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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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can you please explain to me how you used RyanVM AIO and have 0 updates on MU

Simply running "NetFXAIO.exe" at first logon rather than using it as Add-on (so furthermore no error will appear in Event Viewer).

If you read again the linked thread about RyanVM.net the discussion is in progress.

However I see now that seems to be finally reached a fix here (I have not yet tried it)... :thumbup

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Acheron, it works great man :thumbup. Thx.

But there's an excess of values and makes KB958481 and KB958483 arise in Add/Remove Programs.

To keep them hidden, like they were before KB951847 was published, and avoid win/ms update prompting to donwload and install KB951847, it's enough with this:


Signature = "$Windows NT$"

AddReg = KB951847.AddReg




or in the form of KB951748.reg





Edited by strel
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@strell, thanks for your improvement!

My final script for dutch language looks like this and passes Windows Update :thumbup


Signature = "$Windows NT$"

RunPreSetupCommands = NetFX20.Install:1,NetFX30.Install:1,NetFX35.Install:1

;All users application data directory
NetFX.CopySetup = 16419,".NET Framework"


RunPreSetupCommands = NetFx20.Install:1
CopyFiles = NetFX.CopySetup

RunPreSetupCommands = NetFx30.Install:1

RunPreSetupCommands = NetFx35.Install:1
AddReg = Uninstall.Reg,KB951847.AddReg,KB928416.AddReg

;Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2
"msiexec /i ""%01%\NetFX20SP2_x86.msi"" /qb-! ALLUSERS=1"
;Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 dutch language pack
"msiexec /i ""%01%\NetFX20SP2_x86_nld.msi"" /qn ALLUSERS=1"

;Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2
"msiexec /i ""%01%\NetFX30SP2_x86.msi"" /qb-! ALLUSERS=1"
;Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 dutch language pack
"msiexec /i ""%01%\NetFX30SP2_x86_nld.msi"" /qn ALLUSERS=1"

;Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
"msiexec /i ""%01%\NetFX35SP1_x86.msi"" /qb-! ALLUSERS=1"
;Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 dutch language pack
"msiexec /i ""%01%\NetFX35SP1_x86_nld.msi"" /qn ALLUSERS=1"

;Fix .NET 3.5 SP1 uninstall information




HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Servicing\Windows Workflow Foundation\NL",,0x0
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\1043","InstallSuccess",0x10001,01,00,00,00
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\1043","Version",0x0,"3.0.04506.30"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\Windows Communication Foundation\1043","InstallSuccess",0x10001,01,00,00,00
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\Windows Presentation Foundation\NL","InstallSuccess",0x10001,01,00,00,00
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\Windows Presentation Foundation\NL","Version",0x0,"3.0.6920.0"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\Windows Workflow Foundation\NL","InstallSuccess",0x10001,01,00,00,00


I have modified the msi to remove the setup files and custom uninstall entries. No other modifications except for merging the following hotfixes:


Filesizes for reference (XP SP3) as displayed in Add/Remove Software Panel

.NET 2.0 SP2 22.7 MB msi, 185,00 MB installed

.NET 3.0 SP2 22.7 MB msi, 169,00 MB installed

.NET 3.5 SP1 8.8 MB msi, 58,94 MB installed


.NET 2.0 SP2 NLD 1,9 MB msi, 6,18 MB installed

.NET 3.0 SP2 NLD 1,5 MB msi, 3,88 MB installed

.NET 3.5 SP1 NLD 1,0 MB msi, 1,50 MB installed

Edited by Acheron
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WOW, very elegant.

Let me see... as you told me installshield for msi modification, so you can trigger install without setup.exe and without ADDEPLOY=1; and custom uninstall entries for 3.5 SP1. Then WiMakCab.vbs to compress in one msi file each FX and each langpack. Then applying hotfixes patches to msi files (I didn't know all this very specifical updates, thx). And then building this inf file. And even encapsullating all this in a SFX file. Right?

I thought you wanted to build a unique msi file for GPO installing.

In the KB928416 section, you're using mickmack's solution to avoid 3.0 SP2 language problem. From my experience this should be enough:

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\1043","InstallSuccess",0x10001,01,00,00,00
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\1043","Version",0x0,"3.0.04506.30"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0\Setup\Windows Presentation Foundation\NL","Version",0x0,"3.0.6920.0"

The unresolved problem now with KB951847 is that we're prompted to download and install complete 3.5 SP1 redistributable packet if we don't want the whole packet and have only 2.0 SP2, or 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2 installed among FXs from 3.5 SP1 redist. So KB951847.inf solution only avoids update prompting for installers including 2.0 SP2+3.0 SP2+3.5 SP1 FXs merged, or after installing these FXs version from single installers.

Edited by strel
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it's getting a bit confusing for me... I tried yesterday's script (20090111?) and windows update wants me to install .NET 3.5 SP1 with hotfixes. I had to manually apply the patches for 2.0-3.5 in order to get rid from that entry in windows update.

Do you plan to do this?

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With 2.0 SP2+3.0 SP2+3.5 SP1+hotfixes (KB958481,KB958483,KB958484) installed from SNMsynth installers, I was getting 16MB, KB951847 file, but recently 248 MB file with the same circumstances (don't know why), in win/ms update, not detecting the hotfixes, and to avoid this you can use Acheron' solution simplified until I include it in the script.

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Filesizes for reference (XP SP3) as displayed in Add/Remove Software Panel

.NET 2.0 SP2 22.7 MB msi, 185,00 MB installed

.NET 3.0 SP2 22.7 MB msi, 169,00 MB installed

.NET 3.5 SP1 8.8 MB msi, 58,94 MB installed

Just to confirm (check around) what is the expected filesize shown at Add/Remove panel for .Net 3.5 SP1? I got mine at 27.80MB installed only.

I'm wondering if I'm missing out something since your size is 58.94MB installed.

(My .net slipstream is as follow (XP Pro English):

1.1 - using Roger Spear Pack

2.0 SP2 using .NET Maker synthesize cmd script (I build a standalone pack and install at T13)

3.0 SP3 & 3.5 SP1 , using .NET Maker synthesize cmd script , merged at RunOnceEx/GUIRunonce

Plus your latest KB951847 registry patch (thanks for this), in exe format applied after 3.0 SP3 & 3.5 SP1 has completed installation.)

The 1st 2 programs installed filesize are same as yours, only .NET 3.5 SP1 is different.

==Edit: add screenshot==

See below what I mean. Does anyone getting around 28MB for this item? The thing is that MS Update does not says I'm missing something.


Edited by Geej
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2 ferk

Thx. I got confused with the documentation.

2 geromichi

I see. Versions are the same. If you don't have all single 3.5 SP1 redist frameworks installed, update prompts you to download the whole 248 MB packet including .NET 3.5 SP1 redist and if you have installed a langpack other than the one correponding the language of system (except for english system) it includes langpack too.

Hi dude so if we use the full redist of 3.5 SP1 then it dont really matter on this update or is it actually needed? I tried to update mine via IE7 like normal and it wouldnt install is it because it is already installed?

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Hi strel,

It's a great topic!

I've downloaded your file and started to use with dotnetfx 1.1 + hotfixes + langpack and dotnetfx 3.5 SP1 + Family update + langpack, all hungarian versions.

My INI settings are:





After running your script, it produced these files in OUT1 folder:

DNF11it.exe, 11.8 MB

DNF20SP2hu.exe, 17.8 MB

DNF30SP2hu.exe, 15.4 MB

DNF35SP1hu.exe, 15.2 MB

I realised that DNF11it.exe has an abbreviation for Italian language in the filename, so I went through your command file and realised a tiny - but important - discrepancy. Details are here:

IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0404" SET DNF11LNGSTR=tw
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0405" SET DNF11LNGSTR=cs
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0406" SET DNF11LNGSTR=da
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0407" SET DNF11LNGSTR=de
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0408" SET DNF11LNGSTR=el
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="040D" SET DNF11LNGSTR=hu, wrong, correct value is: 040E
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="040E" SET DNF11LNGSTR=it, wrong, correct value is: 0410
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0411" SET DNF11LNGSTR=ja
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0412" SET DNF11LNGSTR=ko
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0413" SET DNF11LNGSTR=nl
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0414" SET DNF11LNGSTR=no
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0415" SET DNF11LNGSTR=pl
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0416" SET DNF11LNGSTR=br
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0419" SET DNF11LNGSTR=ru
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0804" SET DNF11LNGSTR=cn
IF /I "%DNF11LNGSTR%"=="0816" SET DNF11LNGSTR=pt

You can check a whole table for locales and codes on this MS page: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/nlsweb/default.mspx

If I may suggest, correct this lines in your code, as italian and hungarian users will have incorrect filenames.

Today I will include these installers in my unattended XP installer on VirtualBox and inform you about results.

Good work, nice codes, continue with this enthusiasm!

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2 Geej

SNMsynth is not missing anything for 3.5 SP1. I got the same installed size of 27 MB. The discrepancy with installed sizes arises from the different way Acheron patched 3.5 SP1 msi. One of the process reports erroneus installed size, but the results are equal.

2 Stoner81

KB951847 >=248 MB file includes 2.0 SP2,+3.0 SP2+3.5 SP1+KB958481+KB958483+KB958484+X86-en-ochelper_21f0eb887bce203dee7e4309f525b454bb63b7be.exe (101 KB) and optionally langpack.

...ochelper... is a manager for installing KB951847 from update system. So KB951847 doesn't add anything if you used SNMsynth installer(s) to install all the above except ...ochelper... Don't know why the update refuses to install but probably because of the reason you pointed.

If you installed all the above except ...ochelper... , you can use Acheron' solution simplified to avoid win/ms update prompting you to install KB951847.

2 SipTomi

Thx for your encourage and your fix, I'll include it in the next update.

Edited by strel
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2 Stoner81

KB951847 >=248 MB file includes 2.0 SP2,+3.0 SP2+3.5 SP1+KB958481+KB958483+KB958484+X86-en-ochelper_21f0eb887bce203dee7e4309f525b454bb63b7be.exe" (101 KB) and optionally langpack.

...ochelper... is a manager for installing of KB951847 from update system. So the update doesn't add anything if you used SNMsynth installer(s) to install all the above except ...ochelper... Don't know why the update refuses to install but probably because of the reason you pointed.

If you installed all the above except ...ochelper... , you can use Acheron' solution simplified to avoid win/ms update prompting you to install KB951847.

2 SipTomi

Thx for your encourage and your fix, I'll include it in the next update.

Thanks m8 for your rapid answer as always ;) Im going to update to the current version and rebuild my AIO installer with the new updates and stuff. Thanks for all your hard work strel as always m8! Ive updated now all ran smooth as silk!

EDIT - Love being able to make nLite addon for this m8 awesome job simply awesome!

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2 Geej

SNMsynth is not missing anything for 3.5 SP1. I got the same installed size of 27 MB. The discrepancy with installed sizes arises from the different way Acheron patched 3.5 SP1 msi. One of the process reports erroneus installed size, but the results are equal.

Thanks for the confirmation. Cheers! :hello:

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i use SNMsynth to integrate all in one, and output this file: DNF11cn20SP2cn30SP2cn35SP1cn.exe; after installing manually i meet this problem as 0nline.

My recent experience is the same: I've just seen that really it downloads only 16,80 MB and if you verify the update files before their installation then you will see that they are EXACTLY the same that are in the "old" Family Update.

On the other hand if you re-install the old ones ("NDP20SP2-KB958481-x86.exe", "NDP30SP2-KB958483-x86.exe" and "NDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exe" - that's 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 update) before to pass through Microsoft Update then MU does not require anything.

It seems that MU suddenly does not recognize the "synthesized" updates: strange issue (for now).

how to solve this problem? :unsure:

only install they separately?

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I've been bashing my head against this script for a couple of days now trying to get one particular problem sorted, and wondered if someone could offer some insight please?

I'm trying to create a fully automated, nlite-based XP SP3 install disk, including the base .NET framework packs (No Language packs, patches etc). It all seems to work perfectly through the script, however when I test the final disk, the .NET 3.5 pack simply isn't installed. These are my current _SNMsyntn.ini settings:





This results in three .7z files (DNF11, DNF20SP1, and DNF35SP1). I tell nlite about them at the "Updates" stage, do a little customization on the OS side of things, and tell it to build the ISO. The finished result is an autoinstalling OS with drivers pre-installed, but only .NET 1.1 and 2.0 in Add/Remove Programs. I've tried various permutations in the .ini file (Such as combining 1.1 and 3.5, fully combining all three into a single output file etc), and various other factors (Like changing their order in the nlite Updates page) with no success. I've even tried using the original .NET 3.5 instead of the SP1 version to no avail. Every single time, Add/Remove Programs (and the Registry agrees) only contains .NET 1.1 and 2.0. Can anyone offer me any advice on where I might be going wrong please?

Thanks in advance.

Ps. In case it may make a difference, the contents of my SNMsynth folder are as follows:


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