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Posted (edited)

Well, I am back to the same problem again with trying to print from Firefox. Crashes every time. Too late to roll back to Firefox 2 (didn't save it). Seemed to work for awhile with the newer version of Kernel EX, but this problem has occurred with every version and whatever the core problem is, it still isn't fixed. Works for some people though I guess, but not for me and a number of others who have posted the problem here over the years


All the versions of Firefox are available here if you do need to roll back.


Not that I am an expert, but would it help by changing the compatibility tab for firefox.exe to Windows 98?

I have to say that when I went to file ---->print the print dialogue appeared, only for some seconds later for the illegal message then closedown.

Even going to the page setup brings a Firefox error.

FIREFOX caused an invalid page fault in

module KERNEL32.DLL at 016f:bff7b9f5.


EAX=034492e0 CS=016f EIP=bff7b9f5 EFLGS=00010202

EBX=00a0ff68 SS=0177 ESP=00910000 EBP=00910024

ECX=00911df8 DS=0177 ESI=00000001 FS=37ef

EDX=00000001 ES=0177 EDI=8196a724 GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

56 57 89 65 e8 75 04 33 c0 eb 54 85 c0 74 4b c7

Stack dump:

00a0ff68 034492e0 00000001 00a0ff68 034492e0 00911df8 bffc05b4 bff79250 ffffffff 00911e08 bff7ce23 034492e0 00000001 03449401 034492e0 00911e30

Edited by frogman

Posted (edited)

Well, I am back to the same problem again with trying to print from Firefox. Crashes every time. Too late to roll back to Firefox 2 (didn't save it). Seemed to work for awhile with the newer version of Kernel EX, but this problem has occurred with every version and whatever the core problem is, it still isn't fixed. Works for some people though I guess, but not for me and a number of others who have posted the problem here over the years


Hi John and all, Happy New Year.

I have supplied a link to download the Firefox version, I can verify this is safe as I used it prior to using FF3

Link deleted.

Edited by frogman
Posted (edited)

Well, I am back to the same problem again with trying to print from Firefox. Crashes every time. Too late to roll back to Firefox 2 (didn't save it). Seemed to work for awhile with the newer version of Kernel EX, but this problem has occurred with every version and whatever the core problem is, it still isn't fixed. Works for some people though I guess, but not for me and a number of others who have posted the problem here over the years


Here's the comment from Xeno86 on the KernelEx Wiki: Printing basically doesn't work with Firefox 3+. As suggested I use the IE View add-on in FF 3 for printing from IE6 and it's only a minor inconvenience since IE6 is preloaded in Windows and it opens very fast to the page I want to print. The Abduction add-on creates an image of the page which you can print from another program like Irfanview. Finally, if you want to try IE Tab, vers. 1.85 is the last one that works with Win 9x but I've had problems with it when printing from FF3+.

Edited by EvanD
What does it mean that it works with Windows 95 shell?
You should test. But theoretically, it should work. And thus make SH95UPD a bit obsolete.

Next release is final and delayed because we don't have time. RC6.rar is close to final. You can post it probably; i can't because xeno would punch me.

Firstly, thanks to you and Xeno for your much-appreciated work. :)

Now, simply (as it's still unclear to me at least) - does this mean that KernelEx is now (or should be) compatible with W95?

(There have been requests for this from W95 users, and previously, the nearest offering has been SH95UPD.)

BTW, just took a quick look at the Compatibility Database in the Wiki at SF. It's not clear how new app's are added to this, but perhaps the page looks different once you register and login (maybe a new ADD button becomes visible). I'll check further into this when time permits.


The fix mentioned involves using the W95 shell under W98. There was a conflict between the W95 shell and KX which has been resolved. I don't know if KX will work under the W95 OS. Afaik, you still need SHUPD95 for the same programs it always was needed for. That is, I don't think there are any W95 shell entries that have been added to KX to make SHUPD95 obsolete. The problem was an incompatibility with the W95 shell that crept into the code at some point.


The fix mentioned involves using the W95 shell under W98. There was a conflict between the W95 shell and KX which has been resolved. I don't know if KX will work under the W95 OS. Afaik, you still need SHUPD95 for the same programs it always was needed for. That is, I don't think there are any W95 shell entries that have been added to KX to make SHUPD95 obsolete. The problem was an incompatibility with the W95 shell that crept into the code at some point.

I see. W95 shell under W98.

The SH95UPD description says "This project implements functions not found in the windows 95 shell .. SH95UPD is based on the KernelEX project, and is basically a stripped down version of KernelEX". To me, this implied a KernelEx-ish equivalent for W95. So Tihiy's comment about "make SH95UPD a bit obsolete" made me wonder if KernelEx was now compatible with W95 (it has been previously stated by Xeno86 that it isn't).

However, if SH95UPD isn't actually a KernelEx-ish equivalent for W95, then we can conclude that KernelEx continues not to support W95. (And I'd also better stop referring W95 users to SH95UPD.)


Posted (edited)

Running KernelEx 4.5 Final on Windows 98SE I tried installing VLC Player 1.1.5 but it crashed hard. It won't even play an MP3 file. I scanned through here and some people recommended getting the unicows.dll file, but I have that in my windows\system\ directory. I even found two other versions on my computer so I took the one with the most recent date (August 31, 2007) and overwrote the one in the windows\system directory. No change. So now I'm downloading KMPlayer I think 2.9.3..xxxx (edit:it works) or something, I got the info out of this forum that it was working for someone. A few quick questions:

What's the latest VLC Player version that can run under KernelEx?

What's the latest KMPlayer version that can run under KernelEx?

Which one's better?

Any tips for either?

Edited by caos
Posted (edited)

Printing is now perfect

Is this on Firefox 3.6.13?

I keep getting a crash while attempting to print from the file menu and or ctrl P.

Edited by frogman

  • Printing is now perfect

Is this on Firefox 3.6.13?
You were already told that it won't work with Firefox 3+ ;)
My comment is referring to the bug of RC5 fixed by 4.5 Final:
  • Fixed hang issues with printers.

Posted (edited)

Running KernelEx 4.5 Final on Windows 98SE I tried installing VLC Player 1.1.5 but it crashed hard. It won't even play an MP3 file. I scanned through here and some people recommended getting the unicows.dll file, but I have that in my windows\system\ directory. I even found two other versions on my computer so I took the one with the most recent date (August 31, 2007) and overwrote the one in the windows\system directory. No change. So now I'm downloading KMPlayer I think 2.9.3..xxxx (edit:it works) or something, I got the info out of this forum that it was working for someone. A few quick questions:

What's the latest VLC Player version that can run under KernelEx?

What's the latest KMPlayer version that can run under KernelEx?

Which one's better?

Any tips for either?

For me the last VLC 1.1.5 work fine with KernelEX 4.5 Final (I just try it again with some mp3 and flv) :whistle:

Edited by patclash
  • 2 weeks later...

The fix mentioned involves using the W95 shell under W98. There was a conflict between the W95 shell and KX which has been resolved. I don't know if KX will work under the W95 OS. Afaik, you still need SHUPD95 for the same programs it always was needed for. That is, I don't think there are any W95 shell entries that have been added to KX to make SHUPD95 obsolete. The problem was an incompatibility with the W95 shell that crept into the code at some point.

I see. W95 shell under W98.

The SH95UPD description says "This project implements functions not found in the windows 95 shell .. SH95UPD is based on the KernelEX project, and is basically a stripped down version of KernelEX". To me, this implied a KernelEx-ish equivalent for W95. So Tihiy's comment about "make SH95UPD a bit obsolete" made me wonder if KernelEx was now compatible with W95 (it has been previously stated by Xeno86 that it isn't).

However, if SH95UPD isn't actually a KernelEx-ish equivalent for W95, then we can conclude that KernelEx continues not to support W95. (And I'd also better stop referring W95 users to SH95UPD.)


SH95UPD uses the same technology as KernelEx to add or overwrite entries for the OS functions that are missing in the older components. It does not duplicate the functions of KX, it just allows the use of W95 shell with W98 OS. It may help some programs that only run on 98 to run on 95 if the missing functions happen to be the ones it replaces, but it won't allow XP programs to run on 95. Basically, it adds a few common functions that are found in the 98 shell to the 95 shell.


  • Printing is now perfect

Is this on Firefox 3.6.13?
You were already told that it won't work with Firefox 3+ ;)
My comment is referring to the bug of RC5 fixed by 4.5 Final:
  • Fixed hang issues with printers.

In December I printed a train schedule by Bahn.de using Firefox 3.6.13 on Win98SE with KernelEx 4.5RC5, which made no trouble at all. However regard that I employ an antique 24 needle printer Fujitsu DL1100 Color which may use a 16bit driver or such stuff that may strongly differ from modern printers.


This has probably already been either stated or addressed but there is a problem with MSN messenger.


As seen in the screenshot my name is a bunch of (?)'s and the idle time is the same.

This poses a problem in the accounts page whereby it will 'delete' your account and replace it with such symbols (luckely I dont need to edit any settings)

Also another problem (this by the way is on my laptop (as it has rp7 still... (I want this functionality in rp9 especualy whatever makes shimgvw work in rp7, but anyway...))) is that my display pic changes every startup to a different one. I first noticed this on my 'server' a while back. (before my screen blew-up)



As seen in the screenshot my name is a bunch of (?)'s and the idle time is the same.

This poses a problem in the accounts page whereby it will 'delete' your account and replace it with such symbols (luckely I dont need to edit any settings)

There are various character flaws in KernelEx on Win98SE. E.g. in Firefox 3 the "..." is still replaced by a "|", which looks stupid.


After uninstalling KernelEx 4.5 RC5 my registry files (system.dat and user.dat) got deleted. Not corrupted but erased, so Windows could not load.

Fortunately, I could restore a recent backup and then installed 4.5 Final. Have I missed something important here concerning proper install / uninstall...?

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