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Which AM2 CPU Cooler?


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Looking for opinions/advice for a CPU Cooler for an AMD 3600 Brisbane, board is Biostar TF7050-M2, case is Antec Super Lanboy. Also I prefer lower noise over cooler temperatures. Currently considering the Scythe Ninja because it sounds like I might be able to go passive and just have the lone 120mm fan in the Seasonic PSU immediately above it.

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I own the antec super lanboy case... overall i'm still happy with it 2 years later. It's compact yet it is somewhat roomy on the inside. The 120mm fans they include are suprisingly quiet (for oem fans).

couple downsides:

1. the USB ports on the front have little white plastic seperators (you can see them in this photo) After a lot of plugging and unplugging usb devices in, I broke one of them, which essentially rendered my bottom port useless because there's nothing to slide the USB connector against.

2. If you want to use the front mic/headphone jacks, you either need to buy a splitter, or not use the front as it's basically an extension cable to go from the front to the back. That's fine for people who exclusively use it as a LAN box (to whom this product is marketed), but for those who don't want to cart it around, you're better off buying a splitter.

Also, be careful, extra long power supplies may interfere with your cd-rom drives because the case isn't that deep.

like i said, I like the case alot, even with those couple caveats. If I had to buy another case, I'd still have a hard time not choosing the super lanboy

Edited by rendrag
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^ Well I've actually owned this Antec Super Lanboy for about 2.5 years, I am just upgrading/replacing what's inside.

Someone broke the front USB ports on mine, but I just emailed Antec and they shipped my new ones at no cost. Not difficult to replace.

My front panel audio connects to an onboard header, it has 7 pins. Anyways back on topic. :)

Yeah the Ninja looks the best so far for what I want: quiet cooling. The Scythe Mine is better in terms of cooling, but requires a higher RPM fan. The Thermalright Ultra 120 is marginally better and is ridiculously priced. I am going to try the stock hsf and then buy the Ninja, unless something changes my mind, shortly.

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I was previously using an AMD Athlon 64 3700+ (2.2 GHz). I have a Scythe Ninja running fanless. When idle, I can touch the Scythe and it will be cold. During load, it is luke warm. It's size puts it close to the rear fan so the warm air is quickly ventilated out. CPUs are supposed to handle approximately, what, 65C? Mine's usually 40C. I say screw the fan. :)

I have recently upgraded to a Dual Core 3800+ that I overclocked from the stock 2.0 to 2.4 GHz. I did this because my friend who previously owned it and gave it to me free for my birthday has the same mobo and RAM as me ran it OCed in Prime95 for 200+ hours with no errors. That says rock solid to me.

Anyway, back on topic, look into your options. Research, read what intelligent people have said, monitor your current temps and see what the max temp tolerance is, and decide whether you really need a fan.

Some people will only recommend a part if it is able to cool their system the most.

"38C, 38C, 38C, 37C! I'll take #4 and the rest are garbage."

Give me a break. You want ultimate cooling? Use liquid nitrogen! Let's get practical and sensible here. ;)

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My Xp 1600+ Ahtlon ran at 60c for about 2-3 years and I never had problems with it :) (no oc) so yea, I can say anything under 60c is ok

Btw, it's HUGE! How heavy is it? 5kg? isn't it riping the mobo bolts lol :lol:

Edited by Messerschmitt
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