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Is it Safe to Use Windows 7 RC as Main OS?


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like timebombs matter doenst everyone reinstall windows every three months for the shear enjoyment of it?

No, not here :). I'm hoping I never have to reinstall any of my Vista boxes (been good since 2006!) and other than installing new builds for Win7 now, I'm hoping once I get Win7 RTM on my machines those won't ever need to be reinstalled either.

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After reading this topic I checked back and it's hard to realize that I've been using RC build 7100 for a month now. I installed it on my XP system in a dual boot configuration with XP as the default OS. It took a day to change the default to W7 and I have been using it ever since.

What a delightful change it has been. I have experienced Vista on enough systems to decide that I would stick to XP but I have to say that I will now be very pleased to stay with W7 after the RC expires. Very stable, it does everything I want it to and up to now not a single problem.

I am particularly interested to see that the inbuilt backup tool works seemlessly and efficiently on a schedule, although I have had no need to do any restoring yet.... Maybe I never will!


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like timebombs matter doenst everyone reinstall windows every three months for the shear enjoyment of it?

I never have to reinstall unless i majorly change some piece of hardware. Vms help keep everthing running smooth. If a piece of software installs a driver or makes any other significant change to my computer it is confined to a VM, and thats the way it should be.

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The big thing for me is...

Is Windows 7 superior to Windows XP? Because we all know Vista is utter crap. It will be easy for Windows 7 to be better than Vista... so that isn't much of an accomplishment in my opinion. But if it is actually better then XP then I finally will get the enjoyment of an upgrade! :D I have been disgusted by the thoughts of microsoft trying to force Windows XP to be phased out because of Vista, And Microsoft forcing new PCs to be sold with Vista. Especially when microsoft themselves know how bad Vista really is.

So since now I am seeing people actully compairing W7 to XP and getting good results... I am finally going to try W7. :)


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Using it for over a month now, Build 7100 x64. It's amazing, I love using it. I have WinXP installed for gaming. GTA 4 runs a lot better on Windows XP, but it's the only demanding game I have. Even with a E8400 OCed to 3.6ghz, 4gb of ram and a gtx 260 216, its still not as fast as you would think.

But yes, using W7 as your main OS is safe

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Personally I despise Windows 7, and think it is nothing more than a clever marketing move by Microsoft.

If you actually look at the OS, it isn't hard to tell that it's simply heavily plagiarising Mac OS X, even more than Vista did. It's basically the same as Vista but because people have got it into their heads that Vista 'sucks', suddenly this new OS is perceived (wrongly) to be the best thing since sliced bread - which is exactly what Microsoft wants. They've just redressed Vista, gave it a new name and are using clever psychology tactics to buy back all of those that lost faith after Vista. It's exactly what happened in the mojave project (people didn't know it was Vista, so they had an unbiased view) except this is actually the real thing.

It seems like I am the only one who can actually see this... it's quite disturbing.


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Personally I despise Windows 7, and think it is nothing more than a clever marketing move by Microsoft.

If you actually look at the OS, it isn't hard to tell that it's simply heavily plagiarising Mac OS X, even more than Vista did. It's basically the same as Vista but because people have got it into their heads that Vista 'sucks', suddenly this new OS is perceived (wrongly) to be the best thing since sliced bread - which is exactly what Microsoft wants. They've just redressed Vista, gave it a new name and are using clever psychology tactics to buy back all of those that lost faith after Vista. It's exactly what happened in the mojave project (people didn't know it was Vista, so they had an unbiased view) except this is actually the real thing.

It seems like I am the only one who can actually see this... it's quite disturbing.


The topic is "Is it Safe to Use Windows 7 RC as Main OS?" not about your concerns

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For people like Siginet, it would be great not to assume that "everyone" knows how bad Vista is. For some of us, Vista is great in so many ways. But for this, another topic should be fine.

The only problems i have seen for others with Win7 RC is that some security suites cause random freezes or BSOD.

With KIS2010 is working fine for the last couple of days in my laptop. I'm using it as the only OS on that computer.

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like timebombs matter doenst everyone reinstall windows every three months for the shear enjoyment of it?

I was going to bring that up. I had installed the RC of Server 2003 on my PC as a dual boot and I forgot it would expire. So I was hosed the one day I boot up and I can't log in. So yeah, if you decide to use an RC, make sure you know you can't use it forever.

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the way i see it is you've got a perfectly legal os for free till march 2010 and it's genuine.

i'd use it as my main os till then. oh! wait! i am using it.

when march comes around, i'll upgrade to the real thing. it's great to keep your data partitions separate in case you have to reinstall again.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't think it is safe...yet

I did a clean install last Saturday (July 11th) on my mother's PC

which previously had XP SP3 , it seemed to work well

until Tuesday (July 14th) when my mother said something was

wrong with the machine and it wouldn't boot up.

I tried to boot up, but couldn't get to the account

selection screen, tried to repair it with startup repair,

but after several attempts it didn't work,

then tried with system restore and it didn't work either

the only programs that had been installed were

OpenOffice 3, Firefox 3.5 + AVG 8.5 (that's all she uses).

I did a full reinstall yesterday and it appears to be running ok today.

Obviously I don't know what my mother did,

but she never caused such a problem with XP SP3 with a standard account,

so that makes me worry about Windows 7 reliability,

unfortunately I don't think W7 RC is stable.


Windows 7 Release Candidate -

Intel Celeron 2.80 Ghz

Kingston PC2700 1 GB RAM

Video: Via Integrated Chipset

Audio: HD Integrated Chipset

Motherboard (Asrock 4Core DX90-VSTA)

80 GB Hard Disk

Mother's account = Standard user

Everything is stock & standard

Hope that helps...

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