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Silent Install of LogMein.msi


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hello there fellow msfn-ers!

I dont know if some of you are familiar with logmein (web based remode desktop www.logmein.com) but during the setup process it prompts for the logmein user account and password.

I want to be able to deploy the logmein.msi to a few laptops here in the office via AD or as part of a logon script.

The problem I have is that i dont know how to make the silent install fill in those 2 fields (user/pass) or maybe how to create an answer file.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks a bunch!



Edited by ceez
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hello there fellow msfn-ers!

I dont know if some of you are familiar with logmein (web based remode desktop www.logmein.com) but during the setup process it prompts for the logmein user account and password.

I want to be able to deploy the logmein.msi to a few laptops here in the office via AD or as part of a logon script.

The problem I have is that i dont know how to make the silent install fill in those 2 fields (user/pass) or maybe how to create an answer file.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks a bunch!



reg file? or autoit?

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Guest slimbyte

Here it is my solution!

I used Orca tool from Microsoft to analyze LogMeIn.msi, and I found a lot of properties and conditions there! The correct command line is the following:

logmein.msi /quiet USERPASSWORD=pcpassword USERVERIFYPWD=pcpassword USEREMAIL=email@email.com USERWEBPASSWORD=password LicenseType=free

You will get LogMeIn installed, but will fail to register computer into specified email/pass account! This happen because LogMeIn Free msi is built to not allow an quiet or passive deploy!

I noticed into logmein.msi that some actions are executed on Next Button click, instead on InstallExecuteSequence, or if UILevel=2 (normal window)!

So, here it is my "fix":

Use Orca to edit LogMeIn.msi as follow:

1. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find LMIDeployCookieReg action and change condition

from: UILevel=2 AND UPGRADEPRODUCT<>1 AND InstallMode<>"Remove"

into: UPGRADEPRODUCT<>1 AND InstallMode<>"Remove"

2. on InstallExecuteSequence table add following 3 actions:

action: GetLMIRegistrationCookie condition: NOT Installed sequence: 3710

action: LMIGetLicense condition: NOT Installed sequence: 3730

action: LMIGetLicenseForProfile condition: NOT Installed sequence: 3720

3. on Property table change following properties:

find LICENSETYPE property and change value from: IT into: free

find LicenseType property and change value from: IT into: free

3.i. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find CreateUserSetProperty action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

3.ii. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find CreateUser action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

4. save LogMeIn.msi and try again command line:

logmein.msi /quiet USERPASSWORD=pcpassword USERVERIFYPWD=pcpassword USEREMAIL=email@email.com USERWEBPASSWORD=password LicenseType=free

From here you can build your own custom installer! If you are familiar with Inno Setup Compiler, here it is an example:

[size=1]; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.

#define _AppName "Customized LogMeIn"
#define _AppVer "3.00.606"
#define _AppPublisher "LogMeIn"
#define _AppUrl "http://www.logmein.com"
#define _AppSetup "LogMeIn"

#define LmiUsrMail "email@email.com"
#define LmiUsrPass "password"
#define LmiPCCode "pcpassword"

AppName = {#_AppName}
AppVerName = {#_AppName} {#_AppVer}
AppPublisher = {#_AppPublisher}
AppPublisherURL = {#_AppUrl}
AppSupportURL = {#_AppUrl}
AppUpdatesURL = {#_AppUrl}
OutputDir = .
OutputBaseFilename= {#_AppSetup}
Compression = lzma
SolidCompression = yes

AppVersion = {#_AppVer}
VersionInfoCompany = {#_AppPublisher}
VersionInfoCopyright = {#_AppPublisher}
VersionInfoTextVersion = {#_AppVer}
VersionInfoVersion = {#_AppVer}

WizardImageFile = files\SetupModern16.bmp
WizardSmallImageFile = files\SetupModernSmall16.bmp

CreateAppDir = no
CreateUninstallRegKey = no
UpdateUninstallLogAppName = no
Uninstallable = yes
DisableDirPage = yes
DisableReadyMemo = yes
DisableProgramGroupPage = yes
DisableReadyPage = yes

Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"

Source: "files\_logmein.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall

Filename: "{tmp}\_logmein.msi"; Parameters: "USERPASSWORD={#LmiPCCode} USERVERIFYPWD={#LmiPCCode} USEREMAIL={#LmiUsrMail} USERWEBPASSWORD={#LmiUsrPass} LicenseType=free /quiet"; StatusMsg: "Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ..."; Flags: waituntilterminated shellexec

And that's it!


Edited by slimbyte
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I read this post with keen interest. I use logmein free on my client computers and would like to add the installer to run silently from my website or with another installer.

I am going to have a look at the solution provided but in advance I have this query.

When you install logmein (normally) you are are sometimes asked to provide an access code which is requied to access the computer forever after. If you are not asked for an access code you need to know the local user name and password. Is they a way of forcing a specified access code silently?



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Guest slimbyte

When you install logmein (normally) you are are sometimes asked to provide an access code which is requied to access the computer forever after. If you are not asked for an access code you need to know the local user name and password. Is they a way of forcing a specified access code silently?



I just changed the original post and added 3.i. and 3.ii.!

So, to force creation of LogMeInRemoteUser just change logmein.msi as following:

3.i. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find CreateUserSetProperty action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

3.ii. on InstallExecuteSequence table, find CreateUser action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"


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  • 2 weeks later...


I am getting the following error when trying to run logmein as suggested above after making the changes using orca to original msi, this is being logged in the event log and logmein does not install.

Product: LogMeIn -- Error 2356.Couldn't locate cabinet in stream: data.cab.

any ideas ?


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I am getting the following error when trying to run logmein as suggested above after making the changes using orca to original msi, this is being logged in the event log and logmein does not install.

Product: LogMeIn -- Error 2356.Couldn't locate cabinet in stream: data.cab.

any ideas ?


I get the same error. :( Anyone have an idea on what we are doing wrong?

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  • 1 month later...

I am getting the following error when trying to run logmein as suggested above after making the changes using orca to original msi, this is being logged in the event log and logmein does not install.

Product: LogMeIn -- Error 2356.Couldn't locate cabinet in stream: data.cab.

any ideas ?


I've just tried to do this as well, and I think the problem is Orca. Just opening logmein.msi and saving it as a new file name results in a drop from 8.somethingMb to 3.2Mb. If I make the changes suggested, the output file is under 2Mb.

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  • 2 months later...

I am getting the following error when trying to run logmein as suggested above after making the changes using orca to original msi, this is being logged in the event log and logmein does not install.

Product: LogMeIn -- Error 2356.Couldn't locate cabinet in stream: data.cab.

any ideas ?


I've just tried to do this as well, and I think the problem is Orca. Just opening logmein.msi and saving it as a new file name results in a drop from 8.somethingMb to 3.2Mb. If I make the changes suggested, the output file is under 2Mb.

I think I have figured out the problem you all are having. For the good of all humanity, I shall share my hard gained wisdom ^_^.

Camelot_One was close. When you open LogMeIn.msi with Orca and make the correction and then save, the new copy is much smaller. Thats because when Orca saves an msi under a different name, it DOES NOT save the .dat files contained within it to the other file. SOLUTION... Make a copy of LogMeIn.msi, then edit the COPY with Orca. When finished, hit save NOT SAVE AS.

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Wow, I could have sworn I posted an update on this. You are absolutely correct, as long as you use "Save As" to the same file, Orca works just fine.

In my trial and error, I've also learned that if you try to build your new "Free" msi off of the IT Reach Trial msi, the file works just fine.....until your trial date passes, after which it fails to register on install. I've mostly confirmed that the issue at hand is the Properties: DeployID line, which is different between the Trial, Full, and Free copies.

Once my trial period had expired, I downloaded the Free .msi and ran the above changes, everything works flawlessly. It's possible I had the option to get the free.msi all along, but I seem to remember during the trial it only offered the trial version, which then had to be changed to free.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a great thread. I tried it and it didn't work. but it did some playing arround and discovered that if you add those command line properties to the Properties table with orca, then you just run the command as LogMeIn.msi /passive, it works. I haven't tried it using a policy yet but it looks promising.

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This is a great thread. I tried it and it didn't work. but it did some playing arround and discovered that if you add those command line properties to the Properties table with orca, then you just run the command as LogMeIn.msi /passive, it works. I haven't tried it using a policy yet but it looks promising.
What was it that didn't work? Did the installer fail? Or did it just fail to register with the website?
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This is a great thread. I tried it and it didn't work. but it did some playing arround and discovered that if you add those command line properties to the Properties table with orca, then you just run the command as LogMeIn.msi /passive, it works. I haven't tried it using a policy yet but it looks promising.
What was it that didn't work? Did the installer fail? Or did it just fail to register with the website?

mind you I did not spend a whole lot of time to diagnose it, but just would get an error that my login information was incorrect trying to register to the website. I double checked my input and it was correct so I just thought I would give it a try adding those rows to the properties table and it worked like a champ. I used the /qn parameter on it and user never saw a thing and it installed beautifully. What would be great is if someone knew the rows to edit the description that the program uses for the host and also any rows that could disable the box at the end that shows up on the client saying that the computer is not accessible remotely.

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