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DriverForge v5.0! - An Automatic Driver Installer

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Posted (edited)

DriverGeek v0.5 Beta 1


//-- Download --//

http://drop.io/wanderingit -- click DriverGeek for the beta download

//-- Version History --//

v0.5b1 - 2010-04-30 - Beta 1 for public trials

//-- Introduction --//

DriverGeek was designed from the ground up to be an easy and intelligent driver installation tool; replacing the aging tool DriverForge. It will automatically find and install all hardware drivers based on the driver paths that you select. The current version of DriverGeek will run in all supported x86 Windows operating systems (2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 and PE's based on these); an x64 version will be released in the future but has not been compiled yet.

//-- Usage --//

To use the program is simple. Edit the dgconfig.ini file to set your configuration and then run the program to install the drivers. The first time you run the program it will create the dgconfig.ini file with all options. It will then open the ini file for you to edit it. Save the ini file when you are done editing. The ini lives in the same root directory as the program. To put it into perspective the only option you really need to supply is for the section [Drivers] and a uncompressed drivers path for the option DriverSearchPaths. The settings below can be configured:


; Run without prompts and progress even if prompts help, this has not been fully implemented, only for tooltips

; Blank defaults to 0 = No, 1 = Yes


; Reboot after install completes

; Blank defaults to 0 = No, 1 = Yes


; Show Windows Device Manager during installation, it will close when driver installs have finished

; Blank defaults to 0 = No. 1 = yes


; DpInst.exe is used in installing the drivers to the system. If DPInst.exe cannot be found or supplied the

; program will ask if you would like to default to Windows 2000/XP/2003 x86 default driver installation method

; using Rundll32.exe

; The temporary folder for running DPinst.exe from is deleted when the program exits

; Blank defaults to %temp%\drivergeek\bin


; Accept Software EULA, you must accept the EULA to run the program

; Blank defaults to 0 = No, 1 = Yes



; Search Paths, multiple paths, or even INF file(s), separated via Pipe symbol

; Environment variables work with this option.


; The software will automatically append the current programs directory your driver search path

; Blank defaults to 1 = Yes, 0 = No


; Search drives found, options are:

; ----> ALL, CDROM, Removable, Ramdisk, Fixed, Network (and Unknown, but shouldn't need to be used)

; The option "All" will take the place of needing to enter the rest of the options and will add all drives found

; You can add one or multiple, separating them with a Pipe symbol

; Blank will not search any "drives" for drivers


; Has not been implemented but will allow extraction of compressed drives from the path supplied

; and then extracted and installed from. This feature has not been implemented yet. The extracted drivers

; path will be appended to the DriverSearcPaths option.

; If a compressed drivers path is specified and a extract path is not the program will default

; to extract to %temp%\drivergeek\drivers and will be deleted after drive installation has completed

; If the program cannot extract to any directory extraction will be terminated, if no other driver

; path is specified the program will exit



Edited by kickarse


looks interesting. any plans to add support for running from cd or can it accept locations like \Drivers where the CD drive is X:, DriverForge is in the root and there is a folder called Drivers so that instead of lets say D:\Drivers you could just use \Drivers since not all computers CD/DVD drive that is D:.

Posted (edited)
I'll add that option ;)

Here it comes :) Sooner or later you will end up like me :P Having so many features you can hardly track where is what ;P

BTW. Your CHECKFORWIZARD() function isn't the best considering that you hardcoded english title, also WinActive isn't nessecary i think.

Also why do you put both 7zip.dll and un7zip.exe into the .exe shouldn't one be enough?

Edited by MadBoy
Posted (edited)
I'll add that option ;)

Here it comes :) Sooner or later you will end up like me :P Having so many features you can hardly track where is what ;P

BTW. Your CHECKFORWIZARD() function isn't the best considering that you hardcoded english title, also WinActive isn't nessecary i think.

Also why do you put both 7zip.dll and un7zip.exe into the .exe shouldn't one be enough?

It won't uncompress without the 7zip.dll. And the checkforwizard() was made so far only for english. PID's change and two processes are using rundll32. The winactive probably isn't needed but if it steals focus while it's running it'll need to close it.

I'm not planning on adding many features or any more after this one requested. There are some that I want to add though. That's why it's called the blunt force driver installer, not the be all and end all. Mostly created for my own use at work.

Hey don't you encrypt your code? And are you still using Autoit? ;)

Edited by kickarse

ok this is what i get for not reading things right. I thought you added the feature already (i forgot todays date) so i downloaded and extracted every DP i wanted and now i have a folder with 1.77Gb of drivers, a blank DVD in the drive and I am waiting for the CD compatible version. no rush though. :)

Posted (edited)

lol... ok... I'll see what I can do :thumbup

Here's what you can do currently...

X:\Path\To\Program\OEM (compressed drivers)

But, (and what I'll be adding anyways)

What your asking, I think, is that you can specify

X:\Path\To\Program\Driver\Folder\You\Set (compressed drivers)

X: drive being created on the fly... I can make it so the drive is relative to where it's being run from or relative to the folder and drive it's being run from

So one will give X: and the other would give X:\Path\To\Program. I think I am going to do relative to the drive it'll be run from and then you can write in where.

I'm guessing your using this feature for the unattended install?

Edited by kickarse

well the big issue is my Unattended CD has gotten too big for a cd so i cant use all the drivers i would like on it (cant do dvd yet until i phase out the last 2 models on PC with CD only drives)

i would like to take a cd with compressed drivers / dvd with uncompressed, toss an autorun.inf on it that points to driverforge and have it update drivers on a freshly installed system

even if instead of specifying a path, if you could leave the parameter blank and have it default to looking in its the same folder as the .exe is run from for a folder called "DriverForge" and using any compressed/uncompressed drivers it finds there.

so installing would be:

1. Extract the exe to a folder

2. Make a folder called "DriverForge" and extract/copy drivers into it

3. Make autorun.inf

4. Burn the contents of the folder to CD/DVD

5. Put CD/DVD in the drive of the target system

6. Click Start after driverforge starts (unless UnAttended=Y)

Posted (edited)
well the big issue is my Unattended CD has gotten too big for a cd so i cant use all the drivers i would like on it (cant do dvd yet until i phase out the last 2 models on PC with CD only drives)

i would like to take a cd with compressed drivers / dvd with uncompressed, toss an autorun.inf on it that points to driverforge and have it update drivers on a freshly installed system

even if instead of specifying a path, if you could leave the parameter blank and have it default to looking in its the same folder as the .exe is run from for a folder called "DriverForge" and using any compressed/uncompressed drivers it finds there.

so installing would be:

1. Extract the exe to a folder

2. Make a folder called "DriverForge" and extract/copy drivers into it

3. Make autorun.inf

4. Burn the contents of the folder to CD/DVD

5. Put CD/DVD in the drive of the target system

6. Click Start after driverforge starts (unless UnAttended=Y)

You want it to find if the removable drive folder has compressed (7z files) drivers and if it does extract them to a location on the hard drive and install the drivers from there OR else if it doesn't find compressed (7z files) drivers to install from the cd location?

Edited by kickarse
well the big issue is my Unattended CD has gotten too big for a cd so i cant use all the drivers i would like on it (cant do dvd yet until i phase out the last 2 models on PC with CD only drives)

i would like to take a cd with compressed drivers / dvd with uncompressed, toss an autorun.inf on it that points to driverforge and have it update drivers on a freshly installed system

even if instead of specifying a path, if you could leave the parameter blank and have it default to looking in its the same folder as the .exe is run from for a folder called "DriverForge" and using any compressed/uncompressed drivers it finds there.

so installing would be:

1. Extract the exe to a folder

2. Make a folder called "DriverForge" and extract/copy drivers into it

3. Make autorun.inf

4. Burn the contents of the folder to CD/DVD

5. Put CD/DVD in the drive of the target system

6. Click Start after driverforge starts (unless UnAttended=Y)

Geek, why don't you use Pro-S Hardware Installer, it has the features you ask for :P It's a bit more advanced thou and requires some settings :P

Hey don't you encrypt your code? And are you still using Autoit? ;)

There's no way to encrypt the code. You can use obfuscator but that won't slow people down much. So i kinda gave up :) And yes i still use AutoIt :)

Posted (edited)
well the big issue is my Unattended CD has gotten too big for a cd so i cant use all the drivers i would like on it (cant do dvd yet until i phase out the last 2 models on PC with CD only drives)

i would like to take a cd with compressed drivers / dvd with uncompressed, toss an autorun.inf on it that points to driverforge and have it update drivers on a freshly installed system

even if instead of specifying a path, if you could leave the parameter blank and have it default to looking in its the same folder as the .exe is run from for a folder called "DriverForge" and using any compressed/uncompressed drivers it finds there.

so installing would be:

1. Extract the exe to a folder

2. Make a folder called "DriverForge" and extract/copy drivers into it

3. Make autorun.inf

4. Burn the contents of the folder to CD/DVD

5. Put CD/DVD in the drive of the target system

6. Click Start after driverforge starts (unless UnAttended=Y)

Geek, why don't you use Pro-S Hardware Installer, it has the features you ask for :P It's a bit more advanced thou and requires some settings :P

lol... pimp :rolleyes:

I just built a version to handle removable media detection. So if the program is here at X:\Path\To\Program it will find that it's at X:\ and then you must put in the rest of the location to the drivers, so Path\To\Location\of\Drivers. From the root of the removable drive the program is being run from not relative to the location of the program itself. If you want that use OEM.

Still working out some kinks though, like the auto detection of compressed files in the location on the removable drive.

Edited by kickarse

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