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Windows 95/98(SE)/2000/XP users opinion of...

Windows Vista Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use or own Windows Vista?

    • Yes, I own WinVista on another computer in my home
    • Yes, I use WinVista on my work computer
    • No, I don't use WinVista
    • I use Win95/98(SE)/2000/XP
    • I use GNU/Linux
  2. 2. If you do use or own WinVista, which version do you use?

    • Home Premium
    • Ultimate
    • I do not use WinVista
    • Buisness
    • Enterprize
    • Home Basic
  3. 3. If you DO NOT USE WINVISTA, why not?

    • It is a MEMORY HOG!
    • It is a Hard disk hog!!
    • I don't have a modern enough PC
    • I prefer Windows 98SE's small memory footprint and looks with Tihiy's Revolutions Pack
    • I prefer Win2k/XP's memory management
    • It is SLOWER THAN molasses at absolute zero
    • N/A

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I wanted to get Windows 95/98(SE)/2k/XP users opinions on Windows Vista <place your version here>... I myself hate it because of the memory usage...and simply because I use a PC that was manufactured in 1998...

Please post your thoughts of WinVista as well as comments about the poll...Thank you


-----------------------------------Live on, Windows 98SE...---------------------------------------




This poll is broken and unfair.

First, it's broken because we are forced to pick a choice in the "If you do use Vista" question.

Secondly, it's unfair because Windows 95 isn't mentioned where the rest of the Windows OSs are. :(

By the way, you forgot one option: "it's slow as molasses".

This poll is broken and unfair.

First, it's broken because we are forced to pick a choice in the "If you do use Vista" question.

Secondly, it's unfair because Windows 95 isn't mentioned where the rest of the Windows OSs are. :(

By the way, you forgot one option: "it's slow as molasses".

I love you.


The first question gives various options, the last two being "No, I don't use WinVista" and "I use Win95/98(SE)/2000/XP". I was a bit confused since I could only choose ONE option, yet both the last TWO options were true for me! So, I just chose the 'true-er' option?

Posted (edited)

Vista makes a machine a true modern PC. So much is so different, yet it is still Windows. I think it's the best OS yet, myself, though I wouldn't upgrade from XP to Vista simply because Vista does have pretty heavy system requirements. But buy a computer made for Vista, and you're all set in my opinion. I still use Windows 98 because I like developing for it, but for regular computer usage, Vista's the top.

Edited by LukeSkillz

This poll sucks. You cant even fill it out without unless you have a negative opinion of vista.

I have Vista Business at home and Enterprise at work (neither of which are on your poll)

on my home machine that is 100% modern (quad core@2.4, 4gb ram, 8800GT) it works flawlessly

on my work machine that was a top of the line XP machine about a year ago (P4ht@2, 2gb ram, 7300gt) it works ok. multi monitor support is lacking and I get occasional pausing under heavy loads.

on my laptop (CentrinoDuo@2, 2gb ram, 7300LE) it works ok but has a few power saving issues

The lowest spec machine I have installed it on was a P4ht@1.8, 1GB ram, Intel onboard video(without Aero which wasnt supported) and it still performed just as well as XP SP2.

theres nothing wrong with Vista if you have a decent spec machine to put it on. if you put it on something below minimum spec, you can expect less then minimum performance.

Whats next? people bashing those newfangled steel belted tires because they don't make them in sizes to fit your Model T?


My brother's laptop came with Windows Vista Basic. It had better specs than the minimum required specs, most notably 1 GB of RAM. Yet it was slow as molasses. Not to mention it took more than a half hour just to boot for the first time. Inexcusable.

Vista makes a machine a true modern PC.

What kind of crap is that?

I think it's the best OS yet, myself, though I wouldn't upgrade from XP to Vista simply because Vista does have pretty heavy system requirements. But buy a computer made for Vista, and you're all set in my opinion.

You haven't clarified exactly what makes Vista the top OS. What great functionality warrants the increased system requirements?

The lowest spec machine I have installed it on was a P4ht@1.8, 1GB ram, Intel onboard video(without Aero which wasnt supported) and it still performed just as well as XP SP2.


Whats next? people bashing those newfangled steel belted tires because they don't make them in sizes to fit your Model T?

No, we bash it because it's yet another edition of Windows that has increased system requirements for no apparent reason other than eye candy. This is Microsoft's way of keeping up the perpetual upgrade cycle.

1. Release new edition of Windows with a couple more features that doesn't run well hardware unless meeting high system requirements.

2. Get all new systems sold with new version of Windows.

3. Cut off support for old version.

4. Watch as people buy new PCs because the newer version won't run on their older ones.


6. GOTO 1.

The lowest spec machine I have installed it on was a P4ht@1.8, 1GB ram, Intel onboard video(without Aero which wasnt supported) and it still performed just as well as XP SP2.


Aha! what? the system still performed fine. I researched the issue and the way that card shares memory with the system doesnt meet the spec MS set for Aero. but Aero is not the only thing thats changed in Vista. Its just the only thing that your average user can see when they look at Vista. Vista isn't worth upgrading to for the home user in most cases (and some businesses). The only reason I don't have 200 of those same spec machines running Vista with Aero disabled instead of XP SP2 is because I'm still waiting for my VLS server to be setup.

Whats next? people bashing those newfangled steel belted tires because they don't make them in sizes to fit your Model T?

No, we bash it because it's yet another edition of Windows that has increased system requirements for no apparent reason other than eye candy. This is Microsoft's way of keeping up the perpetual upgrade cycle.

1. Release new edition of Windows with a couple more features that doesn't run well hardware unless meeting high system requirements.

2. Get all new systems sold with new version of Windows.

3. Cut off support for old version.

4. Watch as people buy new PCs because the newer version won't run on their older ones.


6. GOTO 1.

Yawn. same argument as 1995, 1998, 2000, and 2002. be sure to copy that somewhere safe for when Windows 7 launches.

Aha! what? the system still performed fine.

Aha you disabled part of the OS to get it to run fine.

Yawn. same argument as 1995, 1998, 2000, and 2002.

Nope, not 1995. Windows 95 was dramatically different compared to Windows 3.1, introducing 32-bits, a revamped interface, etc.

Anyway, yes it's the same argument for the other years. If it wasn't, the argument wouldn't have much point, now would it? Great going, Sherlock. You don't even try to refute the argument.

Windows Vista is WinXP with some new bells and whistles. WinXP itself is Windows 2000 + eye candy + ClearType (only useful on LCDs) + better hyper-threading support.


I do own Vista (and it is installed on one of the partitions on my computer) but I don't use it very often.

It works flawlessly (2GB RAM) but I prefer Windows XP.

The user account control popups are really annoying but after all it can be deactivated.

What I really miss is the explorer's toolbar.

Posted (edited)
Aha! what? the system still performed fine.

Aha you disabled part of the OS to get it to run fine.

nope. I didn't disable it was auto disabled for me. prolly o that people like you would try to run it on a 333mhz celeron with an ati rage card and then complain about its shotty performance.

anyways, Im done here. the point of my post was not to begin an argument but to prove that the poll is biased and broken. I had no intention of fighting over whose choice of OS was better enjoy your obsolete OS on your obsolete CRT monitor. My Quadcore with with is kicking out the Cleartype quite nicely to my 24" LCD

Edited by geek
Posted (edited)
people like you would try to run it on a 333mhz celeron with an ati rage card and then complain about its shotty performance.

Which just proves that it's not the greatest OS ever that everyone should have. Especially when it doesn't offer anything we want to offset the system requirements.

The fact is that GNU/Linux, a recent OS that still gets updated, will work fine on the proposed system. Windows Vista is just bloated.

obsolete CRT monitor

Too bad your LCD monitor will look like s*** on resolutions other than its native one. CRTs aren't obsolete at all.

My Quadcore with with is kicking out the Cleartype quite nicely to my 24" LCD

Yeah, until the next upgrade, that is. Perpetual upgrade cycle.

Edited by BenoitRen
obsolete CRT monitor

Too bad your LCD monitor will look like s*** on resolutions other than its native one. CRTs aren't obsolete at all.

I agree with you. I have been using CRT monitors my whole life...my school has LCD ones, though...kids always push on the screen and end up breaking them...CRT's have glass screens, so there is no possible way to break them (except if you put your foot through it)...they are so much cheaper too and you can get them almost anyplace(Staples, Walmart, etc...)

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