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DriverForge v5.0! - An Automatic Driver Installer

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How can I include environment variables like %systemdrive%

I want to extract the drivers to %systemdrive%\d

You can do @systemdrive I believe. I'll be adding the ability to use environment variables in the next release.

  • 2 weeks later...

Posted (edited)


its a great tool, but there is a bug: installing drivers via "windows native" damages the normal windows driver installation. when i plug in a normal usb mouse to a usbport where it was never connected before, it doesn't find hid driver in c:\windows\inf automaticly. i have to manually put in the path.

driverforge changes default driverpath in registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] "DevicePath" from "%SystemRoot%\inf" to "".

is it possible to set a relative compressed file path?


Edited by larsm


another problem: i created a small driverpack myself. method two and three failed, method 1 was used instead on my laptop. the drivers are ok, i am able to install them manually. other driverpacks were successfully installed.

my driverpack




version 4.5.1 is not much better: now it changes "DevicePath" to:



Posted (edited)

That's because that's what your device path was before! If you do driverpacks twice it'll use whatever you had last. Plus, if you didn't have anything in there to begin with it'll add what you scanned as default. At least, that's what I think ;)

So if you could test by changing that value to the default value and then run DriverPacks and see what happens that would be great!

I think I have it setup so if you aren't using compressed drivers it'll keep the location of the drivers in the registry. However, as you've shown, it's probably better to always revert to the original.

That'll be fixed in 4.5.2 :thumbup

Edited by kickarse
Posted (edited)

v4.5.3 is out checks the Read Me for full change log.

Added some fixes for Driver Signing Policy and fixing inf locations after running the driver installation.

Edited by kickarse
Posted (edited)

It's not currently available :)

A very very old version does lurk around here somewhere.

Edited by kickarse
Posted (edited)

You do realize that not everything on sourceforge has the code freely available. Nor is it in the contract to host programs on sourceforge. However, certain licensing terms to certain licenses do grant anyone access to source code of certain applications. It was never actually licensed properly btw. Meaning what I stated didn't make it licensed under any known licensing schema.

I'm not saying I wouldn't be glad to offer it (besides finding the time to do so properly). But it's not written well and isn't commented at all.

Besides my program is little more than a nice batch script for running RunDll32.exe Syssetup.dll,UpdatePnpDeviceDrivers.

Edited by kickarse
You do realize that not everything on sourceforge has the code freely available. Nor is it in the contract to host programs on sourceforge. However, certain licensing terms to certain licenses do grant anyone access to source code of certain applications. It was never actually licensed properly btw. Meaning what I stated didn't make it licensed under any known licensing schema.

I suggest you reread the "Terms of Use" at SourceForge. SF only hosts projects with OSI-approved licenses. If you don't intend to license it under one of these licenses or don't intend to publish the sources from the beginning, you should not register a project there.

All at SourceForge is about open source in the first degree and not binaries.

Posted (edited)

That's not actually correct (then again I'm not a lawyer)...

The only thing I can find that would stipulate anything about hosting the source is documented at the Terms of Use stating

"© you have fully complied with any third-party licenses relating to Your Content, agree to pay for all royalties, fees and any other monies owning any person by reason of any of Your Content that you posted to or through SourceForge.net;"

and "For the SourceForge Site SourceForge.net, use, reproduction, modification, and other intellectual property rights to data stored in CVS or as a file release and posted by any user on SourceForge.net ("Source Code") shall be subject to the OSI-approved license applicable to such Source Code, or to such other licensing arrangements as may be approved by SourceForge.net as applicable to such Source Code."

But, alas, I'm not going to get into a p***ing match with you, or anyone, over this. And I never once stated I would not show anyone the source. The only thing I stated is that it's not ready for public viewing (in so many words). :rolleyes:

If anything take it up with SF and GPL. I'm sure they have so much time to worry about my little program built in AutoIT. Have them remove it. I really don't care. I made this program to be useful to people, not to have to worry about this s***, "oh I want the source Mommy! Why can't I have the source!?" Who are you Veruca Salt? Because, that's what it seems like to me. :wacko:

But if you really want it THAT badly and THAT quickly you could always decompile it quite easily. :) Or you can just pm me your email address.

Edited by kickarse

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