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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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This is frustrating.

This is my 4th cable now. This time a Nokia-based Data cable.

Plug it in - Windows detects a USB to serial cable - great. Awesome. Just what I'm needing.

I find the TX and RX wires. Both register 3v when tested w/ a multimeter.

This cable has two grounds. One a GND for the charger, and the other GND for the Data. No clue which one I should use. (Have tried both).

Using a straight sata power cable from the PSU. Paper on the head trick (not motor).

I connect the TX wire onto the RX on HDD, and RX onto the TX HDD. GND wire goes to GND on HDD.

I turn on, wait for HDD to stop spinning. Open up Hyperterminal. Adjust baud rate settings as listed.

CTRL+Z. Nothing. No response from Keyboard.

For the love of God can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here???

first: do loopback test of the cable.

38400, 8, N, 1, None flow control

GND: Use pin3 of jumper connector, near TX.

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Ok guys i solved the problem with the garbage characters.

After CTRL+z there comes:

F3 T>

Then i used this command:


After that i was realy happy because of this:

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewr
ite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs

F3 T>

But if i connect the HDD now to the PC the PC will not boot. There is nothing just a black monitor.

If i disconnect the HDD from the PC the PC is booting and i see the BIOS POST.

What's wrong here?

Do you had BSY problem or LBA0 0GB problem?

If you had BSY problem you haven`t repaired the hdd. You need unmount the PCB, spin down, etc

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What's wrong here?

It looks like you skipped several steps. Did you do everything described here?

I only got the 0LBA Error, not BSY.

Maybe there are both errors on the hdd and i should use the commands for BSY too?

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I will buy the rs232 so... but I find some model reporting 3V and other 5V.. I think 3.3V x sqrt(2) =~ 5V so it's the same... true?

The hdd use 3.3V logic levels. I have used 3.3V adapter and it works.

5V -> MAX232, HIN232, ST232, ADM232, etc

3V -> MAX3232

You use the the MAX3232? It's correct?

It's correct, I use MAX3232 (valid for 3V and 5V)

Thank to all you...

Iwill try to repair my disk when i receive my RS232-TTL...

But I can't understand why changing my PCB with another of same hard disk but with different P/N and FW it can't work...

The PCB is the same model... i have only this bug in my mind... if the PCB switching don't work, maybe the G-list and the format need differents parameter... it's correct my idea?

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But I can't understand why changing my PCB with another of same hard disk but with different P/N and FW it can't work...

The PCB is the same model... i have only this bug in my mind... if the PCB switching don't work, maybe the G-list and the format need differents parameter... it's correct my idea?

Have differents P-List (primary list), sectors reallocation tables, etc

What's wrong here?

It looks like you skipped several steps. Did you do everything described here?

I only got the 0LBA Error, not BSY.

Maybe there are both errors on the hdd and i should use the commands for BSY too?

I only had got the 0LBA Error, not BSY. But I did all the steps and it work.

Edited by puntoMX
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What's wrong here?

It looks like you skipped several steps. Did you do everything described here?

I only got the 0LBA Error, not BSY.

Maybe there are both errors on the hdd and i should use the commands for BSY too?

I only had got the 0LBA Error, not BSY. But I did all the steps and it work.

Ok i will try all the steps.

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Hi all,

I want to give you a warm Thank You :thumbup for this solution to a nasty problem, all the people bulletproofing the Lituanian solution for us all, Gradius2 who put it all toguether, and Pichi who leaded the Spanish board for some time.

I want to share my experience, maybe it is of some use for some other people.

First of all, the cable I used to connect to the PCB has been a TTL-232R-3V3-WE USB to Serial converter from FTDI Chip technologies. It provides you all the needed connections (TX, RX and GND), plus a 3.3V feeding for the TX line, so no need for additional batteries, just plug the cables without need for any soldering or funny electronic work. You can buy the cable from the company site, but I bought at an specialized retailer in Spain.

On connecting the wired ends to the pins in the PCB, I found a lot of problems, nothing I had was small enough to fit in the small space provided. Finally, I was able to get correct jumpers from a dead DVD player. Also, I connected 3 pins instead of just TX and RX, been the third one GND as suggested in the Spanish board. GND is the one next to TX.

On following the propoused process, I had two stupid mistakes:

1.- Screw fell on top of the PCB while mounting the PCB back. I guess it has been plain old luck avoiding the PCB to fry, so be careful when doing this, the screws are really small and I found them difficult to handle.

2.- I had the BUSY error (no BIOS recognicion), but was careless enough to execute the command for LBA 0 (m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22) instead of the expected one (m0,2,2,,,,,22). No obvious damage so far, but busy now backing up everything to DVDs.

In any case, HD is back up and running, and all data recovered, and my live a bit easier now, I would have lost all my Proyects and Customers data for the last three months otherwise...

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Error 1009 DETSEC 00006008
Spin Error
Elapsed Time 53.959 secs
R/W Status 2 R/W Error 84150180
F3 2>


Have you unmounted the PCB? Or have you put papers on motor and/or heads contacts?

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This is frustrating.

This is my 4th cable now. This time a Nokia-based Data cable.

Plug it in - Windows detects a USB to serial cable - great. Awesome. Just what I'm needing.

I find the TX and RX wires. Both register 3v when tested w/ a multimeter.

This cable has two grounds. One a GND for the charger, and the other GND for the Data. No clue which one I should use. (Have tried both).

Using a straight sata power cable from the PSU. Paper on the head trick (not motor).

I connect the TX wire onto the RX on HDD, and RX onto the TX HDD. GND wire goes to GND on HDD.

I turn on, wait for HDD to stop spinning. Open up Hyperterminal. Adjust baud rate settings as listed.

CTRL+Z. Nothing. No response from Keyboard.

For the love of God can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here???

first: do loopback test of the cable.

38400, 8, N, 1, None flow control

GND: Use pin3 of jumper connector, near TX.

Can't do a loopback test. Have tried - but Hyperterminal has no response from keyboard.

All of those settings are correct. And I have GND on pin 3 of the HDD.

Have tried switching the TX and RX pins, but same results. I get no response in HT. I can't even punch in any characters. All that shows is a blinking cursor.

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Okay - so managed to acquire a cable and got this up and running in Hyperterminal.

In the last command, m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22. How long should it take to come up with the Max WR Retries, etc etc message? It's been 25 minutes so far and nothing...

45 minutes - no response.


Edited by Shooman
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Seeing as this problem is starting to become more and more dominant with more people reporting the Spinup error, can we get a little more active help in that part of the development in this fix please? This seems like it may be a problem with the read head, so is there any way by firmware hacking to make the drive attempt to realign or reset the read head?
For find the solution:

FIRST: How has it ocurred?

Can you write your first procedure?

Have you unconnected the PCB completly or only use papers on heads and/or on motor contacts?

You can see all commands of your 7200.11 disc with this:


F3 T>/C

F3 C>Q

(List all commands of your hdd)

After C>Q

Led 000000CE FAddr 0028E24b

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This sucks.

After an hour and a half of it doing nothing - I decided to turn the power off.

So I retried everything, with success!!

However - now when booting into bios, it shows the HDD...but the size is 0MB!!!!

Holy mother of crap!

This is just p***ing me off....

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