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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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Guys I'm new here.. I've got 10 DiamondMax22 1TB drives with MX15 in a RAID-6 and I'm hoping when I next power cycle them they come back up..

I just thought this might come in handy. It's a USB->3.3v TTL converter used to program the Parallax Propeller chip. It has a standard FTDI USB interface on it and by clipping 2 pins off the TTL connector it will plug right into the back of the seagate drives perfectly.


I know Parallax have distributors across the globe, so I thought those of you looking for USB->TTL converts might find this handy.

I'm taking one home with me just in case my drives fail when I shut the machine down to firmware upgrade them (provided Seagate actually gets a fix out anyway).

Hope this might help someone.


<edit> Oh friggin 'eck. I've just read the Seagate forums. I'm not that BradC!

$25 is too expensive though.

This one does the same thing for 50% off. :blink:


Will I be able to recover my data using the method stated in Post#1?


If you're getting CC, BSY and/or 0 LBA error, then yes.


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I don't get the CC message, but the method of "unbricking" 0LBA-drives does not work. Seems like I have to wait for any news or for an answer from Seagate.

Is because the error you're getting when you try to write a new partition information (regenerating them) is different from the rest of us here.

Since your HD is recognized by BIOS, you'll need to wait until Seagate put a new firmware available to your drive.


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The whole stuff complete to fire up:


And on this photo (above) is the TRICK here, see that little paper card (CR2032) ?

You can even put someting just between motor contact / pcb without removing any screw. Just need a 1cm large paper card, and unscrew a bit the screw near that point. This way, no fear to let anything move, let fall a screw on the pcb ...

Anyway nice tuto. Having been seeking like a mad on hddguru this solution for weeks. Still needs my TTL adapter :(

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You can even put someting just between motor contact / pcb without removing any screw. Just need a 1cm large paper card, and unscrew a bit the screw near that point. This way, no fear to let anything move, let fall a screw on the pcb ...

Anyway nice tuto. Having been seeking like a mad on hddguru this solution for weeks. Still needs my TTL adapter :(

Yes, but is a lot less intrusive and forceless just to unscrew 1 or 2 screws. :)

After putting the paper card, you can work with just 1 screw, after the entire job is done, you can screw the last one (in case of 2 screws).

Here is the photo, you only need to work with this screw (the one in red):



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Does this look like it would work?


Looks like only $4 in US shipped.

Yes, it will. I used a more expensive one, yet more simple:


Includes full pics and schematic.


Also note that with this one from alldav.com, it doesn't have pins on the gnd/rx/tx/vcc to connect your jumpers. I had my dad solder to it some of the headers that came with the jumper wires I got. I'm about to attempt the BSY fix with that adapter. :D I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, Gradius: Not all the PCBs are like that. I have the rectangular one like Fatlip has on his:


So it may be a little bit different in which or how many screws need to be removed. I'm going to try to do the paper thing also. I'll report how it goes, and see about some pictures for anyone interested.

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Also note that with this one from alldav.com, it doesn't have pins on the gnd/rx/tx/vcc to connect your jumpers. I had my dad solder to it some of the headers that came with the jumper wires I got. I'm about to attempt the BSY fix with that adapter. :D I'll let you know how it goes.

This is why I included a complete kit (wire jumpers + headers) there. ;)

Also, Gradius: Not all the PCBs are like that. I have the rectangular one like Fatlip has on his:


So it may be a little bit different in which or how many screws need to be removed. I'm going to try to do the paper thing also. I'll report how it goes, and see about some pictures for anyone interested.

They sure can vary from HDD to HDD, but the principle is just the same and won't change.

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:S Well, that was anticlimactic. I hooked it all up, powered on, and in hyperterminal I'm getting nothing. I switched the RX/TX lines (One fellow said he has his RX-RX and TX-TX instead of RX-TX and TX-RX, so I figured maybe mine was mislabled also), and still Ctrl+Z in hyperterminal does nothing. :S Any ideas?

Edit: Nevermind. I have two COM port options, COM1 and COM3, I forgot to try COM1 again after switching the RX and TX connections. I've got the prompt now, using RX-RX and TX-TX.. Hm.. Mislabeled or? killerB, any chance you're using the alldav.com adapter too?

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:S Well, that was anticlimactic. I hooked it all up, powered on, and in hyperterminal I'm getting nothing. I switched the RX/TX lines (One fellow said he has his RX-RX and TX-TX instead of RX-TX and TX-RX, so I figured maybe mine was mislabled also), and still Ctrl+Z in hyperterminal does nothing. :S Any ideas?

Edit: Nevermind. I have two COM port options, COM1 and COM3, I forgot to try COM1 again after switching the RX and TX connections. I've got the prompt now.

Keep in mind all the commands are case-sensitive.

Plus, double check the speed, it MUST be 38400 8 N 1

I see you managed to get an answer from terminal though.

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Oooh. Oki. How about this one then?


Or this one:


THe usb-one sounds sweet.

Hey guys! :hello:

Trying to find components here in Sweden to build me my own interface. Since Seagate are giving us the silent treatment I don't have to much hope in them saving my data (atleast not within reasonable time).

The problem is that I'm having a hard time finding the RS232 to TTL converter. I have emailed the biggest electronic component store and asked, but they are probably sleeping at the moment. =) SO thought I'd check with you guys if you think that any of the pasted names links below could do it?

FT232BL USB - seriellt if LQFP32



The problem is that none there is in clear text RS232 to TTL. But maybe TTL is referred to as something else also?

FT232BL will works just fine, the problem it looks like IC only, and not mounted (ready to use).

Like this one:



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Okay, they finally released a different (fixed?) firmware today for those drives:

STD Firmware Updates Barracuda 7200.11 SD1A 3 and 4 Disc Models

(750GB and 1000GB) Distribution tabs

ST3750330AS 9BX156

ST3750630AS 9BX146

ST31000340AS 9BX158

Generic Disty/STD-OEM, 16MB and 32MB, SATA Configurations, Moose

SHA1 comparing NEW with old firmware:

c:Seagate>sha1sum SD1A3D4D.LOD SD1AMOOS.LOD
b07e3a9ccf49185bc681f858c6ce568b45dd0ae5 SD1A3D4D.LOD (new)
268c6931e85936cfac3871c5baaee0c327186233 SD1AMOOS.LOD (old)

I guess I'll be forced to open another topic to talk about firmware only.

Edit: currently there is a problem with board, I'll wait until they fix that, meanwhile I'll make some tests, etc. If you can wait couple hours, just wait!

Every RS232 to TTL will works, also USB to RS232 to TTL, also will works.

To a complete list of materials, please check the 1st msg on this topic (I included everything there, links and even prices).

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About firmware, I'll just post here.

They finally released a different (fixed?) firmware today for those drives:

STD Firmware Updates Barracuda 7200.11 SD1A 3 and 4 Disc Models

(750GB and 1000GB) Distribution tabs

ST3750330AS 9BX156

ST3750630AS 9BX146

ST31000340AS 9BX158

Generic Disty/STD-OEM, 16MB and 32MB, SATA Configurations, Moose

SHA1 comparing NEW with old firmware:

c:Seagate>sha1sum SD1A3D4D.LOD SD1AMOOS.LOD
b07e3a9ccf49185bc681f858c6ce568b45dd0ae5 SD1A3D4D.LOD (new)
268c6931e85936cfac3871c5baaee0c327186233 SD1AMOOS.LOD (old)

This is what flash.bat does:

fdl462b -m Moose -f SD1A3D4D.LOD -i ST3750330AS -s -x -b -v -a 20

fdl462b -m Moose -f SD1A3D4D.LOD -i ST3750630AS -s -x -b -v -a 20

fdl462b -m Moose -f SD1A3D4D.LOD -i ST31000340AS -s -x -b -v -a 20

I flashed all my 4x750GB, however 3 of them were with SD1AMOOS.LOD already installed, and I still don't know if it really re-flashed with new one.

How to boot Seagate firmware from a pendrive.

You'll just need a bootable pendrive (of course), with MS-DOS 6.22, or similar DOS.

How to extract Seagate ISO:

Open ISO with 7zip, extract the Bootable_1.44M.img file inside [bOOT] folder (inside the ISO).

Then open Bootable_1.44M.img file with Power ISO, or Magic ISO, or Ultra ISO, similar, and extract SD1A3D4D.ZIP file inside.

You only need to copy those files (unziped) to your bootable pendrive, and you're done to boot with pendrive.

At prompt just type flash (flash.bat) and it will do the rest.

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