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DriverForge v5.0! - An Automatic Driver Installer

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And now I've some questions and a suggestion...

First the questions:

  • Is DriverForge able to search a folder recursively (also searching all subfolder)?
  • Can DriverForge search and use a network drive?

And now my suggestion:

  • Making a silent mode in Driverforge (My wish is to use it in the WPI Wizard silent but with a progress bar and the drive letter as parameter like driverforge.exe /WPImode /X:)

That's all from me for the moment ... :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
And now I've some questions and a suggestion...

First the questions:

  • Is DriverForge able to search a folder recursively (also searching all subfolder)?
  • Can DriverForge search and use a network drive?

And now my suggestion:

  • Making a silent mode in Driverforge (My wish is to use it in the WPI Wizard silent but with a progress bar and the drive letter as parameter like driverforge.exe /WPImode /X:)

That's all from me for the moment ... :rolleyes:

1. Yes it can use a already mapped network drive, either for compressed or uncompressed. Treating it as a local drive.

2. It searches all folders recursively of the folder you specify to find the uncompressed drivers, NOT the compressed ones though. All compressed drivers must be in ONE folder. However, all uncompressed drivers can be in folders within folders.

3. Silent mode, you mean no gui? Because currently there is unattended mode which requires no user interaction. (*edit* the 7zip utility won't allow me to hide it, but I'll see what I can do)

Edited by kickarse

In my case the drivers are already uncompressed and so the 7-Zip utility isn't needed. The only GUI-like I "want" to see is a progress bar from your tool during the installations of the drivers (perhaps with showing what hardware is installing in that moment). And it would be very nice to "say" the drive letter via an argument / parameter ...

Posted (edited)
In my case the drivers are already uncompressed and so the 7-Zip utility isn't needed. The only GUI-like I "want" to see is a progress bar from your tool during the installations of the drivers (perhaps with showing what hardware is installing in that moment). And it would be very nice to "say" the drive letter via an argument / parameter ...

I see... I might be able to add an option to show a small progress bar. But I'm not going to be able to add what driver/hardware is being installed specifically at each moment. That's not what the utility was designed for (blunt driver installer). I don't know if I'd even be able to add that option in the future even if I wanted to. I don't even know if I will add command line options (archaic but useful).

Just a note, the program functionality though isn't going to change much from this point forward. Just tweaking and such.

The latest version adds a completely silent mode though. Probably upload it tomorrow.

Edited by kickarse
Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot...

The information about the hardware DriverForge installs it atm isn't so much important, the progress bar and the silent mode is enough for me. :rolleyes:

And again: You're making a d.a_m.n. good job and product :thumbup

Edited by McStarfighter

Is it possible to add an attached working file with a folder that consist all the contents in their correct directory?

for example:


DriverForge v3.2.exe

Drivers uncompressed



DriverForge v3.2.exe

Drivers compressed

Posted (edited)
Is it possible to add an attached working file with a folder that consist all the contents in their correct directory?

for example:


DriverForge v3.2.exe

Drivers uncompressed



DriverForge v3.2.exe

Drivers compressed

Hi Ideas,

Are you asking to have compressed AND uncompressed drivers on the same removable drive? From where you'd want to copy the uncompressed drivers to a local folder on the hard drive, then extract the compressed and copy it to the same folder??

Or... are you just asking if you can put a folder in the root of the DriverForge program folder and then point it to that?


7zLoc will be filled in automatically with X:\folder\on\root\of\drive\and\program\folder\and\folder\your\looking\for

Edited by kickarse

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