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FreeDOS + Win98 SE?


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I don't know if anyone has ever attempted it, but I'm wondering if it's possible to replace the MS-DOS programs in the Win98SE setup with their FreeDOS counterparts (I guess you'd call this a slipstream?) and maybe add a few extra programs (gzip, bzip2, 7zip, wget...).

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You could probably replace most utilities, but the kernel itself. no

No, but, just for the record, it is possible to run Windows 3.x on freedos kernel:




So it should be possible to also make it work with WIN9x, but what would be the scope? :unsure:

I mean, while it is possible that one holds a valid license for Win 3.x, but not for MS-DOS, if you have a licence for WIN9x/ME you also have a licence to use the underlying DOS 7.x/8.0. ;)

I don't think that the freedos kernel files provide any advantage over MS-DOS 7.x/8.0. :unsure:


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Replacing the kernel would probably be impossible - I meant the individual programs. FreeDOS is open source and still under active development, so I imagine at least a few of the programs would be better in some way (faster, flexible, more verbose perhaps?).

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You can't replace the Win9x DOS (Be it 7.00, 7.10 or 8.00) with FreeDos. Maybe you can replace the utilities with the FreeDos versions, but you can't replace command.com, IO.sys or MSDOS.sys. If you do, Win9x will NOT start, and complain that it requires MS-DOS 7.XX or MS-DOS 8.00, as win9x is tied to it's own MS-DOS version. Hacking may solve that though.

Replacing the utilities? Maybe it's good, if the replacements provide better functions. But may have compatibility issues (FreeDos is not MS-DOS) + its usually bigger than the MS-DOS equilvilents in my experience.

I think that there was another discussion like this one somewhere on this forum a few months back.

Edited by sp193
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FreeDOS + similar free(ware) DOS tools I use all the time [most work even with WinXP ;)]:

* 7-Zip v4.57 beta native MS-DOS 5/6/7/8 + FreeDOS tool [1.06 MB]:


Requires CWSDPMI.EXE DPMI DOS extender [54 KB]:


* ATTRIB.COM v1.09b file + directory attribute changer 16-bit DOS console tool [free GPL]:


* CHOICE.EXE v4.3a choice selector 16-bit DOS console tool [free GPL]:


* FIND.COM v2.9 text string finder 16-bit DOS console tool [free GPL]:


* LOCATE.COM v1.31 directory + file locator finds ANY file, ANY directory ANYwhere, even on remote/removable drives 16-bit DOS console tool [free]:


* MEM.EXE v1.11 memory viewer 16-bit DOS console tool [free GPL]:


* MOVE.EXE v3.3a file + directory copy + move 16-bit DOS console tool [free GPL]:


* XCLONE.EXE v1.3 LFN disk, directory + file copy 16-bit DOS console tool [freeware]:


* XRDR.EXE (eXtended Remove Directory) v3.07 16-bit improved Microsoft DELTREE.EXE replacement for MS-DOS 5/6/7/8 + Windows 3.1x/9x/ME deletes entire/selected directories/subdirectories/files even if hidden/read-only/system, supports wildcards, FAT32 and LFNs (Long File Names), highly customizable:





More like these here:


and here:


Have fun.

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  • 1 year later...

can somebody explain why LZ-DOS works with win9x?

Bacause it ws designed as being 100% compatible with DOS 7.1? :unsure:


LZ-DOS is a 100% �-D0$ 7.10-compatible DOS kernel; see http://dos.nm.ru/
FORDOS is Da Best COMMAND.COM for DOS by JP Software - http://4dos.hit.bg
AEFDSK is Da Best FDSK+FORMAT for DOS by Daniel Nagy, http://aefdisk.com/
UMBPCI is Da Best UMB manager for DOS by Uwe Sieber, http://uwe-sieber.de
JEM386 is Da Best EMS manager for DOS by "Japheth", http://www.japheth.de
DOSLFN is Da Best LFN manager for DOS by Henrik Haftmann, and Jason Hood*
SHSUCD is Da Best CD extender for DOS by Prof. John McCoy and Jason Hood*
XMSDSK is Da Best XMS RAM disk driver for DOS by Franck Uberto, Grenoble.
*XMGR* is Da Best XMS3 driver for DOS by J.Ellis, http://mdgx.com/drv.htm
*UIDE* is Da Best UDMA HDD+DVD driver by J.Ellis, http://mdgx.com/drv.htm
MKEYBD is Da Best DOS keybrd driver by Tom Ehlert http://drivesnapshot.de
USBDOS is Da Best USB driver set | *J. Hood, http://geocities.com/jadoxa/
DOSFNT is Da Best DOS loader of VGA font files by T. Blader in Wisconsin.
PC-DOS is Da Best DOS kernel with LBA/FAT32 support, running even on 8086
FREDOS is Da Best DOS kernel with open source code licensed under the GPL
EDRDOS is Da Best DOS kernel with open source code (better than FreeDOS!)
PTSDOS is Da Best DOS kernel for embedded, space, military or nuclear use
ROMDOS is Da Best DOS kernel for use off ROM and can support LFN natively


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  • 4 weeks later...

LZ-DOS [apparently an unofficial "split trunk" from EDR-DOS (open source)] seems to be a derivative of FreeDOS binaries (open source).



Well, no.

It isn't a derivative of FreeDOS and it is not Open Source.

Home page:


There are contrasting views on it's origins:




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