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How to Change/Modify This Setup Screen?


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Can Anyone Help Me Ho to Modify OR Change This TEXT in Setup Screen that Attached.

This Attached Images are Installation of Windows Royale (Actually Windows XP SP2 Modded).

Plz Reply to My Topic.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You need to edit the SMSS.exe in system32 folder inside the i386 folder of your setup cd.

I use ResTuner or ResEditor (Not ResHacker)

Heres one of mine:


Edited by orbit30
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You need to edit the SMSS.exe in system32 folder inside the i386 folder of your setup cd.

I use ResTuner or ResEditor (Not ResHacker)

Heres one of mine:


You have donw the gr8 job !

Thankx :thumbup

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
You need to edit the SMSS.exe in system32 folder inside the i386 folder of your setup cd.

I use ResTuner or ResEditor (Not ResHacker)

Heres one of mine:


Oh man!!!!! I so love you now buddy!!! (not litterally of course lol) I have been looking for this for like forever its been proper annoying me!!!!

Thanks a firkin million m8 u r a star!!!!


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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Restorator doesn't support these text tables...

Use ResHacker, and save the String table out as an .rc file, you can then edit it with notepad or whatever, and reimport into the exe with reshacker with replace resource.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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