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The reason official links are impossible to find is because they were all removed, because MS pulled back SP3 at the last minute.

All the official links still work. SP3 was "pulled" because of a compatability issue with some other MSFT software which the general consumer will never see or use. MSFT didn't test SP3 thoroughly enough with their software and they found problems after the SP was final. SP1 for Vista was the same except it was driver incompatabilities. It didn't change and it's highly unlikely that SP3 will change.



An anonymous reader sends word that Microsoft Windows XP SP3, which had been scheduled to hit the Web today, was pulled back at the last minute. SP3 apparently broke a Microsoft application, Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System. Their solution is to set up a filter to make sure that no system running the affected software will get automatically updated; once the filter is in place, SP3 will be released to the Web. A fix for the incompatibility will follow.

They'd better hurry the heck up and fix it... this is ridiculous!

And did anyone else notice that support.microsoft.com was down for about 5 hours this morning?


Unless you use that app or work with it, that will not affect you in any way. SP3 is therefore safe to use.

Edited by MrCobra
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Microsoft is probably not going to re-release it, as the fix for the Dynamics product is being released separately. If you aren't affected by this particular issue in this particular piece of software, you can install SP3 without any issues. If you do run MS Dynamics, you need a hotfix to fix the issue before you should install SP3.

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nope looks like it's the real thing already slipstreamed it from xp gold

According to MS they recommend having SP2 first. Since I have various "pure" sources from gold (in my words "SP0") all the way to SP2, is it best to slipstream it into an SP2 source, or is SP0 as a slipstream source "OK" ?


Edit: I realize that having SP2 1st is technically referring to what's installed and not about slipstreaming. I just wasn't sure if it also applied to slipstreaming too. I've read that MS wouldn't support non service packed XP and possibly SP1.

Edited by JoeMSFN
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You can slipstream into an SP0 source just fine, although note that if you slipstream into an SP0 source you won't be able to bypass the product key portion of setup, whereas slipstreaming into an SP1 or SP2 source does not have that limitation. It's not a big deal, just the only difference.

Personally I have all my XP sources using an answer file, so as to keep all of the unused cat and cab files off the CD, I use an SP0 source to slipstream all service packs (3 included).

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I do the same as cluberti, although my XPHome source is SP1a.

I read this on another forum, I forget which one.

"SP3, unlike previous service packs, has a prerequisite. Do not slipstream directly to XP Gold (original release with no service packs). SP3 requires at least SP1 in order to slipstream. Slipstreaming will work but it will not result in a correct OS when completed.

The reason is that the SP1 and SP2 installers wrote changes to the XP Gold kernel files that were not contained in any updates before or since. For reasons known only to MS these changes are not repeated by the SP3 installer and so to get a correct OS these old changes need to be made before SP3 is applied; thus, the minimum requirement of SP1 or later."

Any chance this guy is right?


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@elbrute I've read what you're quoting NOT related to SLIPSTREAMing, but only related to INSTALLING it as an UPDATE.

So the mystery continues. :(

I have installed it via a XP Pro source (SP0) slipstreamed to SP3. This was via BartPE boot winn32.exe network install.

Oddly enough dotNet 2.0 was offered as an update but not dotNet 3.0.

Edited by JoeMSFN
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So what the iso winsp3 that MS is releasing ?

Iso win sp3

It's simply SP3 only, but as an ISO-file, so that you can burn it onto CDR. It's easier if you ask me to simply download the executable of SP3 and burn that on CDR instead.

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so i think the questiona are:

XP Pro source (SP0) slipstreamed to SP2 have some 'difference' to XP Pro source (SP0) slipstreamed to SP2 slipstreamed to SP3 ?

in other words all 'usually' file updated from sp0 to sp2 are the same updated after to sp3 or some file are NOT update from sp2 to sp3 ?

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so i think the questiona are:

XP Pro source (SP0) slipstreamed to SP2 have some 'difference' to XP Pro source (SP0) slipstreamed to SP2 slipstreamed to SP3 ?

in other words all 'usually' file updated from sp0 to sp2 are the same updated after to sp3 or some file are NOT update from sp2 to sp3 ?

Service packs are cumulative. Hence, the Windows binaries that get installed during setup that are updated from SP0 to SP2 will also be updated to the latest versions regardless of whether you go from SP0 to SP3 or from SP1 or SP2 to SP3.

However, there is a small difference in the actual setup PID engine in the XP installation routine binaries - if you slipstream SP3 into an SP0 source, you will still be required to enter a product key during Windows setup. If you slipstream SP3 into an SP1 or SP2 source, however, you will have the option to bypass the product key during Windows setup. That's the only difference, during setup - the actual installed Windows product that you would use is exactly the same once setup is finished regardless of what the original source was when SP3 was slipstreamed into the source.

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