job, simple as that.

wow I want some of that Microsoft Kool-Aid Brand your drinking..... :whistle:

Microsoft has NEVER endorsed nuhis idea of stripping windows, even though it works and works excellently they consider it potentially damaging to Windows, or Microsoft terminology damaging to their sales figures....

Edited by FridgeTooFar
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wow I want some of that Microsoft Kool-Aid Brand your drinking..... :whistle:

Microsoft has NEVER endorsed nuhis idea of stripping windows, even though it works and works excellently they consider it potentially damaging to Windows, or Microsoft terminology damaging to their sales figures....

How would it be damaging to their sales? That's like saying people buying XP downgrades from Vista is somehow cutting into sales - you still bought a copy of Windows, Microsoft still got paid. The reason they don't like it is because you're removing binaries that contain exported APIs that other apps or even Windows components may rely on. If they're not there, things may not work. I'm sure it's because they want to reduce support costs (customers calling Microsoft because <insert product or API call here> doesn't work, when the reason it doesn't work is because something was permanently removed via xLite).
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Just for the record:


"Microsoft does not recommend using any tool to strip out applications from Windows Vista prior to installing it on your system, as it may affect your ability to download future Windows updates and service packs, and may cause your system to become unstable," the company said in an e-mail to CNET News.com.


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Cmon dudes.., don't be silly! I will buy you all a new computer if he have been hired by MS for "his" "skills" of crippling Windows. It's either brainsurgery nor condoned or even appreciated by MS in any way.

Get real.

Edited by Clint
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  • 4 months later...

i guess that ms had put some press on nuhi

in july 2008,a biggist chinese pirate of winxp, with much "advanced" xp modification and encapsulation technic, was down.

and the master had been put into prison.since that, most of xp modification and encapsulation technic forum of China anounce

that"we do not do modify work any more,do not ask...". in china we call that ms's anti-pirate storm, it's not hard to find ms hate

modification of its products,exept himselfs.

but the pirate's modified xp has take much business benefit, like some ad. or some cant-say-clearly programs.nuhi does not,

just moddify,without any "seasoning".

hope Mr.nuhi continue his work!

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