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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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Thanks for this :thumbup

i have DFN11fr.exe DFN20SP2fr.exe DFN30SP2fr.exe and DFN35SP1fr.exe

how to integrate it to hfslip ?


I'm using HFSLIP and have .net 1.1 & 2 run at T13 via HFSVCPACK

.3 & 3.5 run via RUNONCEEX or HFGUIRUNONCE

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Ok let's say I want to install all .NET Framework versions 1.1-.3.5 with all SP's and hotfixes.

If I just use .cmd file to install , everything is installed properly (installation progress), but when I look after restart, it shows that e.g. SP's didnt install and some hotfixes, beacuse restart is required after installing main .NET package e.g. .NET 1.1 main package. SP's and some hotfixes show up as not being installed in add/remove section and on windows update (probly beacuse it uses same values for establishing that)

How did you address this issue - requirement of restarts, so that everything IS installed properly and displayed properly?

Edited by Angelico_Payne
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You're are taking as a fact something that is not real. This supposedly needed restarts doesn't take place when you installed .NET normally with ms original files, and doesn't happen with this installers. For your serenity, this method uses administrative install technique, that is something ms implements in its installer technollogy, .msi files, that is kind of a preinstall. This method is not inventing the wheel.

About hotfixes, with this script are not showed as installed, i.e not listed in Add Remove Programs, but are identified by MBSA and win/ms update system as installed. But as you can reach the building script code and/or installing script code, you can remove this feature in one of them manually to your liking.

And SNMsynth.cmd is not used to install but to start the SMNsynth installer(s)/add-on(s) building process.

Edited by strel
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Thanks to Strel (and TC76 and all the people involved) for this useful tool.

I was trying to use only the .NET 1.1 part, and I got small pitfalls.

First, while my targets include Win2000 and Vista stations, I was building on XP64, which is seen as NT5.2 i.e. 2003 server (they share the same kernel). Even if I use WIN2K=YES in the .ini, the logic which discovers WIN2K3 according to the VER command operates, and then prevents the 1.1 installer to be built. The fix is obviously to check about the version only if there are no explicit settings in the .ini. See attached patch to this effect VerCheck.patch.txt (GNU unidiff, against the version 20090316b.)

I am guessing the setting WINXP=YES will do the job to build a 1.1 installer for Vista, but I do not have checked it yet.

Second, for bare bones W2k targets (SP4 w/o IE6, which only have 2.0 Windows Installer), the /passive and /quiet and /norestart switches are not acceptable. It took me quite more time to come with a acceptable patch :blushing: , which doubles the %VERBOSITY% stuff with a %QSWITCH% (either qb or qn). It is still not perfect :unsure:, since for example it enables the Cancel button (and I do not know what /passive does, but I guess it doesn't). Also I broadly replaced throughout the script, but an educated guess is taht .NET 2.0 might require Installer 3.x at least, thus making it moot. Anyway I attach it in case anyone is interested. VerbosityMSI2.patch.txt

Much more complex was the aim to have several 1.1 language packs (of course I am thinking about servers here, or MUI-enabled workstations). I succeded at manually building an installer which does that (by manually renaming the langpack.msi after their adminstrative installation), but I did not even try to enhance the script this way. Is there any interest?

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I assume that all the restricted hotfixes are multilanguage?

Something else:

.NET 3.5 full redistributable package (dotnetfx35.exe 197MB)

.NET 3.5 SP1 full redistributable (dotnetfx35.exe 231 MB)

Same file names, can't put them together in one directory withouth changing the name of 1 of them?

Or does .NET 3.5 SP1 full redistributable (dotnetfx35.exe 231 MB) include everything from .NET 3.5 full redistributable package (dotnetfx35.exe 197MB) ?

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I am trying to make an all in one of dotnet.

I downloaded everything except:

- .NET 3.5 full redistributable package (dotnetfx35.exe 197MB), contains 2.0 SP1, 3.0 SP1 and 3.5 frameworks. 3.# frameworks are not processed for W2K installer(s)/add-on(s).

- .NET 3.5 langpack (dotnetfx35langpack_x86XX.exe -- note it has the same filename as 3.5 SP1 langpack), contains 2.0 SP1, 3.0 SP1 and 3.5 framework langpacks. 3.# framework langpacks are not processed for W2K installer(s)/add-on(s).

-All the restricted hotfixes.

If i know make the installer , I wont get anything on MU?

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Those are not last versions so you're going to see KB951847 as a high priority update (including in this case 3.5 SP1 redistributable (2.0 SP2+3.0 SP2+3.5 SP1)+ hotfixes + langpacks for these versions). KB951847 fix is not applied for these versions, it's only applied if you build updated installers.

Edited by strel
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