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vLite bowing to Microsoft


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  • 2 weeks later...

Worthless threads are fun to unwind in, that's all.

Kick your feet up on a table somewhere, enjoy the lulz.

Actually this is a very serious topic subject, I had the same problem over and over again with my redists. I'm still involved in the legal (or not-so-legal) issues of making something similar open source.

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And a flock of "similar topics" that are all, well, naturally, "funny farm". Please do us all a favor and go back to the funny farm yourself.

my 'lol' was because this guy seems to think MS are committing some sort of terrible crime, get over yourself :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Flag is because I live in USA, By you Flag I can see all the chit you are talking about.

In you maind dont exist the posibility someone in this country was not borne here?

Im spanish stupid, nad I even speak enaglish. Stop using you chip drug and get a better education, that way you can use the only 1% left usefull of you brain.

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