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How to install a Theme?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, if you want to add a new theme to your version of windows without any additional software here's how to do it, I used this methord to install the energy blue MCE 2005 theme (Royale) on XP 64 bit which had a discusting theme:

Create the following folders under the C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes folder: (I just copied Luna and renamed and deleted extra files)








Copy the royale.theme file that you extracted into the main C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes folder.

Copy the royale.msstyles file into the \royale subfolder.

Copy the shellstyle.dll file into each of the \shell subfolders (royale\shell\homestead, royale\shell\metallic, royale\shell\normalcolor, royale\shell\royale).

Copy the energybliss.jpg file into the \royale\wallpaper subfolder.

Delete all remaining files, REQUIRED FOR TABLET PC ONLY.

When you select the Display Properties Appearance tab you will see two Windows XP style options listed.

One of the style options includes a Royale color scheme (XP automatically selected this, butr just check); select this scheme then on the theme tab, select the Energy Blue theme.

And there you go!!!

  • 2 months later...

A easy way to insert a theme to your unattnded is:

Lets say you want the Royale theme:

1. Install the theme on a refference PC (and customize it if you like)

2. Then Copy the theme file from C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes (for royale this will be the "Royale.Theme file") to your \$OEM$\$$\Resources folder.

3. Then Copy the theme folder (for royale this will be "C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\Royale" to to your \$OEM$\$$\Resources folder

4. Then add the following lines to the "WINNT.SIF" file:



Works perfect :thumbup

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

what are the CLSID of various components like Run,Help & Support,My Pictures etc

so that i can specify the icons for each in the .theme file itselt as like Mycomputer or RecycleBin

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi, i have a question, sorry i have put it in other subforum which i think wasnt the suitable one.

Unstead of downloading a patched uxtheme.dll, can i pactch it myself?

i will describe the method which i want to use, and to see if i can do it?

I have downloaded a program: UXTheme Multi-Patcher (Neowin Edition) 4.0., and i want to execute it in a windows already installed, then i copy from: C:\windows\system32\ the archive uxtheme.dll

then i apply the method described in the forum: modifiype uxtheme.dll -c.

makecab uxtheme.dll

Finally copy it and overwrite the uxtheme.dl_ to make an unattended windows.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I just have a little problem: after i just customized my theme (mr4.theme), i put the mr4.theme in $OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes folder. At windows install, in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes i can't find the mr4.theme. Please help me.

Edited by mr4
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
its ok its my falt just instealled it anit downloaded a them its wicked its like glass the windows cool or what.

Yep, wasn't that hard was it? It never hurts to try, and its something you should do in future.

hi i managed to integrate Stolen16Mx theme in nlite and it shows at startup in vmware but

the problem is the desktop is black. how do a get a wallpaper of my choice to show

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