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[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11

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Update posted. I hope I didn't break anything in the process.

If anyone is interested in making a webpage for FFaM, hosted on sourceforge, please contact me.

v1.0.2.7 - 03-09-12

-out of beta, begin versioning at, revision number will increment with every commit, not every revision will be posted as an update

-check timestamp of local Flash Player Installer, if older than that on server, download new file

-fixed "Pinned" shortcuts

-rename "Quick Launch" to "Taskbar"

-correct tab order

-strengthened reg-ex for version number after Mozilla made changes to the "www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all-older.html" web page

-installer now removes public profile created within the Firefox installation path

-complete proper GPLv2 License requirements

-complete git integration @ https://github.com/jonnyboy/FFaM

-add update utility

Edited by Jonnyboy82
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I downloaded version which seems to be the latest. It is not installing the shortcuts correctly on x64 Windows 7. It is directing the shortcut to "C:\Program Files (x86) (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox".


Edited by Shaneee
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I downloaded version which seems to be the latest. It is not installing the shortcuts correctly on x64 Windows 7. It is directing the shortcut to "C:\Program Files (x86) (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox".


Thank you for identifying this. FFaM v1.0.2.8 posted.

-fixed bug in getting correct install path, introduced when I changed compile from "x86" to "AnyCPU", as identified by MSFN user http://www.msfn.org/board/user/281793-shaneee/

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I am currently working on my Inf Assistant, but these things are on the list.


-complete tool-tips

-add option to save installer to path specified by user

-add try, catch, finally for Exception Handling

-check local version of flash and Shockwave

-add ability to select individual bookmarks, histories, cookies, extensions, search engines

-add ability to insert additional language packs

-move vbscript files to .exe files for versioning control

-ability to select multiple profiles

-add preset for profile folder and profile name creation

-add threading

-replace Shockwave installer with msi installer

-look at encrypting the profile

-look at using compression to compress exe

-splash screen to display GPLv2 License

-add warning for passwords usage

-make app properly localizeable

-look at adding adding plugins (vlc)

-look at adding additiona versions of Firefox (Ayakawa, pigfoot, tete, Blazing Fast, Pale Moon and Waterfox)

-rewrite in WPF

It will definitely be a couple of weeks before I get back to this project, but I will fix bugs immediately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The new website for FFaM went 'Live' today. Thanks go to Stefan Beer for his efforts in creating the page and doing all the heavy lifting to get it ready for use.

If, you have a moment, could I ask you to head over to Sourceforge and write a review or add a recommendation? It would help alot. Also, if you would check out the new website and click one of Social Networking buttons in the page footer. A little 'word of mouth' advertising would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Edited by Jonnyboy82
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  • 3 months later...

Hello jhonnyboy, thanks for this great tool, i have some problems with this tool:

I used it to download the spanish version of 14.0.1

But the tool show continuosly:

MD5 does not match Downloading

MD5 does not match Downloading


If i used it to download the english (US) version of 14.0.1 it dont work

If i check the spanish 15.0b1 it creates sucefull the silent installer, but the extensions that i have installed does not copy into the silent installer (I have checked Include Extensions)

Can you check this?

Thanks :hello:

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FFaM v1.0.2.11 posted.

-disabled 'older' Firefox version, Mozilla has removed the files and the links are invalid

-disable checking MD5 sums, for now

-changed 'Plugins' groupbox text to bold

-fix bug with 0 byte files created when download flash installer

-fixed bug when deleting files that are open, by adding dialog to close explorer

-fixed bug where files named prefs.*, other htan main prefs.js were never copied

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I've spent the whole day making a full silent install of Firefox manually with preferences, addons and everything ... and i was about to give up because i couldn't find all the methods. So i'm very happy to have found your software which is absolutely wonderful and complete !

Thanks a million.

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  • 2 months later...

I am currently rewriting FFaM again. This time in WPF .NET 4.0. I am in the beginning stages of the layout. If, you would like to offer your suggestions as to the UI, please post them here or email me.

This is a tool that I learn with and learn from.

You can follow me on github.


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