Teh_Tech Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 (edited) I am really sorry to be a pain in the backside, but after reading this guide, I have really gotten into it, and have prepaired everything! (thank you so much DarkShadows for taking the time to make this first class tutorial, it must have taken you absolutely ages to make it, I know it took me ages to read and get my head around it all!)The only question I want to know is; having used nLite to slipstream & configure a high majority of the XPCD, can I still use the SVCPACK.INF method to install this package, or is there anyother way using other methods to get it to extract, install & register before Windows loads please? Edited September 11, 2008 by Teh_Tech
DarkShadows Posted September 11, 2008 Author Posted September 11, 2008 MSDownloads.exe should be installed from svcpack.inf or from cmdlines.txt.I have never used nLite, so I do not know anything about how it adds things to the XPCD source. I'm not sure if nLite uses direct slipstreaming (which this guide does not use), or integration (which this guide does use). The svcpack.inf method is an integration method and part of the Windows setup process provided by Microsoft. I believe most direct slipstreaming tools still end up adding some files to the XPCD\I386\SVCPACK folder and corresponding entries to svcpack.inf file anyway (usually .cat files for slipstreamed windows updates). I know for certain that you can install some things by direct slipstreaming and others by integration. I actually use WMP 11 Slipstreamer on my XPCD source. But it is usually best to do all of your slipstreaming first, then add your SVCPACK items afterward. Just make sure that you do not Slipstream and Integrate the same item--If you have already slipstreamed an item, there should be no need to Integrate it. I would guess (but I do not know) that nLite can handle most of the prerequisite items covered in this guide, since most support the /INTEGRATE switch. My guess would be that you would only need to add MSDownloads.exe (and perhaps Windows Update Agent) to SVCPack.Can someone else who uses my guide an nLite chime in here with confirmation?
X-FoRcE Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 KB905474 1.8.0031.9 is out http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/a...-Standalone.exe
DarkShadows Posted September 26, 2008 Author Posted September 26, 2008 (edited) I have updated the Guide and downloads to v4.1. Read the Version History section in the first post and the related sections for details! B) Edited September 26, 2008 by DarkShadows
yeled1976 Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 Hii have been spending about 4 hours looking for the msdbuild.exe download.where can i download it from?anywhere i look i get brought to this page and there is no download linkthanks
atomicmaniac Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 HiOk, I have followed the Automated process to the letter. But I still get asked to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications KB905474 when I check for updates.I have unpacked the MSDownload.exe manually and checked the version of the LegitCheckControl.dll file and found it to be and not retried the downloading via Windows Update Downloader, and using the latest MSDownloads.ulz file, and it definately downloads version, but when you run the automated process it still only includes in MSDownload.exe.Am I missing something or is this a glitch?
kgee Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 (edited) Same problem than atomicmaniac here, but i have a workaround. LCC_FIX.CMD must be in same folder than MSDBuild.exe, along with other files downloaded by Windows Update Downloader.@TITLE LCC_FIX.CMD - Helper Script for DarkShadows' Great Script@ECHO OFF@SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONCLSECHO.ECHO LCC_FIX.CMD - Helper Script for DarkShadows's Great ScriptECHO.ECHO The Mess :ECHO LegitCheckControl.dll in the LegitCheckControl.cab archiveECHO is an outdated version : The one inside the KB905474 exe package is [ at the time of writing : 2008/Nov/10 ]ECHO.ECHO The Problem :ECHO MSDBuild.cmd is using the outdated one inside the .cab.ECHO.ECHO The Result :ECHO You get a nag popup during setup which defeats the whole thing.ECHO [ unless you install the KB905474 exe **AFTER** MSDownloads.exe ]ECHO.ECHO The Rock-Stupid Workaround implemented here :ECHO Use the new DLL from the EXE package to recreate a .cabECHO archive [digital signature of the .cab is lost].ECHO Then, launch MSDBuild.exe as you are used to.ECHO.PAUSECD /D "%~dp0"SET KB905474=FOR %%g IN (*905474*.exe) DO SET KB905474=%%~nxgIF NOT DEFINED KB905474 ( ECHO You need the KB905474 exe package. GOTO:EOF)REM one and only one backup of LCC.cabIF EXIST LegitCheckControl.cab IF NOT EXIST old_LegitCheckControl.cab REN LegitCheckControl.cab old_LegitCheckControl.cabIF EXIST LegitCheckControl.cab DEL/F/A/Q LegitCheckControl.cabSET LCC=LCC%RANDOM%SET WGA=WGA%RANDOM%MD %LCC% %WGA%ECHO.ECHO Extracting WGA 905474 package...START "" /I /WAIT /LOW %KB905474% /Q /X:%WGA%ECHO.ECHO Moving DLL file around...MOVE/Y %WGA%\legitcheckcontrol.dll %LCC%\LegitCheckControl.dllECHO.ECHO Looking for file version...SET VERSION=FOR /F "tokens=2 delims== " %%v IN ('TYPE %WGA%\update\update.inf ^| FIND /I "PRODUCT_VERSION "') DO SET VERSION=%%~vECHO Version found in update.inf is %VERSION%.ECHO.ECHO Creating new INF file with version %VERSION:.=,%...ECHO>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf ;DestDir can be 10 for Windows directory, 11 for Windows\System(32) directory, or left blank for the Occache directory.ECHO.>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf [version]ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf signature=$CHICAGO$ECHO.>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf [Add.Code]ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf LegitCheckControl.DLL=LegitCheckControl.DLLECHO.>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf [LegitCheckControl.DLL]ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf file-win32-x86=thiscabECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf RegisterServer=yesECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf clsid={17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700}ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf DestDir=11ECHO>>%LCC%\LegitCheckControl.inf FileVersion=%VERSION:.=,%ECHO.ECHO Creating DDF for MAKECAB...PUSHD %LCC%ECHO>LCC.DDF .Set Cabinet=onECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set Compress=onECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set CompressionType=LZXECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set CompressionMemory=21ECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set FolderSizeThreshold=5000000ECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set MaxDiskSize=CDROMECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set DiskDirectory1=.ECHO>>LCC.DDF .Set CabinetNameTemplate=LegitCheckControl.cabECHO>>LCC.DDF %CD%\LegitCheckControl.dllECHO>>LCC.DDF %CD%\LegitCheckControl.infECHO.ECHO Creating CAB archive...DIANTZ/F LCC.DDF || ECHO DIANTZ Failed: "%CD%\LCC.DDF"MOVE/Y .\LegitCheckControl.cab ..\LegitCheckControl.cabPOPDECHO.ECHO Removing temp files...RD/S/Q %LCC%RD/S/Q %WGA%ECHO.ECHO All done. Have a nice day.ECHO.ECHO Press any key to launch DarkShadows' MSDBuild.exe package...PAUSE>NULIF EXIST MSDBuild.exe START /I .\MSDBuild.exeEXIT/B0Tested and working... but it covers only LegitCheckControl.dll. Edited November 10, 2008 by kgee
DarkShadows Posted November 10, 2008 Author Posted November 10, 2008 @EveryoneSorry, I've been away awhile. It seems that Microsoft changed things again (what else is new?). They stopped updating LegitCheckControl.cab at its static download link, in favor of pushing out a new KB905474 WGA Notifications update periodically.I'm currently developing a new version of MSDBuild.exe/MSDBuild.cmd that will extract LegitCheckControl.dll from both the KB905474 WGA Notifications download and the LegitCheckControl.cab download. The new script will always use the most recent version in MSDownloads.exe. This way, if Microsoft resumes updating LegitCheckControl.cab at its static download link in the future, we will still be covered.@atomicmaniac & @kgeeI appreciate the issue reports. Please answer these questions, assuming that you only used my MSDBuild.exe/MSDBuild.cmd (i.e. without kgee's workaround):Q1: Did you integrate KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source ?Q2: If you did integrate KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source, was it the most recent version?Remember to check KB905474 WGA Notifications in WUD to force it to redownload the most recent version of the update.Q3: If you did integrate the most recent version of KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source, did Microsoft/Windows Update still list KB905474 WGA Notifications as a required update?Q4: What edition and license type of Windows XP are you using?@kgeeI'm doing it a little differently than your script is, but that's still that's a nice workaround you provided. Please answer these questions, regarding your workaround results:Q1: Did you integrate KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source?Q2: If you did not integrate KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source, did Microsoft/Windows Update still list KB905474 WGA Notifications as a required update?If this answer is "No", then we will still need to download KB905474 WGA Notifications, but we will not need to install it (which would be my preference). If this answer is "Yes", then integrating KB905474 WGA Notifications becomes a requirement.
DarkShadows Posted November 10, 2008 Author Posted November 10, 2008 Hii have been spending about 4 hours looking for the msdbuild.exe download.where can i download it from?anywhere i look i get brought to this page and there is no download linkthanksFollow the instructions, exactly as written, under the heading "Automate the Process"
strel Posted November 10, 2008 Posted November 10, 2008 ... My guess would be that you would only need to add MSDownloads.exe (and perhaps Windows Update Agent) to SVCPack.Can someone else who uses my guide an nLite chime in here with confirmation?Confirmed
kgee Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 @kgeeI'm doing it a little differently than your script is, but that's still that's a nice workaround you provided. Please answer these questions, regarding your workaround results:Q1: Did you integrate KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source?Q2: If you did not integrate KB905474 WGA Notifications into your XPCD source, did Microsoft/Windows Update still list KB905474 WGA Notifications as a required update?If this answer is "No", then we will still need to download KB905474 WGA Notifications, but we will not need to install it (which would be my preference). If this answer is "Yes", then integrating KB905474 WGA Notifications becomes a requirement.Ans1: Well, I did not, then I did, then I did not... I think I will, since I downloaded it Ans2: The answer is "Yes"... but everything works fine without installing it.
strel Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 ... Tested and working... but it covers only LegitCheckControl.dll.The extraction proccess is not working. I substitute this:ECHO.ECHO Extracting WGA 905474 package...START "" /I /WAIT /LOW %KB905474% /Q /X:%WGA%with this:ECHO.ECHO Extracting WGA 905474 package...FOR /F %%I IN ('CD') DO START "" /I /WAIT /LOW %KB905474% /T:%%I\%WGA% /CSTART "" /I /WAIT /LOW .\%WGA%\WgaNotifyPackageStandalone.exe /X:.\%WGA%% /Qfor your script to work.
atolica Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 @strelWhat file did you modify? I can't find that line inside SFX-MSD.cmd and in MSDBuild.cmd.
atolica Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 (edited) Hey guysI made it work flawlessly for Windows XP SP3 and IE7. It seems that all it needs are a few file replacements and some registry settings, so it will take you to MU without any activex prompts.This is what I did:I used kgee's script to replace Legitcheckcontrol.dllThen I checked all the *.cab files as I thought there might be other files not updated. I was right. I found wuweb.dll from the work folder not to be the last version. I checked system32 folder and voila. The last wuweb.dll version is 7.2.6001.788 (WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe comprises it) and not 7.2.6001.784, which is the file that is compressed inside wuweb_site.cab. I cabbed the wuweb.dll and modified wuweb.ini, changing the version number inside. edit:Plus, registry settings that I forgot about.Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3}\iexplore]"Flags"=dword:00000004[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Services]"DefaultService"="7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Services\7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d]"AuthorizationCab"="authcab.cab"That's it. Tested and working in vmware. Now all I have to do is to find a way to pack my own Datastore.edb and make it work after hiding all the unwanted updates in MSU. Any ideas?Now it's for you script kids to put all these together. But until then I am uploading the modified wuweb_site.cab. I hope it'll come handy.Regards,Atolicawuweb_site.cab Edited November 15, 2008 by atolica
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