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How long does it take to start WinXP


How long does it take to start WinXP?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. How long does it take to start WinXP?

    • up to 30 secs
    • 30-60 sec
    • 2 mins
    • 3 mins
    • 4 mins
    • >5 mins

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wow nice to see i'm not the only one with 3 min boot :D (3:30 actually)

it would take less if there wasnt the 1-minute-do-absolutely-nothin-and-take-a-rest just after the logon screen

but of course i've not formatted for 2 years, it's a record for me, i cant blame windows for working so bad after 2 years... its not linux after all :D

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After 2 years since install (including in-place upgrade to sp3) and way to many games and apps to remember, my pc still takes about 11 seconds to get to the desktop from the POST screen first showing.

Vista x64 SP1 takes about 11 seconds as well from the POST screen.

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... my pc still takes about 11 seconds to get to the desktop from the POST screen first showing.

Vista x64 SP1 takes about 11 seconds as well from the POST screen. ...

I'm suitably impressed. I have friends/customers who can't achieve those times from standby, let alone fom POST. How do you do it on Vista, exactly?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Intel E2180 Dual-Core 2.0 GHz on a Gigabyte G31 with SATA 3.0 Gb/s and DDR2 800. WinXP Home with a full McAfee 2008 CpuEater running. No USB plugged in and Ethernet not attached.

Cold Boot to Desktop ... 1:17

Restart Desktop to Desktop ... 1:25

Desktop to Shutdown ... :31 seconds

Better than I expected actually.

Edited by CharlotteTheHarlot
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AMD Athlon XP 3000+ on nVidia nForce2 with PATA Drives and PC2700 DDR. WinXP Pro, tweaked services and no AntiVirus running. No USB plugged in and Ethernet not attached.

Cold Boot to Desktop ... :32 seconds

Restart Desktop to Desktop ... :37 seconds

Desktop to Shutdown ... :11 seconds

:thumbup One of my favorite boxes. Real workhorse, naturally fast.

Edited by CharlotteTheHarlot
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  • 2 weeks later...

If your boot up time is taking to long,mine was taking 30secs on welcome screen,then 45secs till desk top loaded,do a cold boot. Click run/type msconfig then clear all start up items, then go to services tick Hide All Microsoft Services then clear the rest. Enable startup entries 1 at a time(I enabled half,if that was ok then the other half) if bootup is still slow go to services enabling 1 or 2 then reboot. I got it down to Windows Steady State,allso for some reason Add Aware 2008, when these two were unchecked in services my boot time went to 8secs on welcome screen 2-3secs for desktop to load, not saying that these might be causeing your problems, but give it a try,

sorted my bootup for me.


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check out mp3car.com, they have LOTS of info on this. My carputer is a thinkpad with 1.3ghz p3, 256mb pc133 ram and it does a cold boot up to desktop and no HD activity in 28 seconds. Mininmal software install, services are tweeked and I'm using minlogon.

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