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Transparent dektop icon label


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Can somebody tellme where to tweak so that I can get transparent desk icon labels? I know Revolutions Pack 7 does the trick, but i'm not gonna use it for my old 98SE.

Also, is there any SAFE way to change boot screen besides tihiy's WLL?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Starcraftmaster, yes I think so. Or you can copy the code, paste it into Notepad, save it as a file .reg, then run it. It looks like this:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

Edit: "Make sure you add a new line at the end of the script above, as Regedit won't execute the script otherwise." (source: from post 9 on this thread). If it doesn't work for you, find the person who posted that code but don't kill him, kill Drugwash instead!

For more proper information, please read post 9 below by Drugwash. Thanks for reading!

Edited by Aloha
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When I still used 98, RP7 made the icon labels transparent for me. I've never tried this registry before, so I don't know that it needs such a blank line to work properly. When I read Starcraftmaster's post, I thought he said to me and the registry had worked for him! OK, I'll edit my previous post according to what you said. Thanks for letting me know.


Sorry for posting the wrong registry and not testing it. I hope Drugwash's post has helped you solve the problem.

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Glad to be of help. To be honest, I've read about this quirk of Regedit somewhere around these boards and have actually tested the small script above in a recent test installation of Uberskin. However, I'm used to ending all text-like files in a new line since VC6 is throwing warnings for code/header files that do not respect this rule.

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