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Update Posted v0.7121

v0.7121 - 12-20-09

-updated "Check for Update" script will now attempt to download the current file and if successful, will close current file and open new file

v0.712 - 12-20-09

-fixed error when Splash Screen timer does not fire properly

-fixed error getting file versions on systems other than english

-styles have been made entirely dynamic, just add css file to the bin\styles folder and any images to the bin\images folder and run the script

-fixed bug when getting firefox path for WinXP users and firefox is installed


Update Posted v0.713

v0.713 - 12-23-09

-completed Window 7 Toolkit Addon, it uses the silent installer and a RunOnceEx reg entry to run the installer on first log in (thanks to DaRk MaDnEsS fo rhis assistance)

-fixed Firefox Versions spans to correct css hover style after updating links


I have just finished creating a simple (not professional) video on how to use Firefox Addon Maker. I hope it helps you if you needed it. I am open to suggestions for making the video better and\or provide more information. The video is available from Sourceforge.net.

Please, this is my first attempt at creating a how-to video and I agree that it is not the best.



Update Posted v0.714

I found a couple of bugs that occur on non-english installs of Firefox. Also, I have removed the Adobe Flash installer and Adobe Shockwave Installer. Since, they can be downloaded directly from Adobe. Once downloaded, they are stored in the Files folder along with the Firefox installers, so they can be re-used if they still exist.

Firefox 3.6 has made a security change to their plugins and components folders. NO files other than those shipped with Firefox will be allowed to run from within the components folder. So, if you use Firefox 3.6 and beyond, WGA and OGA, RealPlayer and RealPlayer Alternative, Quicktime and Quicktime Alternative are affected. WGA and OGA will not work as shipped by M$. The others may work if they are properly installed.

v0.714 - 12-26-09

-changed script for checking version for saved file

-removed pluginreg.dat from files watched - it has hard coded paths and is included with plugins. it is created on first run

-fixed copies compreg.dat(automatically regenerated as needed), found some systems have copy in the compoments folder

-changed installation order, moved shockwave and flash before setting firefox as default and creation of profile

-added dynamic creation of plugins.txt file for future releases of Firefox, where the contents may differ

-discovered reason for some plugins not working properly with 3.6 (http://lwn.net/Articles/363568/) - this may be backported to 3.5

-for now, any plugin that installs file into the components folder do not work in 3.6. This includes WGA and OGA, RealPlayer and RealPlayer Alternative, Quicktime and Quicktime Alternative.

-for Firefox Version 3.6, I have disabled plugins that install files to the components folder, until those plugins are updated for Firefox 3.6. This includes WGA and OGA, RealPlayer and RealPlayer Alternative.

-no longer copying all of the components amd plugins if the file is part of the installation of one of the included plugins, regardless if the plugin is selected or not. I am looking for installers to include and replace the plugins.

-fixed Firefox Versions spans to correct css hover style after updating links

-fixed path for filecopy of Quicktime Alternative

-no longer including Flash Player Installer

-no longer including Shockwave (slim) Player Installer

-added option for Shockwave (full) Player

-added Silverlight Plugin installer , when the download location changes, it will download from Sourceforge.net, notifying me to update the script to new path

  • 4 months later...

I Have Received this error and Icon problem

(Código do erro: ssl_error_ssl_disabled)

Firefox version 3.6.3 Portuguese Brazil

  • 9 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Will this addon maker work with FireFox 6..... if not can it be updated to work with the new version of FireFox..... i am looking forward to ease the pain of installing addons everytime and thus would like to have it as an addon integrated in the installation CD

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I am willing to add any plugins for Firefox, so long as someone is willing to maintain the plugins and provide a direct link to download and a web page or text file that shows the current versions that are posted.


Dropbox.com is a good place to host these files.

Edited by Jonnyboy82
Posted (edited)

Thank you man i'm happy that your back

I also tryed to open the new tool and it shows an eror

Using win 7

sorry for my bad english

Edited by EDEN2010

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