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[Tool] FFaM v1.0.2.11

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Hello jonnyboy82, i have been testing the version, this months over the version of firefox 14, and found this bugs;

I have created the firefox installer in windows 7, and in Windows 7 does not apear this bug.

In Windows XP this installer ask for check compability about extensions and need click a button to continue.

I have check the option "make firefox default browser", but when finnish install, i open firefox and it ask for default browser...

Can You check this jonnyboy82?


Edited by El_Esteban
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First of all, Thank you for this application! :thumbup

I am here because I have some problems in running it. I have windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 32Bits, and when I run the app I get JIT error and also is asking for "en-US" folder, and it is complaining about write access.

I have tried to run it in normal way and in as administrator way - same error(s);

I have created that folder - Nothing happen;

I have downloaded the Firefos 17 installer, and I have put it in the same folder as the application, I have extracted the files from the installer and then I put them into the same folder, as app; Then in the en-US folder, and the full installer too - Same error(s);

I don't know what is not working.

I have attached the printscreen in FFaM-1.png, and the error details in FFaM-2.txt.



Thank you for any idea and any help!

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